We welcome conversations with all our fans and indeed, we wish to encourage you to actively engage us on this page. However, we wish to highlight that for privacy reasons, we are unable to directly address specific feedback on Facebook or Twitter. If you do have something you would like to share with us or bring to our attention regarding your ihlah.com experience, you can send an email to enquiry
.com. We hope to keep our conversations cordial for the benefit of this community, and we request that all posts are kept respectful of others. We encourage everyone to abide by this policy, and we would like to avoid removing users from the page for any repeat offences. When contributing please ensure you do not post any material that:
• Is racist, obscene, hateful, defamatory, libellous, derogatory, threatening, profane, harassing, abusive, discriminatory or humiliating to another person or organisation.
• Vilifies individuals based on their religion, gender, race or sexuality.
• Contains copyrighted material (written, audio, video and other electronic forms) or infringes Intellectual Property Rights.
• Contains personal information about you or another individual (including identifying information, email addresses, phone numbers or private addresses.)
• Falsely represents another individual, organisation, government or entity.
• Infers endorsement of a product, business, company or organisation.
• Promotes a product, business, company or organisation.
• A direct copy of information already posted on another website.
• Is irrelevant or otherwise unsuitable. ihlah.com retains the right to remove any content or users that do not comply with the above guidelines.