The Many Misadventures of the Fletchers

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The Many Misadventures of the Fletchers Rollercoasters, Furry Friends & Crazy Kids…join us on our adventures to infinity and beyond!!

What to do? What to do?…winter is a quiet time for theme parks, well theme parks in the UK anyways (pathetic). According...

What to do? What to do?…winter is a quiet time for theme parks, well theme parks in the UK anyways (pathetic). According to a completely reliable, 100% not made up source; UK theme parks back in the early 90’s used to work year round…a hive of activity in the winter months with the stoic British public favouring a ball tingling winter chill over the ball sweltering heat of the summer. Children and parents alike were hurtled through blizzards and tornados (well amber wind warnings) 100’s of feet in the air whilst ice rained down upon the foolhardy park goers gagging for the peak adrenaline rush only matched by an random Monday night soap opera cliffhanger. It seemed foolproof and quite the money maker…all until the 1999, where instead of money raining down, snow fell, temperatures plummeted and caused a ride malfunction, ceasing the stop mechanism… riders in the now defunct unnamed for legal reasons park were subjected to (and this is no exaggeration) roughly 10,015 consecutive loop-de-loops. Rumour is, by the time the well trained, not at all seasonal teenage staff finally managed to find the emergency stop button, the riders damage was already done, and the poor riders are still spinning to this day, destined to spend a lifetime in a tortuous twister. Damn, the subpar British weather had fu**ed it up for the lot of us…and ever since, UK theme parks only operate between March and November; well for the good rides anyways…CBeebies Land still reigns supreme, and Postman Pat takes his mantle of ‘King of Alton’…for 4 months at least.
Like I said…100% definitely not made up at all.

All this to say…this year, we’ve already been to a Zoo (I like Zoo’s, but not their biggest fan in Baltic conditions two consecutive weeks), and my imagination basically runs out past Zoos and Theme Parks, so bu**er it…lets do some shopping!!!

I’ll try to keep the over-embellished ‘truth’ to myself for the rest of this entry…maybe, let’s see how it pans out.

Yes, so with Florida firmly in our sights (🎶21 days to go🎶…anyone else read that in the stylings of the early naughties garage legends??…you know who they are), we’ve opted for a more chilled out, not travelling half the country for a change day out. To be fair, I needed a more chilled out day after being in Glangwili until the early hours securing the nectar of the Gods for Alaska…Comoxiclav; bloody brilliant 😞. All good though, let’s get a move on; I’ve already digressed more than usual.

Yes, so with jealousy filling my veins with thanks to Deb and Chris’ nifty new shelving system, we’re off to a place where ‘Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs’ is an actual weather pattern and the children grow up constructing cheaply made, mass produced furniture (I have either a Santas workshop vibe or a child labour camp vibe in my mind; hoping you all imagine the former). The land where once upon a time, we fleeced an over zealous company for a stack of chairs due to poor decision making on the store CEO’s behalf. We’re off to (I feel I’m building this up way too much)…IKEA!!! Disney for Swedes and basically anyone wanting a try before you buy experience of furniture…not the toilets though; don’t poo in the toilets. Common sense? You try telling Mags.

Ok, Mags in tow, and first hurdle is the lifts. We battle the multi storied labyrinth and finally concur mount meatball; not that Mags was any help, taking every opportunity in her brief 5 minutes in store to ankle tap 2 people, and main a small child. I really wish she’d at least feign remorse rather than burst out laughing every time she did it…that poor child may never walk again.

Right, have a word Dean…’Mags, sort your s**t out or it’s a residential home for you from now on’. Ok Dean, you boring bastard. Chill out Mags, you’ve become increasingly more unhinged since you turned 85 on Friday. You know what they say though…well I hope you do, because I certainly don’t.

