Celine's Nice by Heart

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Celine's Nice by Heart Private Tour Guide in Nice ☀️ www.nicebyheart.com 🌊 [email protected]

There are so many beautiful places to visit here ! and Perfectly Provence as published a new article full of the best id...

There are so many beautiful places to visit here ! and Perfectly Provence as published a new article full of the best ideas and information.. just for you ! ✨
If you like to read and know about Provence and French Riviera’s lifestyle and places to visit, I recommend you to subscribe to the newsletter. The articles are always rich in information and a pleasure to read ♥️

Whether this is your first trip to the French Riviera or you are a regular visitor to the Côte d’Azur, the only problem is overwhelming choices. Where should you start? In alphabetical order, we have highlighted ten (10) of our favourite places to visit along (or near) the coast. However, ...

Thank you Perfectly Provence for that wonderful and well detailed article about that morning spent together during my to...

Thank you Perfectly Provence for that wonderful and well detailed article about that morning spent together during my tour of the Old Town of Nice !


We only had a week in Villefranche-sur-Mer on the French Riviera, but we needed a lifetime. Born in Nice, Celine O’Donnell loves her city and has turned her passion into walking tours in Nissa la Belle. On a hot summer day, we joined Celine for a walking tour of Old ...

In 2019, when I started to be a tour guide in Nice, I knew that this activity would allow me to meet lots of interesting...

In 2019, when I started to be a tour guide in Nice, I knew that this activity would allow me to meet lots of interesting people and share lots of things with them.
But I didn’t imagined that I would meet some exceptional people, some of whom would touch my heart very deeply and inspire me in a lasting way.
Dr. Matthew King was one of my first clients and one of those people I've been lucky enough to meet over the last few years.

This morning, I read this interview with him on https://canvasrebel.com/meet-matthew-king/ and I want to share it with you all because i find it inspiring. It is a great way to start the year!

He talks about his life, his missions, the book he's written in the last years and his organization COMMON Foundation which support , promote and develop non-profit ideas and organizations for the benefit of people, the planet and peace.


Happy New year to all of you !
And let’s act everyday in every way to make the world better !

We were lucky to catch up with Matthew King recently and have shared our conversation below. Hi Matthew, thanks for joining us today. Let’s jump to the end – what do you want to be remembered for? Given that there are 8.1 billion people on the planet, I have no illusions regarding my legacy and ...

Villefranche sur mer 💙

Villefranche sur mer 💙

Rencontre avec un amoureux de la rade...
Tous les matins, en allant travailler, je le vois, aux alentours de 8h.
Qu’il fasse beau ou qu’il pleuve, été comme hiver, il est là, assis sur le muret, son casque sur la tête, son scooter garé juste derrière lui. Il regarde l’horizon… la rade.
Chaque jour je me répète « il faut que je m’arrête » et un matin, je me suis arrêtée.
Peur que ma démarche lui paraisse stupide, j’ai maintes et maintes fois tourné ces premiers mots dans ma tête au fil des jours, des semaines, des mois et même des années… Et ce matin, j’y suis allée direct, sans réfléchir, bien décidée à en savoir un peu plus sur cet amoureux de la rade : « Bonjour ! excusez-moi de vous déranger, mais ça fait des mois et des mois que je vous vois assis vers 8h sur ce mur, toujours le casque sur la tête et je me suis dit qu’un jour je m’arrêterai pour savoir ce qui vous passe par la tête, le matin, quand vous regardez la mer».
Jusque-là, je n’avais pas vu son visage … en conduisant ce n’est pas facile de bien observer. Je le découvre enfin. Il a gardé son casque, il porte des lunettes. Il me sourit. Il s’appelle Fabrice et il a 55 ans.
Il vient de Nice, et tous les matins, il s’arrête ici pour une pause avant de continuer sa route vers son travail. Je m’étais imaginée qu’il était livreur avec son scooter et sa caisse à l’arrière. En fait il est serrurier à Monaco.
« Mais vous vous arrêtez ici tous les matins ? Pourquoi ici ? »
Sa réponse est évidente « Parce que c’est une des plus belles rades du monde.. regardez comme c’est beau ! Vous savez, on a tous des problèmes dans nos vies.. La vie n’est pas toujours facile, mais quand je suis là, j’oublie tout ça, je regarde cette beauté et ça me fait du bien. Et ce, quel que soit le temps. Vous savez, la pluie, je connais. Ça me rappelle chez moi. Ca fait près de 35 ans que je suis à Nice, mais je viens de Lille…. Alors, le temps gris, les averses… ça ne me dérange pas.. Ca rajoute quelque chose au paysage….et puis parfois, il fait gris, mais il y a une magnifique bande de lumière, là-bas au fond sur la mer.. Et puis, regardez, à gauche, le soleil qui se lève, la lumière qui tombe sur le village ; ce n’est jamais pareil ! Ca fait un bien fou ! Dans ce monde où l’on vit, et toutes ces horreurs… il faut bien un peu de beauté pour résister… Avant, je prenais le train quand je n’avais pas de scooter... les gens dans le train regardaient par terre, leur téléphone…. Quelle erreur ! Le paysage est tellement beau, pourquoi ne pas en profiter ! Mais tout ça peut vous paraitre stupide…. »
Je souris.. ; « Non non, pas du tout, au contraire, c’est tellement vrai et c’est vous qui avez raison. Vous savez, tous les jours, je regarde les conducteurs des voitures que je croise sur ma route, tout le monde regarde la rade… je crois que l’on ne peut pas s’en empêcher ! »
Il poursuit « parfois, de la petite Afrique, juste après Beaulieu, on voit la Corse en hiver… J’ai mes petits coins où j’aime m’arrêter, un autre, un peu plus loin, au-dessus du petit port de Eze. Mais le plus bel endroit, c’est ici ! J’aimerais habiter à Villefranche – son regard se perd un instant vers le Mont Alban - Je me dis parfois que les gens doivent se poser des questions en me voyant. Certains me font des signes, des habitués, comme vous…. Ça fait près de 10 ans que j’ai cette petite habitude.. et si vous ne me voyez pas, c’est que je suis en vacances ! Ça me fait rire notre rencontre, je ne m’attendais pas à ça »…
Eh bien moi, si.. je dirais même que c’était prémédité, il fallait juste que j’ai le courage de m’arrêter.
Que rajouter de plus....



