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Who disagrees?

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If you start worrying  about what you don't have , you can never utilize what you have.

If you start worrying about what you don't have , you can never utilize what you have.

Just mind these 7 things .... Live a Life

Just mind these 7 things .... Live a Life


short stories worth reading, feeling and
forwarding to all those dear to you..
1. Fall and Rise
Today, when I slipped on the wet tile floor a
boy in a wheelchair caught me before I
slammed my head on the ground. He said,
“Believe it or not, that’s almost exactly how I
injured my back 3 years ago .
2. A father's advice
Today, my father told me, “Just go for it and
give it a try! You don’t have to be a
professional to build a successful product.
Amateurs started Google and Apple.
Professionals built the Titanic
3. The power of uniqueness.
Today, I asked my mentor – a very successful
business man in his 70’s – what his top 3 tips
are for success. He smiled and said, “Read
something no one else is reading, think
something no one else is thinking, and do
something no one else is doing.
4. Looking Back
Today, I interviewed my grandmother for part
of a research paper I’m working on for my
Psychology class. When I asked her to define
success in her own words, she said, “Success is
when you look back at your life and the
memories make you smile.
5. Try and U shall know
I am blind by birth. When I was 8 years old, I
wanted to play baseball. I asked my father-
"Dad, can I play baseball?" He said "You'll
never know until you try." When I was a
teenager, I asked him, - "Dad Can I become a
surgeon?". He replied "Son, you'll never know
until you try." Today I am a Surgeon, just
because I tried!
Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station,
a woman ran up to me at the grocery store
and gave me a hug. When I tensed up, she
realized I didn’t recognize her. She let go with
tears of joy in her eyes and the most sincere
smile and said, “On 9-11-2001, you carried me
out of the World Trade Center.”
Today, after I watched my dog get run over by
a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him
and crying. And just before he died, he licked
the tears off my face.
Today at 7AM, I woke up feeling ill, but
decided I needed the money, so I went into
work. At 3PM I got laid off. On my drive home
I got a flat tire. When I went into the trunk for
the spare, it was flat too. A man in a BMW
pulled over, gave me a ride, we chatted, and
then he offered me a job. I start tomorrow.
Today, as my father, three brothers, and two
sisters stood around my mother’s hospital bed,
my mother uttered her last coherent words
before she died. She simply said, “I feel so
loved right now. We should have gotten
together like this more often.”
Today, I kissed my dad on the forehead as he
passed away in a small hospital bed. About 5
seconds after he passed, I realized it was the
first time I had given him a kiss since I was a
little boy.
Today, in the cutest voice, my 8-year-old
daughter asked me to start recycling. I
chuckled and asked, “Why?” She replied, “So
you can help me save the planet.” I chuckled
again and asked, “And why do you want to save
the planet?” “Because that’s where I keep all
my stuff,” she said.
12. JOY
Today, when I witnessed a 27-year-old breast
cancer patieent laughing hysterically at her 2-
year-old daughter’s antics, I suddenly realized
that I need to stop complaining about my life
and start celebrating it again.
Today, a boy in a wheelchair saw me
desperately struggling on crutches with my
broken leg and offered to carry my backpack
and books for me. He helped me all the way
across campus to my class and as he was
leaving he said, “I hope you feel better soon.”.
Today, I was traveling in Kenya and I met a
refugee from Zimbabwe. He said he hadn’t
eaten anything in over 3 days and looked
extremely skinny and unhealthy. Then my
friend offered him the rest of the sandwich he
was eating. The first thing the man said was,
“We can share it.”
Cheers to life...


