Learn from mistakes I made when I first started going to Disney!
1. Once upon a time, years ago, I really thought I was going to roll up to Ohana with no reservation. 🙈🙈 Also, I want to say, it’s taken a while to figure out where our family is happiest with how many table service meals we have in a trip. What’s perfect for us, may not be perfect for you. But I’m here to give you my opinion and also make those reservations for you at 60 days out. 😍
2. If you are going to pay for deluxe, make some time to enjoy that resort!! We only slept in our room at the first deluxe resort we stayed in and I hate we missed out on the value that was there! WDW resorts have so much to offer, so be sure to take advantage of them!
3. Take a look at park maps before your trip if you’re new to Disney! Peek again at the lay of the land on the bus ride that morning….you’ll thank yourself later! I’ve been turned around in Epcot more times than I’m willing to admit :::shudders:::
Planning with someone who has first hand experience means you benefit from my learning curve!