This is the second large flush of oyster mushrooms from this bucket 😁🍄
Next season I'll workshop these buckets again and also have them available for purchase for those prefer to just have their mushrooms and eat them 🍄😜
After sharing a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with friends I decided to swing past the monster Shaggy Mane patch in Charlottetown.
Shaggy manes (Coprinus comatus) are a super easy to identify edible that fruits in October, usually during rainy season. They grow on lawns and have an interesting way of dispersing their spores - by deliquescing - that's a fancy way of saying they turn into liquid ink!
Some might have some concerns over lawn chemicals, so confirm before eating. I foraged these to make ink so I'm not concerned about impact of ingesting lawn chemicals. I also wanna add that we really need to stop using toxic chemicals on lawns in the world today, poisoning our planet for aesthetics with how much we know now does not seem smart or responsible.
Follow me at The Red Island Mushroom Hunter to learn more 😁
Short video on how to prepare your mushroom patch for winter 🍄🩷
All mushrooms that turn blue are not poisonous - Red Mouth Bolete 🍄❤️
Cooking chanterelles for one of my lifetime besties from California.
I haven't posted much in a while, for good reason though! One of my lifetime besties is visiting me from California. We met 10 years ago in Prague when I was still living in South Africa. Our friendship has spanned 4 countries over a decade 🩷
I'm cooking chanterelles for us tonight!
#mushrooms #chanterelles #foraging