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Walkabout Tours We help women connect with God through small group travel. We offer spiritual retreat and sightseeing tours throughout Europe.

Visit www.discoverwalkabout.com for the latest available trips.

I found this quote recently and have been thinking about it ever since. It pretty much sums up why I started Walkabout. ...

I found this quote recently and have been thinking about it ever since. It pretty much sums up why I started Walkabout. And why I want to keep going as long as God would have me do this.

I believe in the transformational power of travel.

I believe God can teach us many important lessons when we get out of our comfort zone.

I believe that women are empowered when they travel, either solo or with a small group.

I believe God is with us wherever we go, there is no need to fear.

These reasons and so many more are why I do what I do. And I’m grateful every day that I get to do this, even at my age! 😉😁

We have this one life, friends. What are you doing with it? 💕

Getting ready for Provence! So excited to return to this beautiful corner of France in September.

Getting ready for Provence! So excited to return to this beautiful corner of France in September.

Are you nostalgic about a place? I sure am!This past weekend we went to Door County, WI for a wedding. On our way out of...

Are you nostalgic about a place? I sure am!

This past weekend we went to Door County, WI for a wedding. On our way out of town, we stopped at the White Gull Inn for breakfast. This inn, that room, was where we spent our honeymoon 39 years ago.

We’ve been back to the White Gull several times over the years, and to Door County too many times to count. It always takes us back to those early days when we didn’t know what we didn’t know. (You know? 😉) And it fills our hearts with gratitude for what has happened in our lives over these past 39 years.

I’m so nostalgic about the White Gull Inn and glad we stopped for breakfast. (It was still just as good as it always was. I HIGHLY recommend a White Gull breakfast!)

Now tell me, what place makes you nostalgic?

39 years with this guy today. Funny how they let 10 year olds get married back in the 80s! 😂

39 years with this guy today. Funny how they let 10 year olds get married back in the 80s! 😂

On Wednesday we visited the villages of Bibury and Burford, two of the most quintessential Cotswolds villages. We visite...

On Wednesday we visited the villages of Bibury and Burford, two of the most quintessential Cotswolds villages. We visited the famous Arlington Row in Bibury and the church of St John the Baptist in Burford. I loved the monument to Henry VIII’s barber. 😂

Walkabout England 2024 takes on the Cotswolds. So much chocolate box goodness around every corner!

Walkabout England 2024 takes on the Cotswolds. So much chocolate box goodness around every corner!


When you travel,
A new silence
Goes with you,
And if you listen,
You will hear
What your heart would
Love to say.

A journey can become a sacred thing.

Make sure, before you go,
To bless your going forth,
To free your heart of ballast
So that the compass of your soul
Might direct you towards
The territories of spirit
Where you will discover
More of your hidden life;
And the urgencies
That deserve to claim you.


Excerpt from the blessing, "For the Traveler" found in his books:
To Bless the Space Between Us (US) / Benedictus (Europe)
Ordering Info: https://johnodonohue.com/store

The Burren
County Clare, Ireland
Photo: © Ann Cahill

To all the strong, fierce, intelligent, creative, beautiful women who have traveled with me so far . . . I admire each o...

To all the strong, fierce, intelligent, creative, beautiful women who have traveled with me so far . . . I admire each one of you. The way you have bravely stepped out to travel, sometimes with complete strangers, is an inspiration. You've shared your stories and your lives with one another, and it has been a beautiful thing to see you all continue to stay in touch and support one another.

I celebrate each one of you!! Happy International Women's Day!

Our Walkabout theme for this year is “Behold!” and today I came across a devotional by Jonathan Edwards that fit the the...

Our Walkabout theme for this year is “Behold!” and today I came across a devotional by Jonathan Edwards that fit the theme perfectly.

He goes on to say, “When we behold the light and brightness of the sun, the golden edges of an evening cloud, or the beauteous rainbow, we behold [a glimpse] of his glory and goodness; and in the blue sky his mildness and gentleness.”

