George and Meg - Where next?

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George and Meg - Where next? Follow to see where we are and what we're up to!

Day 191, 192 and 193 Nusa Lembongan - We woke up, had breakfast and then checked out of our hotel. We then took a boat f...

Day 191, 192 and 193 Nusa Lembongan - We woke up, had breakfast and then checked out of our hotel. We then took a boat from Gili Meno to Gili Trawangan. We had a while to wait before our next boat so we got some lunch and had a walk along the front. Then we got a boat to Nusa Penida which was awful! When we got to Nusa Penida, they moved us (and about 20 other people and all our bags) into a tiny little boat which took us to Nusa Lembongan. The owners of the hotel met us at the jetty and took us to the hotel on the back of their bikes. We got checked in and then went out for tea. The next morning we got up early, had breakfast and then rented a scooter from the hotel. We crossed over Yellow Bridge to Nusa Ceningan and went to Secret Point Beach. Then we walked to Blue Lagoon where we watched dolphins and turtles swimming for ages. After, we drove to Parangan Jepang before going back over to Nusa Lembongan and heading to The Coconut Hut to play mini golf. We stopped for a drink on the way back to the hotel and spent some time relaxing. In the evening we drove to a Thai restaurant on the other side of the island. The next morning we had breakfast and then drove to Dream Beach and Devil's Tears. We got some lunch at a cafe and then drove to the town centre where we sat and had a drink. Then we drove to look at the mangroves before driving the whole way around the island back to the hotel. We went out to watch the football at a bar in the evening and the hotel owners were so lovely they came and picked us up when it was finished.


Day 187, 188, 189 and 190 Gili Meno - We got up super early and took a one and a half hour taxi from Amed to Padang Bai port. We then took a boat to Gili Trawangan and then took another boat to Gili Meno. When we arrived, we walked to our hotel, checked in and then went for some lunch. We went for a walk around half the island and then just chilled out. In the evening we went out for tea to a lovely restaurant on the beach where the food was incredible! The next day we walked to Gili Meno Sea Turtle Sanctuary and then walked along the beach to the other side of the island. We rented snorkels and went snorkeling at the coral view point where we saw loads of different fish and even swam with a turtle! We got some lunch and then went back to the hotel for a shower before going back to the same restaurant as the night before for tea. The next morning we went snorkeling to see the Bask Nest underwater sculptures and lots more fish. We got a shower and then walked along the beach around the island. We got some lunch and laid on the beach for a while and then stopped for a beer before going out for tea. The next day we relaxed at Bask beach club all day. We sunbathed, had some drinks and ate some really nice lunch. For our final tea on the island, we went back to the first restaurant and it was amazing again!

Day 184, 185 and 186 Amed - We got up and went out for some breakfast and then we got a taxi from Ubud to Amed. On the w...

Day 184, 185 and 186 Amed - We got up and went out for some breakfast and then we got a taxi from Ubud to Amed. On the way, we stopped at Tirta Gangga temple and had a walk around the grounds. When we arrived in Amed, we went for a walk near the hotel and George got a haircut. We had tea on the beach and watched the sunset before going to bed. The next morning we got up, had breakfast at the hotel and then laid by the pool all morning. We had lunch on the beach and then went for a walk. We sat outside the hotel again in the afternoon and then went out for tea and watched the sunset. The next morning we got picked up from our hotel and went snorkeling. We went to the Japanese Ship Wreck Point and then Lipah Beach. We got some lunch looking over the sea and then walked back to the hotel and got some ice cream. We relaxed at the hotel in the afternoon, had tea and got an early night.

Day 179, 180, 181, 182 and 183 Ubud - We slept in until lunchtime so just went for a walk around and got some lunch. In ...