Bloody hell, the kids were in awe of this place…’What is this miraculous Wonderland?’. IKEA Grayson, it’s a jazzy furniture shop. Ignore the Mad Hatter…that’s just your Grandmother. Honestly, you’d swear the kids have never seen a furniture before, the kids were loving life trying out every sofa, and soon had a ranking system in place that IKEA have now taken on board into their official tier system. It’s basically the smiley face pain scoring system, but for comfort. We’re currently locked in a legal battle to the rights of the review system, with the kids driving a pretty hard bargain, wanting 10 Flugenhiemers, 5 blaagenteims, and a lifetime supply of meatballs in exchange for the revolutionary idea…we’re awaiting the official response at time of writing…

Continuing the labyrinth, the kids take every opportunity possible to relax, p**s about, try out every chair, sofa, stool or toilet, and even take a shower…wait what??!! Yep, Alaska had decided to take a break from the hustle and bustle of shopping and go for a relaxing shower in IKEA’s bathroom district. Dry off Alaska, we have places to be.

Ahhh, the Cuddly toy district, basically exiting through the gift shop in any attraction, destined to cause fights amongst siblings and torture parents…just have the bloody £3 Panda Bears and get move on…we’re meeting Mam, Dad and Anya in about 10 minutes, and if lunch is delayed, then Anya is gonna kick right off…I still remember the time she took a bite out of Jordan’s toe for using all the butter in the house…she was 10 years old!!!

Phone goes…sure enough it’s Anya demanding to know our location and ETA…we had a date with a carvery, and the promise of masses of food was almost pushing her over the edge. I’ll be there as soon as I can…it’s not easy navigating the maze of cutlery, lights and fake plants going at the breakneck speed that Mags was travelling at. I think I saw a snail overtake us. To get fair, I forgot how massive this place was, and poor Grandma can barely manage a few steps before breaking down more than Benjamin (please tell me someone gets that joke?); today though, she proved that all the fainting, and illness she had…today she showed us that she is clearly making it all up. Last time I help her round Iceland.

Only 20 minutes late, we finally make it to carvery town…population; the entirety of Cardiff. Well it certainly felt that way…The Cedar Tree Farm (not a farm at all as it happens) was bloody rammed, and now filled with a hangry bunch of Fletchers ready to take on the judgemental carvery. What does that mean? Well…the queue for the meat was long and filled with people (mainly me) judging the punters choice of accompaniments…in essence I was just in a pure hunger rage at the 20 minute line for a few pieces of half decent meat and some under seasoned veg. Not quite Toby Carvery’s poor form…I actually really enjoyed this meal; despite my self loathing at the belly busting weight gain. Shame, shame, shame. The real shame is that I don’t have enough space left to indulge in one of their two foot tall cakes…honestly, they looked incredible.

Following several toilet runs from Mags and Grayson competing for the crown of ‘Top Bum’, the lesser known poo related competition, it was finally time to leave this place and head to fulfil a long time dream of owning a Costco card.

Costco madness ensued, and we leave Mags to supervise the kids whilst we run into Costco for a few minutes to hammer out the details and secure annual passes to a shop…hmm, not quite as fun as our Merlin passes, but just as expensive long term. My goodness, this place was manic, half hour later (and I think that’s underselling it) and 2 panic phone calls from Grayson later (he doesn’t trust Mags will stay alive (umm, awake, I mean awake) long enough for us to return clearly) we make it back. Tales of cameras not liking Jordan’s face enough to believe she could hold the honour of Costco card fell on deaf ears as Grayson retailed our return.

Right, load em up…we’re going in. Grayson fumes at taking the driver seat alongside Alaska in the shipping trolley, but better there than running around the shop on a free sample hunt. Oh, too late, Anya quickly flaunts her ability to sniff out free food like a prize Truffle Pig, sending Grayson into a frenzied rage at his confinement within the trolley. Bloody hell Grayson, we’re trying to pick out some snazzy go faster shoes to deal with Hagrids Rope Drop and all you five a s**t about is securing a bite sized portion of chocolate. Just go get enough for your sister and get back here…greedy bloody kid.

Fortunately, Anya departs to hunt for enough free samples to apportion a second meal, leaving Grayson and his immature sniffing abilities faltering. Thank God for that…I was having flashbacks to 2005 Florida where we suffered the rage of several food vendors whose sample plates we had cleaned several times over…ooops.

