The Perfect Christmas Gift" with Rich Ferreira and Maria Canavati
Ronen Ben Moshe hosts a GTI quiz gameshow to test Jerell’s knowledge of Jerusalem sites 👏🏻 🎤 🎲 🎁 🇮🇱 #namethatplace #jerusalemversion #sababa (awesome) 6/6 🏆 😅
Pool of Siloam Excavations
Jerrell and Ronen at the Pool of Siloam in the City of David. “Every day we find new things!” ⛏️🔍 💦 🇮🇱 🙌🏻 #Israel #Jerusalem #cityofdavid #poolofsiloam #hezekiahstunnel #archaeologicalfinds #archaelogicaldigs #pilgrimageroad #bibleandarchaeology
From the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee
Sometimes you just need to see the Sea of Galilee and remember Who calmed the storm 🌊 ⛈️ #seaofgalilee #peacebestill
Hippos was a Hellenistic city in the northern Jordan Valley and a long-time member of the Decapolis, a group of ten cities more closely tied to the Greco-Roman culture than to the local Semitic-speaking population. Sussita National Park preserves magnificent remains of the ancient city of Hippos (“horse” in Greek), and in Hebrew, Sussita (sus means “horse” in Hebrew). 🐴 🇮🇱 #sussita #golanheights #galilee
GTI Israeli guides Dan, Ronen and Guy send greetings and hope to see you soon in Israel 🇮🇱 🙏🏻 🚌 💙 #Israel #israelitourguides #tourism
Rich, Jerrell and Ronen had Qumran (desert site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered) to themselves 😅 #Israel #Qumran #DeadSeaScrolls #nocrowds #openseating
Jerrell and Israeli guide Ronen stand on the banks of the Jordan River. Now the border between Israel and Jordan, it is the place where many significant moments in scripture occurred. 💦 🇮🇱🇯🇴 #Israel #Jordan #jordanriver #walktheland
GTI’s Jerrell Jobe describes the current atmosphere in Israel (July 12, 2024). #Israel #Jerusalem #firsthandexperience #Update
In case you missed it, here is our Zoom Open House (5/18/2024) covering our 2025 Signature Tour lineup! Message us with any questions you may have, or call our office at (616) 396-1234.
Türkiye 🇹🇷 by Jaron Ferreira
#turkey #turkiye #VisitTurkey #grecoromanculture #earlychurch #earlychurchhistory #foostepsofpaul
Fascinating, surprising, enticing Türkiye 🇹🇷 You captured our hearts from day one ♥️ Turkiye is the Asia Minor mentioned in scripture 📖 75% of the New Testament is written to or from Asia Minor ✍🏻 All 7 Churches of Revelation (chapters 1-3) are in Türkiye ⛪️ Paul spent more time in Ephesus, the “Jewel” and capital of Asia Minor, than in any other city 💎 John, Mary the mother of Christ, Barnabas and Timothy all resided and ministered in Turkiye 🫶🏻Asia Minor / Türkiye is the cradle of early Christianity ✝️See the Bible come to life in Türkiye 🇹🇷 and Greece 🇬🇷 Join our Signature Study Tour, September 15-25, 2024! #türkiye #visitturkey #biblicalstudytours #asiaminor #foostepsofpaul #earlychurch #earlychurchhistory