Day 179, 180, 181, 182 and 183 Ubud - We slept in until lunchtime so just went for a walk around and got some lunch. In the evening we went to a small bar where they were showing the film Dunkirk on the screen outside. We had some food and a cocktail while watching this and then went back to the hotel. The next morning we went to a jewelry making class where we both made a silver ring each. We got some lunch at a Mexican restaurant near the class and then walked to the monkey forest. We spent some time walking around with the monkeys and then got ice cream on the way back to the hotel. For tea we went for an Indian which was amazing! We got up early the next morning and did a yoga class. We got some lunch and then spent the afternoon on a quad bike in the jungle. We got dropped back off at the hotel so had a shower and then went out for tea before getting a super early night. We got picked up from our hotel at 2am and drove an hour and a half to the base of Mount Batur. It took us two hours to climb to the top where our lovely guide made us breakfast while we watched the sunrise. Mount Batur is an active volcano so after the sunrise we walked around the crater and got to feel the very hot steam coming from the geysers before heading back down. On the way back to Ubud we stopped at a coffee plantation where we got to try different teas and coffees. We got back about 11am so got some food and then spent the rest of the day relaxing in the hotel. We went out for tea and got an early night because we were so tired! We had a lay in the next morning, had some breakfast and then got a taxi to Pura Tirta Empul. We walked around here for a while and then got a taxi back to Ubud. We went for a walk around the streets and the shops and then went back to the Indian restaurant for tea.

Day 177 and 178 Sandakan - We had a sleep in and then went to watch Oppenheimer at the cinema at lunchtime. When we came...

Day 177 and 178 Sandakan - We had a sleep in and then went to watch Oppenheimer at the cinema at lunchtime. When we came out, it was raining really heavy so we went back to the hotel. Once the rain had slowed down, we went and did our washing at a launderette and got a drink and a snack while we waited. We took our washing back to the hotel and then went out for tea. We got another early night as we were tired and had to get up early the next day. The next morning we took a taxi to the airport where we flew from Sandakan to Kuala Lumpur. We had quite a long layover here so got some food and then had a drink in Starbucks before getting on a flight to Bali. The plane was delayed and we didn't arrive until late at night so we got some food in the airport and then took a taxi to our hotel.

Day 174, 175 and 176 Kinabatangan River Safari - We checked out of the hotel and got some food there while we waited to ...

Day 174, 175 and 176 Kinabatangan River Safari - We checked out of the hotel and got some food there while we waited to be picked up. After getting picked up, we drove two hours from Sepilok to the Kinabatangan River. When we got there, we got checked in and took our stuff to our room. Then we had a snack and a cup of tea before going on our first river safari. We went down the river and saw oriental pied hornbills, saltwater crocodiles (a baby on the land and a very big adult in the water), rhinoceros hornbills, short tailed macaques, long tailed macaques, king fishers, probiscus monkeys and water monitor lizards. We got back to the lodge and had some free time and then had tea. Our guide came to us while we were eating to tell us his friend had spotted some pygmy elephants down the road and we were able to go and see them. We finished eating and got on the bus and got to see two adults and a tiny baby pygmy elephant! We were so so lucky to see them! Our guide (who does tours every day) only sees them four to five times a year! We stood and watched them until they walked off into the jungle and then we got back on the bus to go back to the lodge but we had to stop to let a whole herd of pygmy elephants cross the road!! It was unbelievable! Further down the road we had to stop to help a snake cross the road too. When we got back to the lodge we went to bed because we had to get up at 5 30am the next morning. We got up and went straight on a river safari up the river this time. We saw white bellied woodpeckers, saltwater crocodiles, water monitor lizards, stork bill kingfishers and probiscus monkeys. We got back to the lodge and had breakfast and then we went on a walk through the jungle. We had some free time when we got back so relaxed in the hammocks before having lunch. Then in the afternoon we planted a fig tree each. After that we went on another boat tour down the river where we saw a baby saltwater crocodile, rhinoceros hornbills, long tailed macaques, probiscus monkeys, green imperial pigeons, water monitor lizards and short tailed macaques. We had tea back at the lodge and then went on a night walk in the jungle. We went straight to bed after that because we had to be up at 5 30am again the next morning. We got up and went on our final boat tour of our stay down the river. We saw two orangutans, oriental pied hornbills, blue throated bee eaters and langurs. We were really lucky that we completed the Borneo big five on our final boat safari. When we got back to the lodge, we had breakfast and checked out. They took us to Sandakan where we just had a nap in the hotel and then went out for tea and got an early night.