Spent way too much here…well, considering all I bought was shoes and cakes…bad times. Like bloody Disneyland for cafe owners intent on selling muffins for a 300% markup. Good business model to be fair…I know the scam, but I’ll still be purchasing my £3.20 blondie from Starbucks tomorrow.

Anyways…had enough, too full to hit up the cafe on the way out, let get the van filled with our Rum and shame muffins and head home. I’m bloody knackered, and Mags has ran the old person equivalent of an Iron Man…I’ve booked her in for her new tattoo to commemorate the occasion don’t worry.

Had a decent day, but bloody shattered now…oh and I never did get my bloody shelves from IKEA…raging!!!

Chill day shopping and carvery today…readying ourselves for Florida in 3 weeks time

Chill day shopping and carvery today…readying ourselves for Florida in 3 weeks time

We’re back baby!!! After two weeks of radio silence, we are on another misadventure.This time, braving the incoming yell...

We’re back baby!!! After two weeks of radio silence, we are on another misadventure.

This time, braving the incoming yellow weather warning for wind, rain, ice, volcanic ash and whatever else the met office can warn us about, and heading across the boarder. Across to a dark, dark place where monsters reside…Bristol. Great, as if I wasn’t going to be stressing enough about the overhanging trees and 40ft conifers that line our back garden in this s**tty weather. Hey ho, out of sight, out of mind…let’s hope for the best.

Oh, and well, I say monsters (giving poor Bristolians a bad name)…the monster population had increased exponentially by at least 1 since Anya decided to spread her wings and finally depart the breast of Saran and become a Midwifery student…I know I know, none of us thought we would ever see the day….Bristolians beware; Anya the Va**na Destroyer is about (a name she’d picked up through various nights out in Merthyr apparently…no idea why).

Let’s move on…its Alaska’s birthday weekend, and we are visiting The Wild Place/The Bristol Zoo Project…whatever they are calling it these days. The Ex sister Zoo had a glow up and has began taking center stage as the prime animal facility in Bristol…woooo.

Having spent a Friday at an adhoc party buffet for Alaska’s actual birthday; a party where Mags was on a mad one dancing half naked on Deb and Chris’ coffee table whilst Grayson blasted out ‘Cotton Eyed Joe’ on the old Karaoke and Chris chucked fistfuls of dollar bills at Mags to spur her on…Jordan had opted to sit out todays adventure in place of spending it with her favourite daughter…Elsa. Ahhh bu**er you, we’ve got cripples, monsters and Dad to hang with instead…step up the OG Fletchers!!

We’re early…what? How the hell did that happen??!! Guess a quick stop off at Cribbs Causeway for a bit of a 10 minute browse of half opened shops is in order. A bit of razzle dazzle from my pair of crazy children intent on getting stuck in the revolving doors of John Lewis (some say they are still revolving in the vacuum of John Lewis), and Alaska demanding she be the only person to descend the mall stairway. Yep, only 10 minutes, but 10 minutes of havoc and hell…why did I bother mun??!!

On command of Anya, demanding we arrive at the zoo post haste or face the firing squad for our delay, we make a move across the road to the zoo.

Cold, wet and windy…bloody hell what have we let ourselves in for…any why have Mags, and Mam come in fleece jackets…and why is Anya only wearing a hoody?? Great, guess well soon be spending an afternoon in Bristol Royal Infirmary with the trip suffering a not so mild case of hypothermia. Don’t fear guys, I’ve been binging real survival story podcasts lately…I know all the tricks to survive this.

The entrance was littered with families already fleeing, accompanied by children in fits of tears at the thought of staying the day in the dismal weather. A sea of tears added to the already heavy rainfall as Alaska looked in disgust…”absolutely pathetic, looks at those little babies cry…I bet they kiss their nappies too”. Brutal, but true that Little Loo. In retrospect,this should have been our omen to turn back and head for the warmth of Cribbs Causeway for the day…this was a sign of things to come. Yep you guessed it, at some point Anya would surely mirror this and succumb.

