Fitness Training Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) with Stéphane

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  • Fitness Training Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) with Stéphane

Fitness Training Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) with Stéphane Stéphane is a Certified Personal Trainer, a Certified Triathlon Coach and an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner with years of experience in the fitness industry.

You will be in good hands!

4-minutes full body workout for the year of the Dragon. Happy New Year everyone! And stay healthy!

4-minutes full body workout for the year of the Dragon. Happy New Year everyone! And stay healthy!

In this 4 minute TABATA workout, you'll be working your entire body hard in an intense workout. This HIIT workout for runn...

Juice up like an athlete! 3 things coaches recommend to champions. In this video: dosages, timings, all accessible from ...

Juice up like an athlete! 3 things coaches recommend to champions. In this video: dosages, timings, all accessible from your kitchen cabinet or your corner supermarket!!! Research and studies linked in the video description...

you run faster without training more is what's we're answering today, based on the latest research on the topic, a...

Bulletproof knees! Prevent arthritis and other unpleasant things and stay strong!!!

Bulletproof knees! Prevent arthritis and other unpleasant things and stay strong!!!

Knee pain during your runs and after? And it doesn't go away? Perhaps all you're missing is a quick and easy exerci...

Cadence, stride length, does it matter? YESSSS. Let's find out why!!!

Cadence, stride length, does it matter? YESSSS. Let's find out why!!!

striding and low cadence can cause back pain, so can this: You might have heard that...

How can you be sure if your legs have fully recovered for your run, after a marathon, an injury or even just a break? Is...

How can you be sure if your legs have fully recovered for your run, after a marathon, an injury or even just a break? Is it too soon? Find out with 4 simple tests. To do one after the other, once you've passed the first, do the second and so on. Good luck and a massive CONGRATULATIONS to all participants of the Da Nang Marathon!!!

Hope this helps! And a massive congratulations to all of you who participated yesterday in Da Nang!!!

worse than going for that test run just to have to quit half way because those legs weren't ready or to resume r...

Extreme measures in Vietnam 😭😭😭. And it might last for a while. So I bought a treadmill 😱. For those in Vietnam, I highl...

Extreme measures in Vietnam 😭😭😭. And it might last for a while. So I bought a treadmill 😱. For those in Vietnam, I highly recommend, if you miss running and you can afford it. It's a Xiaomi Kingsmith R2 for 11.500.000VND, foldable, up to 12kmh and so far, it's working well!!! It was also delivered in 1 day... I am not affiliated with Xiaomi at all and make no money from this, it's not an ad 😀.

Aaaaanyway, I'll be using this treadmill in today's video to demonstrate how to increase your cadence, for less injuries. This is not the usual method of slowly trying you increase by 5%, which many I know have given up on. This is a protocol based on a recent research paper, please try it! Let me know if it worked for you!!!

Have a wonderful week ahead and if in Saigon, stay safe and be patient. There is nothing we can do but wait...

Please feel free to comment if you have questions. Really hope this can help some of you!

Subscribe to this channel for more health tips to help you run away from injuries!

Check out my therapy page

too low runners tend to have a lower cadence. While this does not mean anything particularly wrong, there are p...

Bulletproof abs are one thing, but avoid hurting yourself on the way. Find out what these 3 exercises might do to your b...

Bulletproof abs are one thing, but avoid hurting yourself on the way. Find out what these 3 exercises might do to your back and your running form, if you are a runner.

's great that you are exercising your core. The pelvis stabilizers are essential for running and they do get weak over time, s...

Your glutes can become inactive and lazy, even if they're strong!!! So maybe they're not working when you're running and...

Your glutes can become inactive and lazy, even if they're strong!!! So maybe they're not working when you're running and other muscles are trying to do the job instead 🙁

Good morning runners!!! Hope you all had an amazing festive end of week and recovery weekend!

In today's video, 2 tests to understand why your glutes could be sleeping, and 3 exercises to fix it!!!