Day 171, 172 and 173 Sepilok - We got a bus from Kota Kinabalu to Sepilok in the morning. We didn't arrive at our hotel ...

Day 171, 172 and 173 Sepilok - We got a bus from Kota Kinabalu to Sepilok in the morning. We didn't arrive at our hotel until late afternoon so we checked in and chilled out in the room. Then we went to the hotel restaurant for tea and got an early night. The next morning we woke up early, had breakfast and went to Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre. We saw the babies being fed and then walked to the main platform where we were lucky to see an orangutan. Then we went to Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre where we got to see lots of sun bears and we saw some of them get fed. We went back to the hotel and got some lunch and then went back to the orangutan centre for the afternoon feeding where we were lucky again and got to see a mum and her baby at the feeding platform. In the evening, we had tea and then went on a guided night walk through the jungle. We saw scorpions, flying squirrels, mouse deer, owls and loads more. The next day we went to Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary. We got to see three different groups of them get fed and we also saw oriental pied hornbills. The monkeys got so close to us! Then we went back to the hotel in the afternoon, relaxed and then had tea and an early night.

Day 167, 168, 169 and 170 Kota Kinabalu - We arrived at our hotel late so had a sleep in and then took a taxi to a shopp...

Day 167, 168, 169 and 170 Kota Kinabalu - We arrived at our hotel late so had a sleep in and then took a taxi to a shopping mall to get a SIM card and some food. We walked around the shops while we were there and then walked along the front to the harbour. We sat and had some drinks outside a bar and then had something to eat. We got a taxi back to the hotel and went to bed. It rained really bad all the next day so we stayed in bed and ordered some food for lunch and then went out in the evening for an Indian. It was raining again the next day so we went to the cinema to watch Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. When we came out, the rain had stopped so we sat outside a bar and had a drink and then went to an Italian restaurant on the front for tea. The next day we took a taxi to Sabah Museum in the morning and then took a taxi to Masjid Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu (The Floating Mosque). It was raining again so we went back to our hotel and ordered some food in for tea.

Day 160 - We had a sleep in and checked out of our hotel as late as we could. Then we took a taxi to the airport, got so...

Day 160 - We had a sleep in and checked out of our hotel as late as we could. Then we took a taxi to the airport, got some food and took a flight from Langkawi to Kuala Lumpur. We checked into our hotel and went straight out for tea before getting an early night.

Day 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 and 166 Singapore - We took a bus from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore and arrived late afternoon. We checked into our hotel, got some food at a nearby restaurant and then took a bus to Marina Bay. We walked around the bay to Merlion Park and then through The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands. Once it got dark, we watched Spectra - A Light & Water Show and then walked to Marina Bay Gardens for the Supertree Grove light show. After, we took a bus back to our hotel and went straight to bed. The next day we went to Universal Studios where we managed to get on every ride and meet some of the characters. We stopped at a shopping centre on the way home and grabbed some food and then went back to the hotel. We had a bit of a sleep in the next morning and then took a bus back to Marina Bay Gardens where we walked around the Flower Dome and then the Cloud Forest (there was an Avatar exhibition on here which was so good!). We then took the metro to China Town and went to Tian Tian Hainanese Chicken Rice which is a Michelin guide food stall in a Hawker Centre. We walked to Queic by Olivia where we got a slice of their Classic Basque Burnt Cheesecake which was amazing! Then we visited Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Thian Hock Keng Temple before going back to the hotel. We showered, got changed and then took a bus and a shuttle to the Night Safari. We went straight to the rhinos where we got to hand feed them and then we walked around the rest of the park. We had some Indian food and then got on the tram to see more of the park. After we had seen everything we took the shuttle back to the city and then a taxi back to our hotel. The next day we went to Singapore Turf Club for a day at the horse racing. We got a couple of wins over the day, and a few close calls, which was a bonus. We got the metro back to the city centre and got some food before getting the bus home. The next morning we went to Supertree Grove and Floral Fantasy. Then we went to Little India, got lunch at a really nice chapatti stall and walked to Tan Teng Niah and Abdul Gafoor Mosque. We then walked to Raffles Hotel and had a Singapore Sling in the Long Bar. After that we went to CHIJMES, Old Hill Street Police Station and back to The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands. It had been a long day so we got a subway and took it back to our hotel to eat in bed. In the morning, we went up Marina Bay Sands Hotel to the observation deck. Then we got a taxi to Changi Airport where we saw the huge waterfall and got some food before flying to Kota Kinabalu.