Right, hands are colder than an Arctic Explorer, and I’ve began to develop frostbite (damn Dean, you are not submitting this story to the damned podcast)…first stop of the day…Coffee (only my 3rd one today; it’s only 11am). Cafe is built for a solid 10 people maximum, and has bu**er all heating or seating…cakes looked delicious though. Machiattos, lattes, juice and tantrums…ahh I did wonder when these would start…blood calm down Anya!!
Arguing over an elastic band…why the hell not init, not like they’ve had (and I’m not exaggerating) about a million toys for Christmas and Alaska’s birthday…but yeah, give me that band or give me death!! Calm it you bunch of hoodlums, we’re here for a half decent day out…well between fighting for our lives in the monsoon.

Finally recognising her inability to walk upright for more than 6ft at a time, Mags had decided to play invalid for the day, and brought along a wheelchair. Good for my fitness levels; pushing Mags in one hand whilst juggling an umbrella in the other…and the flashing lights and boy racer style spoiler she had pimped it up with just made it an even more appealing investment. Bloody hell this is hard work…hold the umbrella Mags…no, don’t do that…it’s not a bloody jousting pole (yes I couldn’t think of the word ‘lance’), stop bloody skewering everyone; these kids have been through enough…they are already in turmoil at the horrible weather.

Delirium hits early…and sounds of ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ resonate around the perimeter of Bear Woods as Mags and Mam begin the principle stages of hypothermia (I know this on account of my recent podcast knowledge). Bloody hell, if the Bears had decided to temporarily break torpor, they’d soon be diving back for the safety of their beds. What have I done wrong? What crime did I commit? Is this my community service? Helping some residents of a care home around the zoo…nope, unfortunately Dean, no such luck, you’re stuck with this group of crazies on day release. To be fair, I probably fit in well…

High spirits quickly turn to dismay at the signs telling of Bears Woods being a 45 minute experience. The hell are you guys worried about, you’re both in wheelchairs, I’m the poor bu**er that has to push you the distance! Hey, as Hercules says though…’I will go the distance’. Strong similarities me and old Herc…incredible physiques and incredible singing voice; well the Disney version anyways…I hear the real version was less ‘Singy Singy’ and more ‘Murdery Murdery’.

Right, what the hell am I on about??!! Back to the day. Bear woods is a great sky walk through time in viewing platforms to see some incredible vast enclosures of Lynx, Wolverine (not the X Man), Wolves and Bears. Great to see that none of them decided to make an appearance today…well besides the wolf pack, which was awesome…even if Mam did refuse to see them because she’d ’seen one before’. Yes Saran, I’ve seen lots of animals before, doesn’t mean I walk around zoos with my eyes closed so I don’t collect too many repeat sightings. One and done…who needs to see an animal twice ey? 4 legs, 2 eyes, teeth and all that jazz…a wolf is a wolf…bu**er them. Chill out Mam, go back to singing your song, you’ll be back at the asylum soon enough.

*Crash*…I turn my back for 2 seconds and Alaska hijacks Mags and makes a break for the bear enclosure…using Mags as a makeshift battering ram and almost smashing the fence down. Fortunately the cold had cut off any sensation to Mags extremities so the complete mangling of her legs in the fence meant she was unfazed and ensured she continued her verse of ‘we’re going in a bear hunt’. This family really are crazy…it’s no joke mun.

Bear-ly Escaping Bear Woods (get it? Come on that’s hilarious)…we headed to the Basecamp explorer play area where Grayson inadvertently (so he says) made a kid cry on the merry go round, and I had some woman thinking I was stealing her child…yeah that’s the last time I help a crying child that fell down the stairs up off the floor. Time to move on before Anya gets accused of imitating a child to lure them…no, she really is that childish…get off the damned slide mun Anya!!!

