"But most of all I'm addicted to how some souls have outgrown, evolved and reshaped through the years." 📍Rome, Italy instagram.com/elallasola
And she said, "I don't get fascinated with things, with words, but I do get impressed by special moments, people's scars, by the shine in someone's eyes when they see something or someone they love, by what story lines made the shapes of a human character, of how that tiny incident left a remarkable trace and what made that huge trauma pass like it never happened, I'm a fan of what's behind that smile, that hidden sadness, that ironic melancholy, of the silent screams and that amazing unexplained joy, what made that song touch that person than any other, why that scene in a movie never fails to move his emotions, why those two souls found peace together, but most of all I'm addicted to how some souls have outgrown, evolved and reshaped through the years."
instagram.com/elallasola•elaljanelasola.com•Elal Jane