Day 156, 157, 158 and 159 Langkawi - We woke up super early and took a taxi to the airport to fly from George Town to La...

Day 156, 157, 158 and 159 Langkawi - We woke up super early and took a taxi to the airport to fly from George Town to Langkawi. We got to our hotel at 7.30am and couldn't check in until 2pm so we walked to see the MAHA Tower and Eagle Square. Then we took a taxi to Underwater World where we got to see two different penguin species been fed. We walked around that area, had some food and looked around a shopping mall and huge duty free shops. We went back to the hotel to check in and then went out for tea and got an early night. The next day we had a sleep in and then went to a cafe for a drink and had lunch at a restaurant overlooking a golf course. In the afternoon, we did a Batik painting class which was really fun. We took a taxi back to our hotel and walked to a night market for tea. We had cheesy potato wedges, a kebab, noodles, chicken satays, a doughnut and a whole pineapple. Then we went back to our hotel and went to bed. We woke up early and took a taxi to Langkawi Sky Bridge. However we got there and it was closed for maintenance for 2 weeks so we had a meal at a restaurant and just walked around the grounds instead. Then we took a taxi to the beach, hoping to find a bar to sit in and look out over the sea but we couldn't find one so just went back to our hotel and chilled out before going to a Yemen restaurant for tea. The next day we got picked up early from our hotel to go on a mangrove tour. We got a boat to a floating fish farm and looked around and fed some of the fish. Then we went further into the mangroves where we saw gorilla rock, loads of eagles fishing and then monkeys swimming to get their food. We stopped at a huge bat cave along the way and saw loads of bats sleeping. Then the boat went out of the mangroves and into the sea and we got to spend some time on a small secluded beach. We got back on the boat and went through the mangroves back to the fish farm where there was a floating restaurant and we had some lunch. We got back to land and they dropped us back at our hotel. We took our laundry to a launderette and looked around the shops while we waited for it. Then in the evening we went to another night market and had some noodles, potato twists and a donut.

Day 153, 154 and 155 George Town - We woke up and set off walking to the town but it started to rain heavily so we stopp...

Day 153, 154 and 155 George Town - We woke up and set off walking to the town but it started to rain heavily so we stopped at a cafe and got some breakfast. Then we went to Cheah Kongsi Temple, Han Jiang Ancestral Temple and Sri Mahamariamman Temple. We got two big samosas and an onion bhaji from a street stall in Little India for only 64p. Then we walked on to Queen Victoria Memorial Clock Tower, Church Street Pier and Chew Jetty. While walking around all day, we also looked at a lot of the street art. We had a look around a shopping mall and went back to the hotel before going out for tea in the evening. The next morning we got up early and got a taxi to Penang Hill. We took the Funicular up to the top, walked around The Habitat and got some food in a small food court. Then we took the Funicular back down and went to the Snake Temple. We went out to a fancy Italian for tea which was really nice! We had a sleep in the next morning and had lunch at a French cafe. Then we walked to the Central Fire Station 1908 and got some desert at Open Minded Cafe. We looked at some more street art in the afternoon while wandering around and then went out for tea in the evening.