Everywhere we look, there is beauty. And God made it all so that we could see his glory.

Where have you seen beauty today?

If there is one thing the Lord has taught me through Walkabout it is trust. Can I tell you something? I am terrible at s...

If there is one thing the Lord has taught me through Walkabout it is trust.

Can I tell you something? I am terrible at sales and marketing. Just terrible. It makes me feel queasy to even think about trying to sell anything, especially myself. But that's what I'm doing, in a way, when I ask women to join me on a Walkabout Tour.

Every year, when I introduce the next year's trips, I'm worried that nobody will want to go, that I'll have spaces open, or that I won't be able to cover the costs. I'm afraid that I've made some terrible mistake or that people will laugh at what I'm doing or that another pandemic will shut us down again. Whatever. I always think that this can't possibly work for another year.

But God . . .

He reminds me that this is his completely. I don't have to worry, and I certainly don't have to sell anything. He puts each group together so beautifully--I've seen it happen over and over again--and I have learned that he will do it again.

Today I am happy to announce that 8 months ahead of time, God has sold out the Provence trip. (England has been full for a while now, too.) As usual, I am in awe about what he has done.

I hope I make it clear that this business, ministry, whatever you want to call it, is not of me. It is totally of the Lord. He brings just the right women together. He arranges all of the details. And he watches over each trip to make sure they run smoothly.

Today I just want to say, soli deo gloria.

Here's your reminder that ONE SPOT still remains on our Walkabout Provence tour. September 14-21.                       ...

Here's your reminder that ONE SPOT still remains on our Walkabout Provence tour. September 14-21.

NEW POST: Ten Tips for Packing Like a ProIf you watched my Travel Tuesday video this week, I shared ten tips that will h...

NEW POST: Ten Tips for Packing Like a Pro

If you watched my Travel Tuesday video this week, I shared ten tips that will help you pack before you even start thinking about what clothes to bring. I've expanded my ideas in this blog post and shared a few of my favorite items for travel as well.

Head to the link below to read the full post.


Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!


Here are ten tips for packing . . . before you even put anything in your suitcase!

1. Use packing cubes! 😁

2. Organize your electrical cords.

3. Put air tags in each of your bags. ✈️

4. Only use a purse (or f***y pack or backpack) with a ZIPPER.

5. Pack for two weeks in a carry on bag. 🧳

6. Make sure your personal item is big enough. 😉

7. Bring a foldable tote for souvenirs.

8. Keep prescriptions, toothbrush, and an extra change of clothes with you on the plane.

9. Minimize your shoes. I only bring one pair of running shoes, one casual shoe (usually white tennis shoes), and one sandal or boot.

10. Minimize your toiletries. This is not the time to bring your whole extensive skincare regime. Face wash. Serum. Moisturizer. That’s enough.

Head to my website for more details and some of my favorite products.


Dessert anyone? 😋My philosophy is simple: Life is short. Eat dessert!Do you indulge in dessert when you travel? What's t...

Dessert anyone? 😋

My philosophy is simple: Life is short. Eat dessert!

Do you indulge in dessert when you travel? What's the best dessert you've had on a trip?

Chamonix, FranceWhat a great place to visit for a couple of days! We're not skiers, but we love to visit resort towns in...

Chamonix, France

What a great place to visit for a couple of days! We're not skiers, but we love to visit resort towns in the summer. So a couple of years ago, on our way to Provence, we drove up to Chamonix.

It's no exaggeration to say we fell in love. 😍

I love the Alps from every angle, but Chamonix is special because you can easily access three countries at once from this base: France (obvi), Italy (there's even a tram that can take you across the mountains to Italy), and Switzerland (Geneva is only about an hour away by car). If you take the Mont Blanc tram from the center of Chamonix, you can see Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in France, as well as some of the Italian alps.

[Pro tip: If you're afraid of heights, like me, this experience can be a challenge. But totally worth it!]