An old story, but a good one: A professor
stood before his philosophy class with a bucket
full of golf balls. He asked the students if the
bucket was full, and they all agreed that it was.
He then poured a box of pebbles into the
bucket, and the pebbles naturally rolled into
the open spaces between the golf balls. When
he asked the students if the bucket was full,
they again agreed that it was. He then poured a
box of sand into the bucket, which filled up
everything else.
All the students responded with an unanimous
"Yes!" when he asked again if the bucket was
full. And finally he poured two cups of tea into
the bucket, effectively filling the empty space
between the sand. The students all laughed, of
"Now," said the professor, as the laughter
subsided, "I want you to recognize that this
bucket represents your life. The golf balls are
the important things (health, friends, family,
and favorite passions). They are the things that
even if everything else was lost, your life would
still be full. The pebbles represent things like
your job, house and car, and the sand is
everything else... the small stuff.
If you put the sand into the jar first, there is
no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. So
don't spend all your time and energy on the
small stuff, or you will never have room for
what's truly important.
Set your priorities and take care of the golf
balls first, everything else is just sand. But
remember, no matter how full your life may
seem, there's always room for a cup of tea with
a friend.


The 99 Club.......
Once upon a time, there lived a King who,
despite his luxurious lifestyle, was neither
happy nor content.
One day, the King came upon a servant who
was singing happily while he worked. This
fascinated the King; why was he, the Supreme
Ruler of the Land, unhappy and gloomy, while a
lowly servant had so much joy.
The King asked the servant, 'Why are you so
The man replied, 'Your Majesty, I am nothing
but a servant, but my family and I don't need
too much - just a roof over our heads and
warm food to fill our tummies.'
The king was not satisfied with that reply. Later
in the day, he sought the advice of his most
trusted advisor. After hearing the King's woes
and the servant's story, the advisor said, 'Your
Majesty, I believe that the servant Has not been
made part of The 99 Club.'
'The 99 Club? And what exactly is that?' the
King inquired.
The advisor replied, 'Your Majesty, to truly
know what The 99 Club is, place 99 Gold coins
in a bag and leave it at this servant's doorstep.'
When the servant saw the bag, he took it into
his house. When he opened the bag, he let out
a great shout of joy... So many gold coins!
He began to count them. After several counts,
he was at last convinced that there were 99
coins. He wondered, 'What could've happened
to that last gold coin? Surely, no one would
leave 99 coins!'
He looked everywhere he could, but that final
coin was elusive. Finally, exhausted he decided
that he was going to have to work harder than
ever to earn that gold coin and complete his
From that day, the servant's life was changed.
He was overworked, horribly grumpy, and
castigated his family for not helping him make
that 100th gold coin. He stopped singing while
he worked.
Witnessing this drastic transformation,the King
was puzzled. When he sought his advisor's help,
the advisor said, 'Your Majesty, the servant has
now officially joined The 99 Club.'
He continued, 'The 99 Club is a name given to
those people who have enough to be happy but
are never contented, because they're always
yearning and Striving for that extra 1, saying to
themselves: 'Let me get that one final thing and
then I will be happy for life.' We can be happy,
even with very little in our lives, but the
minute we're given something bigger and
better, we want even more! We lose our sleep,
our happiness, we hurt the people around us;
all these as a price for our growing needs and
That's the "Club 99"


Useful info

Use of Mobile phone during Emergency

The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile
is 112.
If you find yourself out of the coverage area of
your mobile; network and there is an
dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing
network to establish the emergency number for
you, and interestingly this number 112 can be
dialled even if the keypad is locked. Try it


