Visit Zimbabwe

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Visit Zimbabwe Visit Zimbabwe, A world of wonders. You've seen the Zimbabwe of CNN, BBC, SABC & Aljazeera. You've heard of the Victoria Falls & Big 5. It's unforgettable!

But there is another Zimbabwe that's not on TV. A vibrant and fascinating country filled with the friendliest people on earth. Come see this see Zimbabwe.

 Two days and we're partying!!! Mafaro acho akapamidzirwa

Two days and we're partying!!! Mafaro acho akapamidzirwa

Two days to release...

HIFA 2014 Day 1 Highlights

Come to Zimbabwe and Feel the HIFA Vibe!

Highlights from Day 1 of HIFA 2014. Produced by JamTV, Zimbo Jam, Invision Studios with support from uMAX

Come to Zimbabwe and Feel the HIFA Vibe!

Come to Zimbabwe and Feel the HIFA Vibe!

Highlights from Day 1 of HIFA 2014. Produced by JamTV, Zimbo Jam, Invision Studios with support from uMAX


Join Wild Horizons for an extraordinary and exhilarating journey along the edge of the Zambezi gorges following ancient game trails. Seated comfortably on the back of natures true "king of the beasts", experience an age old tradition whilst silently exploring the majestic grasslands of Victoria Falls National Park and marvel at the spectacular scenery of Masuie river plunging 120 m into the Zambezi river below.


White Water Rafting on Zambezi River
A pure adventure, enjoy rafting down the Zambezi River below the majestic Victoria Falls. Experienced guides will take care of you whilst you go through rapid after rapid, and you will love your action packed day. At the end of which you will climb out of the Bakota Gorge and be served ice cold refreshments!!


Where are these famous rocks found in Zimbabwe


The picture below shows the entrance to a hotel in Victoria Falls which is abundant in entertainment, dining and shopping options. it has the Great Enclosure which is located on the premises as well as various food outlets including Panarottis Pizzeria, Spur Steak House, The Burger Place and The Sweet Hut.

Included in the Great Enclosure is the casino, pharmacy, reserve bank outlet and children’s play area. The hotel also has a spa and hair salon, and a deluxe swimming pool with a toddler’s pool.

The hotel has a modern and elegantly decorated conferencing centre that comprises four rooms of various sizes.

Which hotel is this?


Hwange National Park is the largest game reserve in Zimbabwe.

Located on the border with Botswana, its 1.4 million hectares are home to a rich variety of different habitats, vegetation and wildlife.

The park's mopane and teak woodlands, grasslands and scrub areas provide a true wilderness experience and some fantastic game viewing opportunities.

Hwange was proclaimed a national park over 75 years ago and is known for its herds of buffalo and elephant and a huge diversity of over 100 different mammal species. Black-backed jackal, bat-eared fox, baboon, porcupine, aardwolf, spotted hyena, caracal, leopard, African wildcat, lion, southern giraffe, hippo, warthog and Burchell's zebra are all found in Hwange to name just a few! The large numbers of plains game and antelope in the park provide a rich source of food for the predators. A number of white rhino have also recently been reintroduced to Hwange.


Known as one of Southern Africa’s Most Intriguing Destinations, and voted second runner up in the 2012 AZTA Awards “Zimbabwe’s Best Safari Camp”, Antelope Park is a not-to-be-missed location in your Zimbabwe travel itinerary!

Air Zimbabwe extends deadline for promotion

With these affordable rates you can manage to travel to your dream destination in Zimbabwe.

Air Zimbabwe extends deadline for promotion0 Takudzwa Chihambakwe July 22, 2013 Business, Social Issues Air Zimbabwe special ratesAir Zimbabwe has extended the July 31 deadline it had set to end the running of flights at special rates. The promotion will now run till 30 September , 2013. The air li...


At the top of Christmas Pass is a statue to Kingsley Fairbridge, the Mutare boy who pioneered child migration to Australia by means of his farm schools.

