Hidden Chicago History: The Vi**ra Triangle By the 1960s, Rush Street was the center of the action. State Street, that Great Street, already began to show signs of fade as decades of organized crime withered it down to a string of peep shows, gambling dens, and other rings of vice. Nearby Rush Street took the mantle as Chicago’s nightlife district, hosting the most exciting acts in the country at Mister Kelly’s Nightclub. If you can name an entertainer, singer, or comedian from the height of the Rat Pack Era, from Ella Fitzgerald to Richard Pyror, they performed at Mister Kelly’s. Today, Gibson’s Steakhouse now sits on the site of the famed nightclub, with the only clue to the past the block of Bellevue in front of it, honorary Frank Sinatra way. While a summer night in The Triangle still brings its share of people watching, and bartenders certainly have their share of memorable characters and dates shuffling around still, the days of Mister Kelly’s glamor and Playboy’s mark on the character of a district once rivalling Vegas are now but history; in some ways perhaps for the better.