Never Share Ur Secrets with Anyone.
This can be Self-Destructive,
Perhaps the most Important Advice in Life.
Never Tell Ur Problems to Anyone.
20% will not Care
80% will be Glad that U have Them.
Life is similar to Boxing Game.
Defeat is not Declared when U Fall Down.
It is Declared when U Refuse to Get Up.
Always WRONG PERSONS Teach the
That is called LIFE EXPERIENCE.
Faith is taking the 1st Step,
even when U dont see the whole Staircase.
Keep Ur Face to the Sun,
& U will not see the Shadow.
Everything is Valuable only at 2 Times:
1: Before Getting It.
2: After Losing It.
2 Things brings Happiness & Success
in Life:
1: The way U Manage
when U have Nothing.
2: The way U Behave
when U have Everything.
2 Places are most Valuable in the World:
1: The NICEST Place is to be in
Someone's Thoughts.
2: The SAFEST Place is to be in
Someone's Prayers.
'FEAR' has 2 Meanings:
1: Forget Everything & Run.
2: Face Everything & Rejoice.
Choice is Ours.
ATTITUDE at its Best:
"My BACK is not a VOICE MAIL.
Kindly Say whatever U have by FACING ME".
What is SUCCESS ?
SUCCESS is, when Ur Photo's are Uploaded on
'GOOGLE' instead of FACEBOOK.
'EGO' is the only Requirement
to Destroy any Relationship.
Be a Bigger Person,
Skip the 'E' & let it 'GO'.


Timeline Photos


Take chances!
Tell d truth!
Learn to Say no!
Spend ur money on d things u love!
Say I Love U to someone in life!
Feel d true love!
Tel d idiot how he/she hurts u!
Abuse someone who deserves it!
Sit alone, watch d rain n cry!
Laugh till ur stomach pains!
Dance even if u r too bad at it!
Give someone a hug when they need it & make
sure u get one when u do!
Be naughty like a child.
Live it, luv it!


When I was a young man, I wanted to change
the world.
I found it was difficult to change the world, so
I tried to change my nation.
When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I
began to focus on my town.
I couldn’t change the town, so I tried to change
my family.
Now, as an old man, I know the only thing I
can change is myself.
And suddenly I realize that if long ago I had
changed myself, I could have made an impact
on my family.
My family and I could have made an impact on
our town.
Their impact could have changed the nation
and I could indeed have changed the world.



1. Play a sport.
It will teach you how to win honorably, lose gracefully, respect authority, work with others, manage your time and stay out of trouble. And maybe even throw or catch.

2. It is better to be kind than to be right.

3. Save money when you're young because you're going to need it someday.

4. Allow me to introduce you to the dishwasher, oven, washing machine, iron, vacuum, mop and broom. Now please go use them.

5. Pray and be a spiritual leader.

6. Don't ever be a bully and don't ever start a fight, but if some idiot clocks you, please defend yourself.

7. Use careful aim when you p*e. Somebody's got to clean that up, you know.

8. Your knowledge and education is something that nobody can take away from you.

9. Treat your partner kindly. Forever is a long time to live alone and it's even longer to live with somebody who hates your guts.

10. Take pride in your appearance.

11. Be strong and tender at the same time.

12. A woman can do everything that you can do. This includes her having a successful career and you changing diapers at 3 A.M. Mutual respect is the key to a good relationship.

13. "Yes ma'am" and "yes sir" still go a long way.

14. The reason that they're called "private parts" is because they're "private". Please do not scratch them in public.

15. Peer pressure is a scary thing. Be a good leader and others will follow.

16. Bringing her flowers for no reason is always a good idea.

17. You will set the tone for the sexual relationship, so don't take something away from her that you can't give back.

18. A sense of humor goes a long way in the healing process.

19. Please choose your spouse wisely. My daughter-in-law will be the gatekeeper for me spending time with you and my grandchildren.

20. Remember to call your mother and father because I might be missing you.


hey you. yes, you. stop being unhappy with
you are perfect. stop wishing you looked like
someone else or wishing people liked you as
much as they like someone else. stop trying to
get attention from those who hurt you. stop
hating your body, your face, your personality,
your quirks. love them. without those things
you wouldn't be you. and why would you want
to be anyone else? be confident with who you
are. smile. it'll draw people in. my happiness
will not depend on others anymore. i'm happy
because i love who i am. i love my flaws. i love
my imperfections. they make me me. and 'me'
is pretty amazing.