Pizza stop…finally a bit of respite from the rain…well barely. We have shelter, but it’s still bloody freezing. The one downfall this place has is a lack of heated sheltered areas…even the restaurants are outdoor. 4 pizzas, 2 cheesy chips please…”better add another skin on fries Dean”…I don’t think so Dad…greedy bu**er. Fresh pizzas mean a long wait in the cold…most of us turn to a warm drink, Alaska turns to a pot of mayonnaise…my god, poor thing has the Fletcher gene well and truly imbedded in her…Anya, stop eating the other pot of Mayo!! Delicious pizza mind, probably could have done the additional chips too…Paul may have been right.

Ok so time to go home then yeah? I’m soaked through and I think Grandma is a downpour away from death. Mam has gained about a stone in weight at the water soaked into her coat and Anya has literally turned blue…We just wanna go home, but Grayson won’t let us; today is not fun. On the plus side though, I may be in line for an earlier than expected inheritance if Mags and Mam do succumb…got to look at the positives in it all I guess.

Animal count : 4 wolves, 2 magpies and a rubbish stealing squirrel. Good day so far…only been her 3 hours.

Mags once again hits delirium, wind surfing the wheelchair through use of the wheelchair and joining Mam in an ad hoc goggle fest…seriously, they may be seriously unwell. We persevere though and push through while Grayson watches in amazement as the Gelada Babboon has a celebratory w**k. I’m not kidding…Grayson was laughing his t**s off, and made us all go to see it; it was not as amazing as Grayson thought…

On to the walled gardens then…let’s get this over with…Mags once again joins Mam in a delirium induced laughing fit as they manage to somehow destroy Mags carriage for the day. Contemplating ditching them both and doing a runner, I somehow gain the composure to stick around before heading across the see some Meerkats enjoying a taste of good old British weather and watch Grayson display his sniper like eyesight and spot a Red Panda resting in a tree.

Quick warm up in the Giraffe house…why did we leave this so late in the day? Mags and Mam finally regain some level of post hypothermia sanity and Anya turns a more familiar shade of deep purple. Paul and Mags decided now is the time to strike…time to taunt the Giraffes and their sub 20ft stature…”look at him, the bloody short arse…you’re not very tall”…ooo sticks and stones Dad, you tell them…think I saw a single tear trickle down one of the Giraffes face as the keepers had to comfort them and reassure them that they were average height for their sub species…’ignore the nasty man…he’s not even 6 ft tall’.

Escorted from the Giraffe enclosure due to bullying (the poor Giraffe is now in su***de watch), we head to the Lemur walkthrough to finish the day…we park Mags up in the buggy parking zone (apparently no wheeled traffic is allowed in this area). Wait there Mags, don’t worry about the rain…I’ll be back in 10 minutes or so. Mags waits patiently whilst we explore the deserted Lemur walkthrough (guess the Lemurs find cold, wet weather unappealing or something). Yep, no Lemurs out today, sorry Mags, you’ve suffered for nothing…we did manage to spot a few Ring Tails in their indoor areas though…I was so jealous…they had a radiator and everything, all I had was a woolly hat and coat.

Grayson, fulfilled with his day finally allowed us to leave. We make our way to the exit whilst several zoo volunteers take pity on Mags, soaked and exposed to the elements whilst Grayson uses the umbrella I had given her as a stripper pole. Give that to Grandma Grayson!! “Oh it’s ok, he’s having fun”. Mags, he’s practicing for his future career by the looks, but at this moment, I think you need the umbrella a little more.

We finally get the umbrella from ‘Crystal Lake’ (Grays stripper name he is making us refer to him as), and finally get out the exit, avoid the gift shop and make it back to the warmth of the cars. Soaked, cold, covered in mud, we all had a good time regardless. Just hope Mam, Mags and Anya manage to avoid any long term health conditions as a result.

Cold, wet and windy…bad times

Cold, wet and windy…bad times

Happy birthday to our absolutely gorgeous special princess…Alaska Aurora. 4 today, where has the time gone? Love you so ...

