Join Lacey & Brett on a field trip to Happy Days Learning Center, a day care center that serves infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers. Happy Days has been caring for local children for over 55 years, and recently expanded upon moving into the new Ely Area Community Foundation Hub. In this episode we’ll chat with Kathleen Floberg, the director of the Happy Days Learning Center. We’ll also hear from a few very special guests.And, of course, this episode includes an event round up. There’s always something to do in Ely! Listen on or your favorite podcast platform 🎧Host: Lacey Squier | Guests: Kathleen Floberg and Kids of Ely | Producer: Brett Ross | Brought to you by the Visit Ely, MN 📷: Happy Days Learning Center #podcasts #podcastersofinstagram #mnpodcast #independentpodcast #independentpodcaster #exploremn #exploreminnesota #northernlife #elymn #elyminnesota #learningcenter
Festival passes and tickets are on sale now at!
#visitelymn #filmfestival #filmfestivals #independentfilm #indiefilm #shortfilm #featurefilm #filmmaking #indiefilmmaking #shortfilmfestival #independentfilmfestival #filmcommunity #filmlovers #film #movies #cinema #elyminnesota #elymn #elyfilmfestival #minnesotafilmfestival #upnorthmn #boundarywaters #superiornationalforest #filmmaker #indiefilmmaker
Ely Winter Festival Kubb tournament in Whiteside Park earlier today ☀️
Dan Ryan is a Wildlife Biologist on the Laurentian District of the Superior National Forest, and Taylor Brannock is a Biological Science Technician on the Kawishiwi District. They join this episode to talk about tracking and researching that iconic and elusive Northwoods cat, the Canada lynx. In collaboration with U.S. Forest Service-Superior National Forest 🌲 Listen on or your favorite podcast platform 🎧 Host and Producer: Brett Ross | Guests: Dan Ryan and Taylor Brannock | Brought to you by the Visit Ely, MN📷: Jim Schwartz Photographic Artistry #mnpodcast #podcast #instapodcast #superiornationalforest #northwoods #elymn #elyminnesota #lynx #nationalforest #forestservice #northwoods #wildlife #wildlifebiology
This episode listeners hear from Aaron Kania, the District Ranger for the Kawishiwi District of the Superior National Forest. Ranger Kania will share the details of a comment period for the proposed Fernberg Project. Next we’ll have a conversation about the upcoming Ely Film Festival with festival director and coordinator, Jacob White and Nina Wray, respectively. The 3rd annual Ely Film Festival is scheduled for March 12-16, 2025. And, of course, this episode includes an event round up. There’s always something to do in Ely! Listen on or your favorite podcast platform 🎧 Host: Lacey Squier | Guests: Aaron Kania, Jacob White and Nina Wray | Producer: Brett Ross | Brought to you by the Visit Ely, MN 📷: Ely Film Festival MN #podcasts #podcastersofinstagram #mnpodcast #independentpodcast #independentpodcaster #exploremn #exploreminnesota #northernlife #elymn #elyminnesota #superiornationalforest #nationalforest #filmfestival #elyfilmfestival #indiefilms
🎿 ❄️ #winteradventure #winter #elymn #visitelymn #exploremn #winterinmn #digitalguide #adventureguide #northwoods
Thank you to everyone who came out for our first annual Ely Dark Sky Festival!
