When people say they have no time.. daily struggles..
Get woken up by either 4 or 6 year old crazes between 5:30-6:30, breakie for boys, cuppa tea, clothes set out, dishwasher, washing machine, drinks bottles, go get dressed, pack bags, face on, jackets, inhalers done, laptop on, redress kids who have made a mess or had a full naked wee, don't ask, jackets, bags, school drop off 8:25, drop off, home and reheat cuppa made at 6am, laptop on, sort through emails, work 9-2:45pm, run around hanging washing, tidying from the am for pick up at 3pm, pick up, stop on route home for supplies, tidy remainder, empty dishwasher, put wash on, playtime, cook dinner, read books, bathtime, read more books, inhalers, bedtime, around 8:30pm, go down after 30 trips up and down the stairs, tidy from playtime, tidy from dinner, hang washing, eat my dinner for 9pmish sit, fall asleep, wake up, go to bed around half 10, get to sleep about an hour later through working through all in my head lists, get kicked out of bed by 1am from 6 yesr old, move to 6 year olds bed, get slept on by 4 year old for the remainer of the night, woken up by 6 year old at 5am and start again.
I want to punch the old me who didn't think I had any time to myself!
-dimensional ❤️