Please feel free to comment if you have questions. Really hope this can help some of you!
Glutes strength tests (3 levels of difficulty) here:
Subscribe to this channel for more health tips to help you run away from injuries!
Check out my therapy page

if your glutes were strong (you've tested them), but only when you're paying attention to them? What if they s...

So you're stuck with Plantar Fasciitis. Should you take a complete rest for a few weeks? Or should you run despite it? W...

So you're stuck with Plantar Fasciitis. Should you take a complete rest for a few weeks? Or should you run despite it? What are the best practices?

Good morning runners! Hope you're have an amazing weekend so far. In this week's video, I want to address something that I see all to often for any injury: taking a full break after an injury and trying to go full on after a few days of rest. You are generally better of with softer transitions, like lowering the intensity of your runs, and working on your technique and your weaknesses, as you body (in this case your foot) recovers. A break from running does not mean a break from everything running-related!

You'll find technique related exercises and therapeutic exercises in the video! Enjoy!!!

Subscribe to this channel for more health tips to help you run away from injuries!

Let me know in the comments if you're getting better with this! Or ask questions on my Safe Motions page:

Really hope this can help some of you!

Check out our video for calf and Achilles tendon massage ball rolling! Studies demonstrate over and over that the Achilles tendon has a role to play in Plantar Fasciitis

Check out my therapy page

Plantar fasciitis is just the worst and you can't wait to go running. But is it going to make the pain worse or l...

Let's keep on educating ourselves! Can't wait to lead this workshop this Saturday!

Let's keep on educating ourselves! Can't wait to lead this workshop this Saturday!

Link đăng ký:
📍Có không ? - những lần các bạn PT chúng ta luôn gặp khó khăn để tương tác với khách hàng trên máy chạy bộ.
📍Có không ? - chúng ta luôn bắt đầu cuộc trò chuyện bằng những lời hỏi thăm sức khỏe mà khách hàng cũng chẳng mấy quan tâm.
📍Có không ? - khi PT chúng ta phải công nhận phần lớn thời gian khách hàng của chúng ta luôn là ở máy chạy bộ.
Hãy thành thật một chút ! Vì đôi khi phải thừa nhận một điều rằng chúng ta những PT thật thụ động và cảm thấy không hiệu quả khi nói chuyện với khách hàng khi họ đang tập Cardio trên những chiếc máy treadmill.
Vậy lần đầu tiên Nutrifort sẽ thực sự giúp các bạn phương pháp tập luyện chuyên môn và cách tương tác hoàn hảo khi khách hàng đang sử dụng treadmill. Hãy tưởng tượng đến những gương mặt kinh ngạc của khách hàng khi PT chúng ta cho họ thấy “máy chạy bộ” có ma lực thao túng khôn tưởng như thế nào. Lần đầu tiên tiến sĩ Stephan sẽ giới thiệu một cách tương tác hoàn toàn mới trên máy treadmill và thực sự tỏa sáng trong cuộc trò chuyện với Khách Hàng.
🎫Mục Tiêu Buổi Học:
☑️Điều chỉnh tư thế và mức độ an toàn khi sử dụng máy.
☑️Khởi động, tập luyện và giãn cơ trên máy chạy bộ.
☑️Các phương pháp phòng tránh chấn thương trên máy chạy bộ.
☑️Tạo được bản kế hoạch tập luyện như một buổi tập 1-1 kể cả với máy chạy bộ.
☑️Xây dựng mục tiêu khác nhau của khách hàng trên máy chạy bộ.

🎫Nội Dung:
1️⃣ Bài kiểm tra 20 giây tư thế tỉnh trước khi sử dụng máy chạy bộ.
2️⃣ 3 kỹ thuật warm up độc quyền theo tiêu chuẩn quốc tế trên máy chạy bộ.
3️⃣ Phương pháp quản lý tốc độ và nhịp tim của khách hàng.
4️⃣ Bảng checklist 9 mục tiêu trong buổi tập cardio với máy.