Happy birthday to our absolutely gorgeous special princess…Alaska Aurora. 4 today, where has the time gone? Love you so so much beautiful ❤️

The countdown is on to our first Florida Trip of 2025…Mardi Gras here we come ❤️        #2025

The countdown is on to our first Florida Trip of 2025…Mardi Gras here we come ❤️ #2025

Only 34 more days until we’re back at our favourite place ❤️

Only 34 more days until we’re back at our favourite place ❤️

Book 2 has arrived!!! Love having my book of family memories

Book 2 has arrived!!! Love having my book of family memories


Elsa loving the snow last night 😂🐩

HO HO HO MERRY NEW YEAR!! Bloody hell, I cannot believe how quick the last week has gone. A week ago today it was Christ...

HO HO HO MERRY NEW YEAR!! Bloody hell, I cannot believe how quick the last week has gone. A week ago today it was Christmas Day, we were celebrating the kids apparent win at making the nice list and diving in and out of consciousness from lack of sleep and a pretty decent food coma. Even the no mans land between Christmas and New Year, where no one really knows what day it is and lawlessness ensues (we’ve all read about the great Pontarddulais Prawn Cracker fight of 2024 right?) has flown. Just like that…surprise bitches…it’s 2025.

Right, New Year’s resolutions…Jordan is gonna try pull a fairy godmother to her Elsarella and beautify her enough to win top bitch at Crufts (yeah, best of luck with that), Alaska is going to try be the first person in over 100 years to find a real life Unicorn, Grayson is going to try have a decent school attendance rate (an accomplishable feat you’d have thought, but we’ll have better luck with Alaska’s Unicorn hunt; poor bu**er gets a Tonsillitis related hammering over the winter months, that metaphorically butch slaps him from the schools good books), and I’m going to finally breach the worlds top 10 most handsome men. I mean, I’ve been hovering in the top 15 for so long, it’s about time I made a push for the big times…Chris Hemsworth, I’m coming for your crown. Mags?…well, she’s vowed to make it to 2026; though I think Jordan will have a better chance at her resolution, especially if Mags sticks to a diet of cake and cheap spirits.

Right, we can’t just sit around doing bu**er all today (not like we did that for New Years Eve or anything), it’s our last day off of the festive season, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend it sitting in the house drowning in the remnants of Christmas past, eating my depression away. How about spending £70 to p**s around at a trampoline park?…Perfect!!

That’s right Matthew (you must have got that reference), today we’re off to Jump Jam Trampoline Park!!!

Yes back again, it’s been a minute since we were last here. I haven’t been the same since my Brian injury last time out…Brian? Ffs brain…see, I’m still suffering the effects; this must be how Mags feels on the daily.

Despite Mags insistence that she had the energy of several coked up youths about to lay waste to Koolers on a Saturday Night in Merthyr, we opted to err on the side of caution and not allow an 84 year old access to a Trampoline Park. I wasn’t about to sign that waiver, and I’m not sure Jump Jams insurance policies cover Fracture Neck of Femur to an over exuberant pensioner hell bent on denying the reaper his prize.

Play it safe Grams, I’ll set you up with a coffee, you can just watch us and think of what could have been. Conveniently, as a result of pure good fortune we saved a quid on lockers and opted to employ Margaret’s Security detail for bag and shoe watch…I wouldn’t mess with her, she flails a stick better than Jon Snow flails a sword, and sharpens her dentures for extra bite power. Who needs a knife when you have detachable teeth ey?

Anyways, with the human version of Statler and Waldorf viewing from the stands, we set on our merry way to try our best to avoid injury and have a half decent time. Honestly, the jeers she was giving some of the kids attempting the warped wall was brutal. “Ha! Unlucky you little prick!!”…bloody hell Grams, Grayson in trying his best mun.

Speaking of which, nothing like a New Years Day 90 minute gym session to send you into a pit of self loathing. The warped wall? Completed it mate…well, the smaller one anyways. I have the upper body strength of Mr Tickle, and the stature of Jack Skellington (let’s keep it festive one last time). I can just about climb the stairs with my fitness levels…add a slight incline and a bit of upper body work and I’m bu**ered…reaper, stop chasing Mags; you may as well get me instead. To be fair, it was nice to see people much fitter than me, adorned in proper gym gear fail miserably…made my sore abs and sorer pride feel a little better; and I even joined Mags in a snide remark or two at their failure. Happy New Year…f**king losers!!