Day 149, 150, 151 and 152 The Cameron Highlands - We woke up early to get a bus from Melaka to Kuala Lumpur and then ano...

Day 149, 150, 151 and 152 The Cameron Highlands - We woke up early to get a bus from Melaka to Kuala Lumpur and then another bus to the Cameron Highlands. We didn't get there until evening and the weather was cold and miserable so we ate some food and then got an early night. The next morning we had brunch and walked through the hills to the next village along. We then had afternoon tea at the Jim Thompson Tea Room at the Cameron Highlands Resort. On the walk back we got caught in a huge rain storm and got soaked so we went straight back to the hotel. It didn't stop raining so we ordered some food to the hotel for tea. The next morning we went to the Mossy Forest and the BOH Tea Plantation where we got a tour of the factory. We went out for some lunch and had a relaxed afternoon and then had an Indian for tea. The next afternoon we got a bus from the Cameron Highlands to George Town but we had to check out of our hotel in the morning so we spent a few hours sitting in a cafe. We didn't arrive in George Town until late so just ate and went to bed.

Day 146, 147 and 148 Melaka - We got the bus from Kuala Lumpur to Melaka in the morning and arrived too early to check i...

Day 146, 147 and 148 Melaka - We got the bus from Kuala Lumpur to Melaka in the morning and arrived too early to check into our hotel so we went to get some food. We walked around a shopping centre and the town around the hotel and then George got a haircut before checking into the hotel. In the evening we went out for a really good Indian meal! The next day we walked to Dutch Square (Red Square), Tan Beng Swee Clock Tower, Saint Paul's Hill, Church of Saint Paul, A Famosa, Melaka Sultanate Palace Museum, Dataran Pahlawan Melaka Megamall and Muzium Samudera (Flor de La Mar). For tea, we went back to the same restaurant as the night before because it was so good! The next day we went to Oceanarium and then spent the afternoon relaxing. We went out for tea to a local restaurant and then went back to the hotel and swam in the pool before getting an early night.

Day 141, 142, 143 and 144 Kuala Lumpur - At lunchtime we took a plane from Koh Samui to Krabi and then a plane to Kuala ...

Day 141, 142, 143 and 144 Kuala Lumpur - At lunchtime we took a plane from Koh Samui to Krabi and then a plane to Kuala Lumpur. We arrived late so went straight to our hotel and to bed. The next morning we got up and got the metro to the Petronas Towers, then we walked to Menara Kuala Lumpur and the Upside Down House. Then we walked around Bukit Bintang and looked at all the street art and headed back to the Petronas Towers. We went up to the skybridge (41st floor) and then the observation deck (86th floor) and looked out over Kuala Lumpur. After, we watched the fountain show at the bottom of the towers and then got some food and went to bed. The next day, we got the metro to Petaling Street in Chinatown and walked through the markets and then got some food in a cafe. Then we walked to Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Guan Di Temple, Kasturi Walk, Central Market, Sultan Abdul Samad Building, Merdeka Square (where we saw the first flagpole to have the British flag dropped and the Malaysian flag raised), Kuala Lumpur City Gallery, Masjid Jamek, Catholic Church of The Holy Rosary, Sri Kandaswamy Temple, got some food in Little India and got the metro back to the hotel. The next day we walked through Kuala Lumpur Bird Park and then walked to the National Mosque of Malaysia. We walked around a couple of shopping malls and got some food and went to bed. In the morning we got a taxi to Batu Caves where we climbed 272 steps to the top and went inside to the temple. We spent the afternoon walking around Berjaya Times Square mall which has an indoor rollercoaster and then played two games of bowling before heading back to the hotel.

Day 137, 138, 139 and 140 Koh Samui - We took a ferry from Koh Tao to Ko Pha Ngan and then took another ferry to Koh Sam...