The town of Chamonix is charming, as was our incredible hotel, the Hotel Mont Blanc, right in the center of town. We could walk to everything from here. We enjoyed a couple of meals here, and I also indulged in a wonderful massage at their Clarins spa.

If you find yourself near Lyon (only 2 hours by car) or even Provence (5 hours away) and you're wondering where to spend a couple of extra days, I highly recommend stopping in Chamonix.

More from Burgundy! Today's visit is to one of my all-time favorite places, and I'm pretty sure, unless you've followed ...

More from Burgundy! Today's visit is to one of my all-time favorite places, and I'm pretty sure, unless you've followed me for a while, you've never heard of it.

This is Flavigny (or, technically, Flavigny-sur-Ozerain), a medieval village in the middle of Burgundy. Flavigny is, in my mind, picture perfect.

Perched high on a promontory overlooking a lush valley, Flavigny has it all--beautiful views, old buildings, cobblestone streets, and even monks who you can see walking through the town sometimes.

This settlement was founded originally during the time of Julius Caesar, who has a lot of history here. During the Middle Ages, Flavigny flourished as a market town, when a Benedictine Abbey was formed here and still exists today.

Today, Flavigny is a member of "Les Plus Beaux Villages de France," or The Most Beautiful Villages of France. And it truly is. The first time I visited here, it took my breath away. And it continues to do so every time I visit.

Fun Fact: The movie "Chocolat" with Juliette Binoche and Jonny Depp was filmed in Flavigny.

This week I'm thinking about Burgundy and all of its delights. Let me take you on a mini-Walkabout through Burgundy this...

This week I'm thinking about Burgundy and all of its delights. Let me take you on a mini-Walkabout through Burgundy this week as it seems to be a lesser-traveled region in France, but one that is well worth your consideration.

First up, Chablis.

You've probably heard of the famous town of Chablis and its delicious, crisp white wines. When you visit, you may not be able to travel to the top of the hills to take in the breathtaking views like we did, but you should certainly check out the town.

Every Sunday, Chablis has a market that is truly authentic. You'll mostly hear French spoken, although, after a polite "Bonjour" and a smile, most vendors will accommodate your English. Or you can figure it out with hand motions and facial gestures!

(Side note: Oh, how I wish I was better at learning languages. You'd think that for as many times as I've been to France I could at least speak a sentence of conversational French, but alas, "non.")

You'll find a few tasting rooms in Chablis as well, although if you really want to taste at a vineyard, you'll need to call ahead and make a reservation. These vintners are true farmers who do most of the work themselves. They're busy! But if you call ahead (and perhaps buy a few bottles of their wine), they would be happy to accommodate you.

Chablis is not far from Auxerre, which boasts a beautiful cathedral and more stunning views and is definitely worth a visit.

Wine fact: Burgundy primarily produces two grapes: chardonnay for white wine and pinot noir for red. So when you're drinking Chablis wine, you're drinking chardonnay. But because of the way its processed and aged, it doesn't taste at all like American "oakey" Chardonnay (that I do not care for). Instead, the result is a crisp, delicious wine that is perfect on a warm spring day.

Have you been to Burgundy? Or Chablis, specifically? Tell me about it in the comments!

So often when I'm walking around a city in Europe, I wonder what it would have looked like a century or more ago. These ...

So often when I'm walking around a city in Europe, I wonder what it would have looked like a century or more ago. These buildings are so old! And they certainly have a history.

If walls could talk, you know?

This week I was looking through some photos I took in Paris last year and found this one of an old boulangerie. It's now a women's clothing store, but somehow I knew the facade had remained largely the same.

It didn't take me long (thanks Google!) to find my answer and a photo to go with it. This building was obviously a boulangerie, as the second photo from the 1920s shows. One hundred years ago, this corner in Paris looked largely as it looks today--beautiful.

If you're going to Paris and want to find this historic building, it's in the Marais, not far from the Place des Vosges, at the corner of Rue de Sévignè and Rue de Francs Bourgeois.