Ok, moving on for the disappointment, we had a lot of fun. I managed to dodge the wipeout arms relatively successfully…only stopping when I fell and flattened a 5 year old who was just trying to have fun. Listen kid, if you can’t play the game then bu**er off and let the adults show you how it’s done. Me, I’m the adult…show him how it’s done I did not.

Hiding from the inquest, of the family making their way around Jump Jam injuring and insulting children, and following a violent gladiatorial duel between Jordan and Grayson, we soon took refuge in the huge climbing frame play area. I was so pumped, I felt like The Warriors trying to make our way back home. The rival street gangs littered the park as we navigated the area. Grayson took out the Football Furries (a London based gang cosplaying as their favourite animals) and Alaska led the battle against the Bridgend based Orphans (a group of youths living under the Trampoline Park, cast aside by their parents). It was mad but we eventually cleared our name and chucked some unsuspecting kid under the bus so we could enjoy ourselves.

Right, gang warfare aside, we had great fun exploring and the 6 story play zone. Honestly, this place is great…some of the bridges are made of Perspex, giving the fun jeopardy of not knowing whether you’d make it beyond the middle of the walkway before the floor gives up on you. Grayson was absolutely s**tting it…Alaska was living her dreams of flight.

We rolled Jordan through some of those rolly things (if you know you know…if you don’t, well I have no other way to explain them) for a laugh…she got stuck and Grayson had a fabulous time experiencing how fun it is to fall face first from a platform 2 foot in the air…oh how he laughed…well not really, he was not best pleased…

Next, we hit up the 360 stripper poles and recreated Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking ball. Honestly thinking of taking up a new career in pole dancing…I mean, everyone wants to see me take my clothes off for money right? Magic Mike got p**s all on me…can he slowly slide down a spinning pole with awkwardly gangly legs and a weird look on his face? I think not. Ladies…please control yourself, I know that’s a powerful image right there.

Back down from the dizzying heights of the soft play, we next decided it was a good idea to take turns jumping off a 8ft ledge onto a giant bag of air…yeah, as fun as it sounds, and surprisingly daunting…well to Jordan at least. A wave of embarrassment sweeps the air as Alaska pushes her out of the way to leap to certain doom. Nope Jordan she’s perfectly fine…get your ass off that ledge. Oh and now Grayson is doing it, oh and now Alaska…and now Grayson. You get the jist. She’s eventually made it incase you were waiting with bated breath, but poor Alaska suffered a p**s take related ankle injury following her final attempt at making Mammy feel inadequate. Bounce it off little Loo, you’ll be fine. Hard as nails is little Alaska…I’d have been calling for gas and air and setting up a go fund me to pay for my recovery. To be fair, I did end up inuring my toes…I may have broken another few toes, taking my dodgy toe total on my right foot to a total of 3 if anyone is counting.

Dodgy feet aside it didn’t stop me and Alaska from conquering the climbing wall, all whilst Grayson made a friend turned accomplice in an effort to corroborate his bulls**t story of conquering the warped wall. Yeah yeah we all believe you Gray…honestly. Mags…did he do it? ah no good asking her, if I asked if Grayson invented Penecillin she’d sweat blind that he did just to go along with Grayson’s lies.

Thank god, 90 minutes are up…I’m bloody shattered; it’s been a hard year already.

Time for some food…bloody starving, or not. Pencoed Harvester had clearly been misguided in their guesstimate that people may want to eat food, and sent out mass panic texts to their bookings alerting us there was no food left. Seriously? Bloody madness mun. No fear, we were able to snag a reservation closer to home, somewhere that decided that people may want to eat in New Years Day.

Yep so, a quick shop, and a quick trip to Gowerton for some delicious food, complete with mounds of Blue Cheese sauce for little Alaska…she’s the Queen of Cheeeeese.

Had a great New Years Day to be fair…chilled out evening ready for the fun of work tomorrow…back at it.

Had a fantastic week off with the family and a great start to 2025!!



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