Day 137, 138, 139 and 140 Koh Samui - We took a ferry from Koh Tao to Ko Pha Ngan and then took another ferry to Koh Samui. We checked into our hotel and then went out for some food and had an early night. The next day we went to Wat Plai Laem, Big Buddha Temple (Wat Phra Yai), Lad Koh View Point, Grandfather and Grandmother Rocks (Hin Ta Hin Yai), Guan Yu Shrine, Wat Khunaram (Phra Wihan Luang Por Daeng) and Na Muang Waterfall. In the evening we walked into the main town and got some food and walked around the shops. We spent the whole next day laid on the beach and sat in a beach bar. We went out for Greek food in the evening and then watched Muay Thai at Samui International Muay Thai Stadium. The next day we went snorkeling and visited Ko Mat Sum (pig island). We had some food in the evening and then had an early night.

Day 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136 Koh Tao - We got a lunchtime ferry from Ko Pha Ngan to Koh Tao. We found our hotel, check...

Day 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136 Koh Tao - We got a lunchtime ferry from Ko Pha Ngan to Koh Tao. We found our hotel, checked in and went for some lunch. Then we walked around the area and went back to our hotel. In the evening, we went for tea at a noodle and dumpling restaurant which was so nice! Unfortunately George was poorly for the rest of the stay here so we spent it all in the hotel. He got some antibiotics which really helped so we managed to go out for tea to an Indian on the second to last night here.

Day 127, 128, 129, 130 and 131 Ko Pha Ngan - We got up really early and took a bus and a ferry to Koh Pha Ngan. We didn'...

Day 127, 128, 129, 130 and 131 Ko Pha Ngan - We got up really early and took a bus and a ferry to Koh Pha Ngan. We didn't arrive until late so we checked into our hotel, got some food and then went to bed. The next day we walked into the nearest village and had brunch. We spent the afternoon laid by the pool and then went to a restaurant on the beach for a drink and some food in the evening. We spent the next two days eating, drinking and laying on the beach all day. The second night we got a taxi to Haad Rin for the Full Moon Party and danced on the beach until 2am. We had a lay in the next day and then just went back down to the pool in the afternoon. In the evening we went to a restaurant for fresh homemade pasta which was so nice!

Day 122, 123, 124, 125 and 126 Krabi - We got a taxi from Phuket to Krabi and then checked into our hotel. In the evenin...

Day 122, 123, 124, 125 and 126 Krabi - We got a taxi from Phuket to Krabi and then checked into our hotel. In the evening, we walked along the front and had some drinks and a 2am McDonald's. The next day we got up and went for brunch and then relaxed by the hotel pool. We went out for some food at the night market and then watched the Leeds game at Mr Long's Bar. We went out for breakfast the next morning and then laid by the pool again all day. At night we went for some Thai food at a family restaurant and then went back to Mr Long's for some homemade tequila shots with Mr Long and his son. The next day we had breakfast and said bye to Paul and Julie before they caught their flight. We relaxed all afternoon and had an early night. The next day we had lunch in a restaurant on the beach and then a huge thunderstorm came so we headed back to the hotel and chilled there all afternoon. In the evening we went out for an Indian and then headed back to Mr Long's and had more tequila shots to celebrate his birthday.

Day 117, 118, 119, 120 and 121 Phuket - We got up really early, went to the airport and flew from Bangkok to Phuket. We ...

Day 117, 118, 119, 120 and 121 Phuket - We got up really early, went to the airport and flew from Bangkok to Phuket. We got a taxi from the airport to our hotel in the Old Town, checked in and then went out into the centre. It was raining heavily so we went into The Hog's Head, a Harry Potter themed bar, for some drinks. The rain didn't stop so we bought some ponchos and walked the colourful streets anyways. We got sorbet and some of the best chocolates we have ever eaten! In the evening we went out for a lovely Thai meal and then went for cocktails back at The Hog's Head. The next morning we went out for breakfast and then walked through the town again but this time in the sun. We got some more chocolates and we stopped for a cocktail. In the evening we went to The Big Buddha and looked at the 360° views with the sunset and monkeys and then we went for tea in the jungle. The next day we went for brunch and a walk and then back to the restaurant in the jungle for tea. The next day we got a taxi from the Old Town to Patong Beach and checked into our new hotel. We went out in the evening to Bangla Road and had some drinks and then had a curry. We spent the next day laid on the beach and then went to Simon Cabaret Show in the evening. After, we went back to Bangla Road for drinks and some food.