📷️: cronobook

Are you familiar with the symbol of the scallop shell?If you’ve visited cathedrals or other spiritually significant site...

Are you familiar with the symbol of the scallop shell?

If you’ve visited cathedrals or other spiritually significant sites throughout Europe, you may have noticed a shell carved into some of the architecture or used in artisic pieces. Maybe you’ve wondered why they were there.

The scallop shell has been a symbol of pilgrimage for many centuries. In the earliest times, pilgrims would carry a shell with them to use for eating or drinking, but as time wore on, the scallop shell became a metaphor for pilgrimage itself, representing the idea that the journey is more important than the destination.

On our Walkabout Burgundy trip, we visit the town of Vezelay, France, which is an important destination on the northern route of the Camino de Santiago. There, you will find scallop shells carved into the sides of buildings, painted on wooden shutters, and even real shells laid into the cobblestone streets. Then, there is the amazing Abbey, with its incredibly symbolic artwork throughout, which is the destination of pilgrims to Vezelay.

Today, pilgrims continue to visit Vezelay for spiritual reasons. As they walk, they follow in the footsteps of, not just centuries of pilgrims, but also Napoleon, Richard the Lionheart, and the armies of Julius Caesar. The town and the surrounding areas are fascinating for both their beauty and history.

The next time you’re in France, look for the scallop shells and remember those pilgrims who have gone before you, worshipping the same God that we worship today.

To wander ancient streets. To walk through olive groves. To peruse colorful markets. To stand where great artists once s...

To wander ancient streets.
To walk through olive groves.
To peruse colorful markets.
To stand where great artists once stood.
To scavenge for antiques.
To feast on fresh produce.
To immerse yourself in culture.
To spur creativity.
To behold the Creator.

This is Provence.

One spot remains on our Walkabout Provence tour. September 14-21. Does it belong to you???


Hello there! Life has been kind of “life-y” lately, but my husband and I had the chance to sneak away for a night in the...

Hello there! Life has been kind of “life-y” lately, but my husband and I had the chance to sneak away for a night in the city a couple of weeks ago. I’m telling you, Chicago dressed up for the holidays is really something to see.

We took in some lights, saw a play (Christmas With C.S. Lewis), enjoyed a night at The Langham, and saw Home Alone at the CSO. So much fun!

I always say I’m a city girl who grew up in the country. I need my city fix every couple of months and this one did not disappoint.

Have you been to Chicago at Christmastime?

Ok. I’ve been MIA this week, but I decided to give an explanation. Normally I try to keep my “private” life off of my bu...

Ok. I’ve been MIA this week, but I decided to give an explanation. Normally I try to keep my “private” life off of my business account, but I feel like I should just share why I haven’t been around lately and why I haven’t sent a newsletter in a couple of weeks.

Three weeks ago I had a planned surgery that requires six weeks of recovery time minimum. It’s so hard for me to just sit around and have other people help me with things, so that was a challenge in the first place.

The first time I left my house was on Thanksgiving, two weeks post surgery, and the next day I started feeling bad. Like, really bad. So tired that I basically took myself back to bed.

By Wednesday of this week I was coughing and had a strange gurgling coming from my chest. I went to urgent care and found out I have pneumonia.

So here I’ve been sitting all week, just waiting to start feeling better again. And wanting to connect with all of you. To have energy to write a newsletter again.

I don’t need help or sympathy or anything. I’m being well cared for by my husband and friends. Just wanted to say hi and to tell you I’ll be back as soon as I can.

St Remy de Provence has one of the best (and quaintest!) markets in Provence. Here you’ll find everything from gorgeous ...

St Remy de Provence has one of the best (and quaintest!) markets in Provence. Here you’ll find everything from gorgeous linens to olive wood items to local cheese, produce, and spices. And much more.

The town and its market are sure to get your creative juices flowing! Join us next September for an art and faith experience in Provence!


“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be save...