Some good tips of life :
1) No matter how good is intention people sees ur presentation, no matter how good is ur presentation God will watch ur intention.
2) "Everyone have two Eyes ... But
No one has the same View... "
3) The most important quality of successful people is their willingness to change..
4) "Human beings are very strange.
They have ego of their knowledge
but, they don't have knowledge
of their ego".
6) People who judge do not matter. People who matter do not judge.
9) Alphabet "O" stands for Opportunity which is absent in Yesterday" Available only once in "Today", And thrice in "Tomorrow"
10) "Pain Is Unavoidable but,
Suffering Is Optional"
11) SOLID QUOTE: "Patthar Sirf ek bar Mandir Jaata hai aur Bhagwan Ban Jaata hai.
Hum Roz Mandir Jakar bhi Patthar hi Rehte hain."
12) Only messages are not life , but ...... our life should be a message to others!


Did You Know?

1. Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes.

2. If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there's a 50% chance you'll die within the next 3 years

3. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. There's a 9% chance that you'll meet one of them in your lifetime.

4. Sleeping without a pillow reduces back pain and keeps your spine stronger.

5. A person’s height is determined by their father, and their weight is determined by their mother.

6. If a part of your body "falls asleep",
you can almost always "wake it up" by shaking your head.

7. There are three things the human brain cannot resist noticing - Food, attractive people and danger

8. Right-handed people tend to chew food on their right side

9. Putting dry tea bags in gym bags or smelly shoes will absorb the unpleasant odour.

10. According to Albert Einstein, if honey bees were to disappear from earth, humans would be dead within 4 years.

11. There are so many kind of apples, that if you ate a new one everyday, it would take over 20 years to try them all.

12. You can survive without eating for weeks, but you will only live 11 days without sleeping.

13. People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don’t.

14. Laziness and inactivity kills just as many people as smoking.

15. A human brain has a capacity to store 5 times as much information as Wikipedia

16. Our brain uses same amount power as 10-watt light bulb!!

17. Our body gives enough heat in 30 mins to boil 1.5 litres of water!!

18. The O**m egg is the largest cell and the s***m is the smallest cell !!

19. Stomach acid (conc. HCl) is strong enough to dissolve razor blades!!


A 9 Year Boy went to an
ICE CREAM shop .
Waiter :- What do you want?
Boy :- How much a
Waiter :- Rs.15/-
Then the BOY checked his pocket&
asked cost of small cone ?
Irritated Waiter angrily said :- Rs.12/-
Boy ordered a small cone, had it, paid bill &
When the waiter came to pick the EMPTY
PLATE tears rolled down from his eyes.
The boy had left Rs.3 as Tip for him.
That’s Life..


Why is a car's front glass so large and the
rearview mirror so small? Because the future is
more important than the past. Look ahead with
a bigger view and move


Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As
you get
older, their conversational skills will be as
important as any other.


