I've done some research, and I’ve found eight reasons why working beyond traditional retirement age is a healthy thing to consider:
Today, happy people want a diversity of experience and the ability to cycle in and out of work and play.
The “stop work” model of retirement may be harmful to one’s health, both physically and mentally.
Being “out of the game” means you are no longer seen as a player, and with that comes the loss of friends and events that you formerly enjoyed.
Traditional retirement brings a change in relationships, and, quite frequently, puts added stress on a marriage.
Once people, particularly high-achievers, retire, they can feel a loss of accomplishment and joy in getting work done.
It pays to keep working, and for many Boomers, there will be a need for additional income.
There’s a need to maintain some structure around one’s life, and some routines are worth keeping, such as leaving the house for work at least some days of the week.
Continuing to learn, and even going back to school, keeps you mentally and physically sharp