“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

I read this verse today and was reminded of the same words that were carved in the entry to the church in Montalcino (in Latin). I wonder if anyone passing by that church or living in that town today has any idea the significance of those words or where they come from.

Today I am grateful for generations of believers who have gone before us, spreading the good news all over the world in both big and small ways. Those believers are still in the world today. Their lives may be very different from ours, but that’s ok. God is very much alive and still at work in the world. Sometimes you have to travel to really see it.

On our last day, we packed up the van (Beverly Hillbillies style) and our driver took us back to Florence where we said ...

On our last day, we packed up the van (Beverly Hillbillies style) and our driver took us back to Florence where we said goodbye . . . for now. Some hopped on a train to Rome, and the rest of us scattered to our various hotels (only to join up again for dinner that night) before flying out the next day.⁠

As I've reflected on our 10 days together, I am once again in awe of what God did among us. Each Walkabout trip is so different and so special. The way these women bonded and shared their lives with each other was incredible to see.⁠

And, oh! the laughs! We had so much FUN!⁠

I've been thinking a lot since I got home about what makes these trips work. I mean, I'm asking women who have never met each other, some who bravely travel alone, to spend ten days together in a place they've never seen. ⁠

They are trusting me to make it happen, and I am trusting God to make it work.⁠

You know what? He does. Every time. Without exception.⁠

Women come on a Walkabout trip for various reasons. Some just want someone else to plan a trip for them. Some want to travel with other Christian women. Some have past hurts that they want to think and pray through. And on and on. The reasons women take a Walkabout trip are as individual as the women on each trip. ⁠

All I know, at the end of each trip, is that my heart is full. And so grateful that I get to do this. I am adding to my precious collection of friends with every trip, and that makes me so, so happy.⁠

To each one who took the risk to travel with me this year, I thank you. May you all be as blessed as I have been.⁠

Tomorrow I'll be sending a newsletter with some updates about my 2024 trips. If you want to be the first to know about upcoming trips, make sure you sign up at the link in my bio!⁠

On our last day in Tuscany, we visited the beautiful (and HILLY!) city of Montepulciano. You may have heard of it if you...

On our last day in Tuscany, we visited the beautiful (and HILLY!) city of Montepulciano. You may have heard of it if you've tasted their famous wine.

To be honest, I had never been to Montepulciano, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. We had a wine tasting set up, but otherwise we were just going to spend our last day shopping and exploring the town.

Here are a few things I learned when visiting Montepulciano.

1. The town is very steep. Like most Tuscan villages, it sits on the top of a hill, but this particular hill is very, very steep. So be prepared to climb, and wear comfortable shoes. 👟

2. Montepulciano is bigger than most Tuscan towns we visited. (Population is around 14,000.) You're going to walk a LOT. Remember what I said about the shoes? Have I mentioned that it's steep? 😃

3. This is a huge wine town (second only to Montalcino, in my opinion). 🍷 You'll find tasting rooms scattered throughout. We visited the Di Ricci winery, which was a very interesting tour with some really good wines.

4. This is also a Medieval city, so you'll find examples of Medieval architecture and churches throughout. Take a wander inside one of the many churches in the town.

5. Montepulciano has some great shopping. Save time for that! (What do you think of the hat I bought?)

6. We weren't in town for dinner, but the restaurants I checked out looked incredible. If you stay here for a night or two, you'll have some great choices for dinner.

I'll be honest, Montepulciano wasn't my favorite. Maybe it was the size. Maybe it was the huge hill we had to climb (there's no way to avoid it, folks!). Maybe it was because it was the last day of our tour and we were all tired. I'm not sure, but this city didn't strike me as charming as some of the others we visited--especially not as charming as our darling village of Castelmuzio.

Would I return? Yes. I definitely would. Montepulciano is a beautiful Medieval city, built around an incredible vintage of wine. It has a lot going for it, and it's definitely worth a visit.

Tell me. Have you ever been to Montepulciano? What are your thoughts? Leave a comment and let me know!



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