Best of Provence in November - https://tinyurl.com/38cajrcs As the season changes while this train (article and photo by Steve And Carole In Vence) is done for the year, there are plenty of things to do in the region. Read articles by Virginie In Provence about Black Friday, Toussaint and Halloween. Discover where to eat in NICE France - locals' tips from Celine's Nice by Heart and much more



Summertime is hot in the South of France, https://tinyurl.com/5n6bmwzc - a great excuse to cool off in the Mediterranean. However, plan to leave early to get parking and a spot for your beach towel. Read about living in Nice by Celine, the owner of Celine's Nice by Heart, the Mont Ventoux Biosphere Reserve by A Table en Provence. Virginie In Provence suggests restaurants to try. Check out the studio apartments in Beaumont-de-Pertuis and tours with Your Private Provence

Nice la belle 💙☀️

Nice la belle 💙☀️




Food Lover? You Will Love Nice on the French Riviera https://bit.ly/3Ejuasc - Local's tips by Celine's Nice by Heart, Explore Nice Côte d'Azur



Julia Child ❤️      🇫🇷

Julia Child ❤️ 🇫🇷

Quartier Libération by night 🌙💙

Quartier Libération by night 🌙💙

My favorite place for “apéro” in Nice ❤️

My favorite place for “apéro” in Nice ❤️

Nice 💙

Nice 💙

Deep blue sea, beautiful Mediterranean jewel, with your glittering waves.. When all this will be over, I will come by yo...

Deep blue sea, beautiful Mediterranean jewel, with your glittering waves.. When all this will be over, I will come by your side and celebrate life with you 💙

Another beautiful sunset on La prom’ 🙏🏻💙

Another beautiful sunset on La prom’ 🙏🏻💙


Un de mes musées préférés à Nice: le musée Massena ❤️

Today was a beautiful day of ☀️REDOUX☀️in Nice !I love that word « redoux », which in French literally means : re=again ...

Today was a beautiful day of ☀️REDOUX☀️in Nice !
I love that word « redoux », which in French literally means : re=again / doux=soft = soft again.
And is pronounced « Rrreudoo »
« Redoux » is a very short period of time during winter, usually in February or March, that can last one day to few days only, when the weather is suddenly much warmer and very sunny ☀️😎 Exactly like today !
It is believed by some locals that a hot wind is coming from North Africa and warming the atmosphere.
It feels like spring is already here.. but not at all.. it is not !
Usually after « le redoux », the cold always kicks back. Sooo, keep your jumpers and jackets near you in the next days 🙂
This is what is happening after redoux : because the sudden raise in temperatures makes the snow melt in the mountains causing a kind of thaw (you know that we have 3 skying stations near Nice of course 🙂), the melting snow is cooling the rivers and it is creating a cold wind that goes down from the high mountains to the cities, causing a return of the cold.
Here is what you will find in a French dictionary at Redoux:
nom masculin
Radoucissement de la température, dans une saison froide ; période pendant laquelle la température se radoucit.
Did you know that word ? 🙂
Would you like to learn more French words ? Should I tell you more ?

💙............................................................................... ❤️ 🇫🇷

The Old Town of Nice is full of little wonders to be discovered as we wander and look around... 👁 Like those cute hand k...