List Of "DO's" & "DONT's" In LIFE:
(Worth Reading)
Never Share Ur Secrets with Anyone.
This can be Self-Destructive,
Perhaps the most Important Advice in Life.
Never Tell Ur Problems to Anyone.
20% will not Care
80% will be Glad that U have Them.
Life is similar to Boxing Game.
Defeat is not Declared when U Fall Down.
It is Declared when U Refuse to Get Up.
Always WRONG PERSONS Teach the
That is called LIFE EXPERIENCE.
Faith is taking the 1st Step,
even when U dont see the whole Staircase.
Keep Ur Face to the Sun,
& U will not see the Shadow.
Everything is Valuable only at 2 Times:
1: Before Getting It.
2: After Losing It.
2 Things brings Happiness & Success
in Life:
1: The way U Manage
when U have Nothing.
2: The way U Behave
when U have Everything.
2 Places are most Valuable in the World:
1: The NICEST Place is to be in
Someone's Thoughts.
2: The SAFEST Place is to be in
Someone's Prayers.
'FEAR' has 2 Meanings:
1: Forget Everything & Run.
2: Face Everything & Rejoice.
Choice is Ours.
ATTITUDE at its Best:
"My BACK is not a VOICE MAIL.
Kindly Say whatever U have by FACING ME".
What is SUCCESS ?
SUCCESS is, when Ur Photo's are Uploaded on
'GOOGLE' instead of FACEBOOK.
'EGO' is the only Requirement
to Destroy any Relationship.
Be a Bigger Person,
Skip the 'E' & let it 'GO'.
Do U know why God did not give Us
the Gift to Read Other's Mind ?
So that, We could have the Chances to
'TRUST' & Privilege to be 'TRUSTED'.
As long as We do not Forgive People
who have Hurt Us,
They Occupy a 'RENT-FREE-SPACE'
in our Mind.
Always keep Hoping for Good.
Keep a Green Tree in Ur Heart.
The Singing Birds will Automatically come.
If U Walk the Way guided by Humans,
U will find a Hopeless End.
If U will Walk the Way guided by GOD,
U will find Endless Hopes & Opportunities.
GOD always likes to know again & again
what U want.
It is not that He Forgets Ur
Dreams & Prayers,
But He Loves to Check Ur Passion
towards Ur Desire.
That is why He wants U to have Ur
'QUIET TIME' which We call as
'PRAYER TIME' with Him everyday.
I asked GOD: If everything is already Written
in Destiny,
then why should I Pray ?
GOD Smiled & said: I have also Written
Empty Pockets Teach
Millons of Things in Life.
Full Pockets Spoil Us in Million Ways.
TRUST is like a Sticker.
Once it is Removed, it may Stick again,
but not as Strong as it Holds
when U First Applied.
Always take Care of RELATIONS.
Thats why they say, when U are in Doubt,
'SILENCE' is the Best Policy.
Never Win People with Arguments.
rather Defeat Them with Ur Smile.
Because People who always Wish to
Argue with U, cannot Bear Ur SILENCE.
If a Drop of Water falls on a Lake,
its Identity is Lost.
If a Drop of Water falls on a Lotus Leaf,
it Shines like a Pearl.
Drop is the Same,
but the 'COMPANY' matters.
Our HOPES should be like HAIR & NAILS.
No matter how many times they get Cut,
but they never stop Growing.
That is why they say,
Always Hope for the Best,
however Bad the Situation may be.
'MEMORIES' are always Special.
Sometimes, We Laugh by
Remembering the days We Cried.
Sometimes, We Cry by
Remembering the days We Laughed.
Thats LIFE.
SEA is common for All.
Some take Pearls,
Some take Fishes,
Some come out just with Wet Legs.
Word is common to all


Some Amazing and Unknown Facts ❀
★ Ants never sleep!
★ When the moon is directly overhead, you will
weigh slightly less.
★ Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the
telephone, never called his wife or mother;
because they were both deaf.
★ An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
★ “I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in
the English language.
★ Babies are born without knee caps – actually,
they’re made of cartilage
and the bone hardens, between the ages of 2-6
★ Happy Birthday (the song) is copyrighted.
★ Butterflies taste with their feet.
★ A “jiffy”, is an actual unit of time for 1/100th
of a second.
★ It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes
★ Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
★ Minus 40° Celsius, is exactly the same as
minus 40° Fahrenheit.
★ No word in the English language, rhymes with
month - orange - silver -or- purple.
★ Shakespeare invented the words
“assassination” and “bump".
★ Stewardesses is the longest word typed with
only the left hand.
★ Elephants are the only animals that cannot
★ The names of all the continents end with the
same letter that they start with.
★ The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps
over the lazy dog”
uses every letter in the English language.
★ The shortest war in history was between
Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar
surrendered after 38 minutes.
★ The strongest muscle in the body is the
★ The word “lethologica” describes the state of
not being able to remember the word you want.
★ Camels have three eyelids to protect
themselves from the blowing desert sand.
★ TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be
made using the letters on only one row of the
★ You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath.
★ Your stomach has to produce a new layer of
mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself.
★ The dot over the letter “i” is called a 'Tittle'.




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