From John Moffitt
OK folks - here is the latest and it is all fairly good news, so please read this whole thing before you get upset.
On Tuesday, Post 12 in Wickenburg passed a Resolution (Resolution 1) calling for the convening of a special meeting of the National Executive Committee (NEC) as soon as possible and to rescind Resolution 19.
This was discussed by the Department Thursday evening at the DEC (Department Executive Committee) meeting. In light of the "clarification" of Reso 19 from National, Department referred Resolution 1 from Wickenburg to the Arizona American Legion Riders Committee for further review and study.
Some things to keep in mind:
> A Resolution from the NEC can only be rescinded or amended by the NEC.
> Although there is a procedure for National to call a special NEC meeting (it can be done by the National Commander or by 15 members of the NEC requesting a special meeting), as far as I know there has never been a special NEC meeting convened in recent memory. So it was unlikely that National would convene a special NEC meeting.
> Politically, it was also unlikely that the NEC would rescind a Resolution which is only a couple of weeks old.
> Some of you have questioned the enforceability of a "clarification" being issued by National. Although I have never seen this done, our voices have been heard -- and National is clearly trying to address many of the concerns of Riders not only in Arizona but throughout the Country. For the short term, I am comfortable relying upon the "clarification" that we received from our National ALR Rep. HOWEVER - Resolution 1 from Wickenburg is not dead -- it is being "studied" - which means that if the ultimate letter of clarification from our National Adjutant and National Judge Advocate is not in accord with the "clarification" we received from our National Rep, or if National decides to change or go back on their "clarification", we still have Wickenburg Resolution 1 to rescind Reso 19 to bring back, hopefully pass at Department and go to National.
> From all of the comments I have seen opposing Reso 19, the "clarification" addresses most of the concerns except for the title of President. However, Reso. 19 gave us all one year to comply with that part of the Resolution.
SO --
1 - Don't change your titles yet. The fight isn't over.
2 - When we have our quarterly meeting in January, I'll be proposing some language for a "report" back to Department on Wickenburg Resolution 1. As of now (and assuming the "clarification letter" comes out from National), my initial inclination will be to replace Wickenburg Resolution 1 with a Resolution from the AZALR Committee rewording Section 5 of Reso 19 (the section addressing President) rather than rescinding all of Reso. 19. [I'll send out proposed wording along with the meeting agenda ahead of time.] Again, as a practical matter, we stand a lot better chance of amending part of a Resolution than trying to rescind the whole thing.
Also, by doing it this way, we will be processing the Resolution in accordance with the normal time lines, for National to act on in August, and not asking for a special NEC meeting.
John Moffitt
Chairman, American Legion Riders, Department of Arizona (AZALR)
Assistant State Captain, PGR (Patriot Guard Riders)
Assistant Department Judge Advocate, Area C, Dep't of Arizona
Judge Advocate, District 8, American Legion, Dep't of Arizona