The Old Town of Nice is full of little wonders to be discovered as we wander and look around... 👁 Like those cute hand knockers, so delicate and mysterious!
These door knockers (heurtoirs in French) in the shape of a hand holding a ball were made at the 19th century. They can be seen everywhere in France and around the Mediterranean Sea. They are issued from the Judeo Christian culture.
The hand is occasionally made of brass but more often of iron. It emerges from a lacy cuff, often with a bracelet around it, and bears one – sometimes two – rings, although not always on the same finger.
I am sure that you too have noticed them walking around old towns and villages.. and maybe you asked yourself what they meant ?
They were used as a sign of protection and also symbolize the “welcoming”.
I wish you all a beautiful day and lots of wonderful discoveries ! ☀️

@ Heart of Old Town Nice

This is how my 3h Walking Commented Tour of the Old Town goes.. 🙂☀️Thank you for your beautiful and detailed review Josh...

This is how my 3h Walking Commented Tour of the Old Town goes.. 🙂☀️Thank you for your beautiful and detailed review Joshua ! 🙂💙
If you too would like to know more about Nice and to follow me through its picturesque and colorful Old Town, contact me for more info and booking 🙂 @ Heart of Old Town Nice


Filmed by my friend while on a tour ! 😅🤣 If you look well you can see a map on the table and a pen in my hand because I write on that map of my beautiful city many interesting facts and point at you must see places while I recount the whole fascinating history of the city 🙂 My tours start first at a cafe famous among locals and dear to my heart, then we will go on the walk through the picturesque Old Town ✨✨✨YES, I am your Guide ! Come to Nice and Follow me ! Let’s have a marvelous time together ! ✨✈️☀️🌴🌊⛰🥂🍾🥐 🇫🇷🌸✨

I am always amazed by the wide range of beautiful colors the buildings of Nice offer to the sight! And today I share wit...

I am always amazed by the wide range of beautiful colors the buildings of Nice offer to the sight! And today I share with you that « Faded Pompeian Red » ❤️ that can be admired on Place Massena.
Place Massena is the largest square in Nice and a must see for all visitors as it is one of the sites which concentrate the most stunning Neoclassical structures in the city, being bordered by buildings with impressive « pompeian » red facades. Furthermore, the square is just a short walking distance from attractions like Jardin Albert I, Opera de Nice and the Cathedral of Sainte Reparate located in the heart of the picturesque Old Town.
The history of that square goes back to the first half of the 19th century, when the local authorities wanted to embellish and extend the architectural landscape of the Vieux Nice.
Enjoy Nice ! Have fun ! Walk around and delight your eyes !

If you are looking for beauty in Nice, just look around and you will find it everywhere. You will also find it in museum...

If you are looking for beauty in Nice, just look around and you will find it everywhere. You will also find it in museums and my favorite one is the 💕 That place is a hidden Gem.. located in a beautiful area not very well known, peaceful, and full of very interesting buildings built in the 19th century. The Museum’s building itself is full of charm. Outside and inside. Easy to access, you can walk from the place Massena and be there in 20mn, or take the tram line 2 and get off at the stop called Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen (then walk up the stairs). @ Musée des Beaux-Arts Jules Chéret

There is Poetry everywhere in Nice. Living here is like living a never ending poem. I am always grateful for being born ...

There is Poetry everywhere in Nice. Living here is like living a never ending poem. I am always grateful for being born in such a pleasant part of the world. And I am ✨passionate✨ about sharing my enthusiasm and knowledge of it with travelers from all around the world ❤️


Welcome to Sunny Nice ! ☀️ Admire it’s perfect Azur blue sky and beautiful Mediterranean Sea 🌊! 🙂

I am proud to show you glimpses of my talented friend Lea Ginac’s show room and new creations.You can visit the Show roo...

I am proud to show you glimpses of my talented friend Lea Ginac’s show room and new creations.
You can visit the Show room by appointment only.
It is located in the must see and wander through Antic Quarter of Nice that you will find at the bottom of the Castle’s Hill, between Place Garibaldi and the harbor.
Village Ségurane - 28 rue Ségurane, 06300 Nice (to access the work shop you will have to enter in a small alleyway) BRAVO for these beautiful creations !! 💙👏🏻👏🏻
You can find more infos about Léa here :
💙............................................................................... ❤️ 🇫🇷 @ Village Segurane

Those clouds 😍💙☁️🙏🏻!                   After 7 beautiful years in London I decided to come back to live in Nice 15 years...

Those clouds 😍💙☁️🙏🏻! After 7 beautiful years in London I decided to come back to live in Nice 15 years ago because I missed being surrounded by Nature. I missed space and views with no end, I missed the sea, I missed being able to be part of the elements.. Everyday in Nice we can be surprised by Nature and its beauty. Even on rainy days like today. I feel blessed to be able to live in such a beautiful city.


Hello Hello ! I want to share with you the Majestic view of the sky and sea on a rainy day in Nice. Those clouds ! 😍💙


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00


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