3 days ago, I was running around Baxter State Park in my trail runners and microspikes. There was very little snow to speak of; mostly ice with an inch or two of fresh snow from mostly flurries. 2 days ago, I hiked the 8 miles in to Kidney Pond camps to spend the night and struggled through 8-12 inches of freshly fallen snowfall that continued to buildup through the night. Yesterday, I made my way back through all that snow, plus a little bit more, thanks to overnight "flurries" and gale force winds covering much of my tracks. It's not often that you can have a whole campground in BSP to yourself, but the pleasure was mine and I savored every moment while trying to get my cabin warm and thawing out from the long day. All that accumulated snowfall was blown off of Katahdin. What seemed like an endless snowfall turned out to be flurries that continued to pile up on the footpath and taking down trees for good measure. Tough hike in and out, but I thrive in adverse conditions and the wind, snow and after dark arrival added to the yet another great adventure.