Day 113, 114, 115 and 116 Bangkok - We got up and headed back to the airport to meet Paul and Julie off their flight. We...

Day 113, 114, 115 and 116 Bangkok - We got up and headed back to the airport to meet Paul and Julie off their flight. We got a taxi to our hotel in Bangkok centre, checked in, got sorted and had a drink in the hotel bar. Then we walked to Central Rama 9 shopping centre and walked around there before going to Jodd Fairs night market for some food and drinks. After, we headed back towards our hotel and had some drinks in a bar nearby. The next day we got up and took the sky train to Wat Arun Ratchawararam Ratchawaramahawihan then we took a boat over the river to The Grand Palace and The Temple of the Emerald Buddha. We went back to our hotel for a break from the heat and then went to Chinatown for food in the evening. The next day we went to Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT). We got to walk around the wildlife hospital in the morning and see the smaller animals they have rescued (monkeys, dogs, gibbons, turtles), then we had some lunch and got a safari bus around to see the larger rescued animals (tigers, bears, chimpanzee) in the afternoon. Before we left, we made some healthy snack balls and fed them to some of the elephants. We had some tea near the hotel and got an early night. The next day we took the sky train to Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen and then took a taxi to Wat Samphran. We then went to King Power Mahanakhon to watch the sunset from the sky deck and have a drink. After that we went out to a bar to watch the Leeds game and then went to bed.


Day 110, 111 and 112 Bangkok - We got the bus from Kanchanaburi to Bangkok and then got a taxi to our hotel. We got some food from the hotel and had an early night. The next day we got up and went into Bangkok centre because we had to buy a few things so walked around a HUGE shopping centre and got some food as well. Then we walked around Bangkok and went to a little Greek restaurant for tea. We got a taxi back to our hotel and had an early night. The next day we got up early and headed to the airport. We flew to Singapore and then back to Bangkok to restart our Thai visa.

Day 107, 108 and 109 Kanchanaburi - We got up early to get a bus from Ayutthaya to Bangkok. We then got a taxi to a diff...

Day 107, 108 and 109 Kanchanaburi - We got up early to get a bus from Ayutthaya to Bangkok. We then got a taxi to a different bus station before getting on another bus to Kanchanaburi. We checked into our hotel and then went to the market for food. The next day we went to the Death Railway Museum and Kanchanaburi War Cemetery. A huge thunderstorm came so we headed back to our hotel to wait it out. In the evening we went to find somewhere to watch the Leeds game but everywhere was closed due to a general election so we got noodles from the night market and ate them back at our hotel while watching the game. The next day we took the train from Kanchanaburi to Nam Tok along the Thai-Burma Death Railway and we went over the River Khwae Bridge. We then took a bus to the Hellfire Pass (Konyu Cutting) and visited the Hellfire Pass Interpretive Centre. We then got a bus all the way back to Kanchanaburi, grabbed some food and walked around the supermarket and then went to bed.

Day 104, 105 and 106 Ayutthaya - We got a late morning bus from Sukhothai to Ayutthaya. We went to a market for tea and ...

Day 104, 105 and 106 Ayutthaya - We got a late morning bus from Sukhothai to Ayutthaya. We went to a market for tea and the food was amazing! We had an early night so we could get up early the next day. We went to Wat Maha That, Wat Phra Ra Him, Wihan Phra Mongkhon Bophit, Wat Phra Si Sanphet and Wat Ratchaburana. We got some food and headed back to the hotel before taking a boat tour along the river in the evening. We went to Wat Phanan Choeng Worawihan, Wat Phutthaisawan and then Wat Chaiwatthanaram to watch the sunset. We then went out for some food and drinks and ended up having a very late night so spent the next day chilling out in our room.




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