Hãy để câu chuyện của chúng ta và khách hàng luôn bắt đầu bằng lợi ích và kiến thức của họ!
🤵WorkShop By Stéphane Laporte D.O. (Eur) - Có phiên dịch viên
📍Tiến sĩ - Đại học quốc gia y học, khoa học Tây Ban Nha.
📍Chuyên gia nắn xương, viện quốc gia nắn xương chỉnh hình.
📍Chứng chỉ HLV cá nhân tại ACSM. (The American College of Sports Medicine)
📍Chứng chỉ HLV bộ ba môn thể thao phối hợp tại ITCA
🏘 Địa điểm: 18 Trần Thiện Chánh, P12, Quận 10
⏰ Thời gian: 08:30 ngày 24/10/2020
⚱️ Phí tham dự: 500.000 VNĐ / người (miễn phí cho học viên cũ Nutrifort) giới hạn 20 người.
Link đăng ký:

Get it right! Stride length and cadence, the right numbers...

Get it right! Stride length and cadence, the right numbers...

You might have heard that the higher your cadence, the better for your joints. Or that the longer your stride, the bet...

Safe Motions advice on keeping your Achilles tendon pain free!Subscribe to the channel to make sure you don't miss out.....

Safe Motions advice on keeping your Achilles tendon pain free!
Subscribe to the channel to make sure you don't miss out...

Of all the running injuries that I see in my practice, Achilles tendonitis (or tendinitis) is probably one of t...

Are you using your foam roller and massage tools right? Our latest video is up! Find out there...

Are you using your foam roller and massage tools right?
Our latest video is up! Find out there...

When should you use a foam roller, wouldn't massage relax the muscle thus reduce power for your run if you did it before? What ...

Hey runners, just wanted to share some tips with you. Did you know you could prevent injuries and improve running mechan...

Hey runners, just wanted to share some tips with you. Did you know you could prevent injuries and improve running mechanics with... better shoe lacing?!?

We've just posted a video on some proven shoe-lacing techniques to make you a better and safer runner. Please check it out and let me know your thoughts!

It's a fresh new channel that's still work in progress, but I'm hoping it will help us stay away from injuries, so any feedback would be most welcome!

Subscribe so you don't miss out. We'll talk foam roller, massage balls and rolling pins next week!

Advanced Shoe Lacing Techniques? Is there such a thing? In this video, you'll learn all about the "runner's loop" a...

Hey you fitness addicts to be (or existing)! We've just opened a fitness channel to help you stay injury free and fix an...

Hey you fitness addicts to be (or existing)! We've just opened a fitness channel to help you stay injury free and fix any pain muscle or joint pain you already have!

This channel is for YOU, so let me know what you'd like to learn about and what injuries you'd like to get the fix for!

Details below, and link here:

Own your body, push your limits and stay safe!!!

A channel dedicated mainly to runners, to help you recover and prevent injuries through self-treatment tips and tricks. Stéphane is a registered Osteopathic ...

The trendy HIIT exercises caused an increase of sports injuries by 144% in 5 years. Choose your exercises well, and incl...

The trendy HIIT exercises caused an increase of sports injuries by 144% in 5 years. Choose your exercises well, and include them in an overall well designed and adapted fitness program, to avoid getting hurt!

J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2019 Jul;59(7):1206-1212. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.19.09407-6. Epub 2019 Feb 12.

Home made   anchovies and spinach quiche. I added some salmon and sundried tomatoes to the mix. The almond powder crust ...

Home made anchovies and spinach quiche. I added some salmon and sundried tomatoes to the mix. The almond powder crust is just pressed into the pan, it takes 5 minutes to make the dough. Healthy has never tasted so good! Mind the calories though, I had two of those for myself, couldn't stop... Stay in control and stay fit!!!

Amazing moments as a lead bicycle in Hong Kong at the    making sure runners are safe. Especially for the  , where havin...