On this episode of the What’s Up Ely Podcast, listeners will join host Lacey Squier in conversation with her friend and neighbor (and returning guest!) Tim Barton. Tim is an Outfitting Manager at Piragis Northwoods Company, and he specializes in winter. He also happens to be an excellent conversationalist and radio nerd (which is to say he studied radio broadcasting in college). You may recall meeting Tim Barton on episode one of the What’s Up Ely Podcast. He was also a guest on episode 25. Lacey and Tim will discuss winter recreation, winter recreation rentals and guided trips, and who knows what else! And, of course, this episode includes an event round up. There’s always something to do in Ely! Listen on or your favorite podcast platform 🎧 Host: Lacey Squier | Guest: Tim Barton | Producer: Brett Ross |Brought to you by the Visit Ely, MN 📷: Wolvenwood Studio, LLC #podcasts #podcastersofinstagram #mnpodcast #independentpodcast #independentpodcaster #exploremn #exploreminnesota #northernlife #elymn #elyminnesota #wintercamping #winterrecreation #outfitting #snowshoeing #ski #winter
On this episode of the What’s Up Ely Podcast, listeners will join host Lacey Squier in conversation with Bill Erzar, a born-and-raised Elyite. Bill is the grandson of a Slovenian immigrant who arrived in Ely in 1909 and worked underground for 45 years. Bill himself worked in local mines for over 30 years, and now serves as a volunteer tour guide at the Pioneer Mine. Bill is also a potica enthusiast, and indeed he enjoys discussing history and his Slovenian heritage. Bill and Lacey will reminisce about Bill’s family history in Ely, as well as Christmas traditions past and present. And, of course, this episode includes an event round up. There’s always something to do in Ely! Listen on or your favorite podcast platform 🎧Host: Lacey SquierSquier | Guest: Bill Erzar | Producer: Brett Ross | Brought to you by the Visit Ely, MN | 📷: Corvid Images #podcasts #podcastersofinstagram #mnpodcast #independentpodcast #independentpodcaster #exploremn #exploreminnesota #northernlife #elymn #elyminnesota #visitelymn #christmas #potica #immigrants #christmasinasmalltown #smalltownlife #traditions
Erik Redix, Ojibwe Language Coordinator with the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa joins this episode, along with Superior National Forest Archeologist Lee Johnson who returns to Forest North, to talk about the Ojibwe language, or Ojibwemowin, and some of the original place names in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Superior National Forest and the North Shore of Lake Superior. In collaboration with U.S. Forest Service-Superior National Forest 🌲 Listen on or your favorite podcast platform 🎧 Host and Producer: Brett Ross | Guest: Erik Redix and Lee Johnson | Brought to you by the Visit Ely, MN I 📷: Wolvenwood Studio, LLC #mnpodcast #podcast #instapodcast #superiornationalforest #northwoods #elymn #elyminnesota #optoutside #nationalforest #forestservice #northwoods #ojibwe #ojibwemowin #archaeologist #archaeologylife #bwcaw
On this episode of the What’s Up Ely Podcast, listeners will join host Lacey Squier in conversation with Scott Stowell, author of Back Road Grace. Back Road Grace is a collection of essays, memoirs and short fiction about the culture, Wilderness treasures, and the character of the inhabitants in northeastern Minnesota. Scott and Lacey’s conversation is inspired by the spirit of Scott’s writing – it elicits thought and laughter, and educates listeners about year-round life in our northern climate, and the moxie it takes to thrive here. And, of course, this episode includes an event round up. There’s always something to do in Ely! Listen on or your favorite podcast platform 🎧 Host: Lacey Squier | Guest: Scott Stowell | Producer: Brett Ross | Brought to you by the Visit Ely, MN 📷: Corvid Images #podcasts #podcastersofinstagram #mnpodcast #independentpodcast #independentpodcaster #exploremn #exploreminnesota #northernlife #elymn #elyminnesota #visitelymn #tourismtown#smalltowncharm #smalltownlife
Teddy Mullins is a 24 year veteran Forest Service Law Enforcement Officer. He currently serves as Patrol Captain on the Chippewa and Superior National Forests in Minnesota. In collaboration with U.S. Forest Service-Superior National Forest 🌲Listen on or your favorite podcast platform 🎧 Host and Producer: Brett Ross | Guest: Teddy Mullins | Brought to you by the Visit Ely, MN I 📷: U.S. Forest Service-Superior National Forest #mnpodcast #podcast #instapodcast #superiornationalforest #northwoods #elymn #elyminnesota #optoutside #nationalforest #forestservice #northwoods #lawenforcement #patrolcaptain #chippewanationalforest