Amazing moments as a lead bicycle in Hong Kong at the making sure runners are safe. Especially for the , where having 100+ energy packed little people chasing me gave me quite the pressure!!! Thanks for the fun!

      (in my opinion of course) homemade bread. I was in dear need of bread, couldn't be bothered to go out to get some ...

(in my opinion of course) homemade bread. I was in dear need of bread, couldn't be bothered to go out to get some (most breads in my neighborhood are full of chemicals and gross), so I looked up a recipe to make low carbs tacos in 5 minutes. Loved how easy it was. Tasted OK. But that was enough for me to dig deeper into this world of tasty healthy low carbs breads! If you have some of your own, please share some photos!!!

My sad attempt at making Remy's ratatouille from the animation Ratatouille... With the blurry non-plated version (sorry)...

My sad attempt at making Remy's ratatouille from the animation Ratatouille... With the blurry non-plated version (sorry). Will do better next time!!! At least it tasted good.

Stay fit! Stay healthy! Fix your body for its ultimate performance. Learn to stay fit and strong for 2019 with 5 tips th...

Stay fit! Stay healthy! Fix your body for its ultimate performance. Learn to stay fit and strong for 2019 with 5 tips that will help you push your limits!!!

What really makes us fat finally tested!!! With mice... ... ...

What really makes us fat finally tested!!! With mice... ... ...

Researchers have been debating for a long time whether it is fat or carb intake that leads to obesity. A new study claims it may have settled the issue.

Home-made ostrich burgers! I find ostrich meat great, lean, high in protein and I believe healthy. Made a mess in the ki...

Home-made ostrich burgers!

I find ostrich meat great, lean, high in protein and I believe healthy. Made a mess in the kitchen, but it was worth it. Didn't have any tomatoes or lettuce in the fridge so I had to make do with cucumbers with olive oil seasoning and chili flakes. I also had a gherkin. Just one.

Calories: 740kcal per burger (15g carbs, 55g proteins, 27g of fats mostly from the eggs and the olive oil, so if you don't like fat, remove the eggs! - there is an egg in the patties to help keep the meat together, so it's a total of 3 eggs in that recipe.)...

Bon appétit!

Thought I'd post one of my meals... Most unattractive food pic out there, sorry, I'm new to this :( Grass-fed beef strip...

Thought I'd post one of my meals... Most unattractive food pic out there, sorry, I'm new to this :(

Grass-fed beef strip steak seared in my cast iron pan (150g), home-made sweet potatoes (130g) and avocado mash (half avocado). The mash stores really well in the fridge for the following days.

Simple, 15 minutes cooking tops, about 450 calories. Yummier than it looks!

No foam roller? Get some tennis balls!

No foam roller? Get some tennis balls!

Therapy for the 2016 Champions of the Australian Rules Football Asian Championship, against Singapore. Spectacular day!!...

Therapy for the 2016 Champions of the Australian Rules Football Asian Championship, against Singapore. Spectacular day!!! Well done to the Philippine Eagles

Congrats to David Shin and Sporting Republic for the Bronze Award of the Sports CSR Initiative of the Year

Congrats to David Shin and Sporting Republic for the Bronze Award of the Sports CSR Initiative of the Year



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Our Story

Stéphane has been a personal trainer and a sports coach for over a decade. But he is also a registered manual Osteopath, currently working in one of the city’s largest hospital. With that care-giver’s approach, Stéphane will train you in Ho Chi Minh city to get you at your healthiest, strongest ever, in the safest way possible, according to your needs. His training methods are fun and unique, combining fitness techniques that are adaptable for any type of body for a wide span of objectives, whether it be rehabilitation after injuries, weight loss, performance improvement or body building. With a nutrition plan adapted to you, the fitness program that Stéphane will tailor make according to your needs and the time you can dedicated to fitness will guaranty the results that you have bee looking for, for so long. Ultimately, your dedication and hard work will bring you there, but Stéphane, as a personal trainer and as a person, will keep you motivated and on the right track. You will be in good hands! And remember, your health is your biggest asset.