His memorial in Rhodesia is the Kingsley Fairbridge Memorial College near Bulawayo.

The statue, in a magnificent setting overlooking the vale of Mutare, depicts him at the age of 12, with his African servant, Jack, and his dog, who were with him, roaming these very hills, when he beheld his vision of child immigrants from the crowded streets of Britain populating the Empire's empty spaces.

The statue was unveiled by Her Majesty the Queen Mother during her visit to Rhodesia in 1953.


The Eastern border town of Penhalonga is home to one of Zimbabwe’s best-kept secrets, La Rochelle, a magical cross twixt fairy tale castle and French chateau, surrounded by manicured gardens on the edge of verdant forest-cloaked mountains.La Rochelle is a splendidly unique place with a story book tower and a magical garden filled with rare flora from throughout the world.


Here is another place to visit in Zimbabwe...

Cecil Kop and Thompson's Vlei a 1700 hectare nature reserve, 3 km from the city center of Mutare. Best time to visit Cecil Kop is 1600hrs when food is put out to entice animals down the mountain. Visitors view game from terrace - elephant, rhino, zebra, wildbeast and a plethora of antelope. Drive through the Thompson's section for good views of the mountains and see giraffe, buffalo, warthog, nyala, blue duiker and other antelope.


Get closer to heaven as you rise to the top of the Vumba Mountains,only in Zimbabwe!


The Leopard Rock Hotel is one of Zimbabwe’s legendary and most well-known tourist establishments. Located in the Bvumba Mountains in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe, the Leopard Rock Hotel has been a favourite haunt of royalty, sport stars, celebrities - as well as “ordinary” tourists who appreciate the finer things in life.


Tired of the hustle and bustles in the city? Well all you need is a place to refresh out in the wild whilst the birds sing and the cool breeze from the mountains rejuvenates you.

Musangano Lodge in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe is the ideal place for some one like you.

The Lodge is approximately a 3 hours drive away from Harare and lies 28 km west of Mutare. Musangano has been operational since September 1996 and takes in 28 guests in 14 rooms.


ever heard of living life on the edge??Well we confirm that it does happen in Zimbabwe....


Mutarazi Falls is the second tallest waterfall in Africa, and the tallest in Zimbabwe. The falls consist of two tiers in rapid succession. The upper tier is typically hidden from view in most of the shots.

The Mutarazi Falls, also spelt as Mutavazi, is a 761m high majestic waterfall located in the lush eastern highlands of Zimbabwe.


The Lion & Cheetah Park is situated near Lake Chivero, a half an hour's drive outside Harare.It is a sanctuary for lions, cheetahs, the oldest and largest galapagos tortoise in Zimbabwe and a wide variety of other animals.


Mana Pools is the ideal place to get close to nature. It is a truly remote park, far from any major town or human settlement. The national park is home to magnificent and enormous elephants that return year after year to the same places and are well known to the locals in the area. During the winter months, Mana Pools has the highest concentration of game in the entire continent of Africa. Both walking and canoe safaris are available.


Experience Zimbabwe

is situated in Ngamo Forest Area, 2kms from the
Ngamo gate entrance into in Hwange National Park. Log on for full details

Remote and private, your African experience will be shared only with others in camp. The camp lies in the Ngamo Plain which is an ancient fossil lake bed. As time went by, Kalahari sands from the west covered the calcrete lake-beds creating pans in the large open grasslands dotted with Ilala Palms that are typical of this area today.

About Bomani Camp
Bomani Tented Camp is situated in the south east corner of Ngamo Forest Area. Two kilometers from the boundary of Hwange National Park's Ngamo entrance gate. Bomani pan is the only permanent year round waterhole within this portion of the Forest Area. As the dry season progresses, large numbers of elephant herds, sable, waterbuck and wildebeest drink at the pan daily.
The camp has 8 tents – 16 beds, offering a personal and exclusive touch. Four of the spacious tents are built on teakwood platforms 5 feet above the ground overlooking Bomani pan; and the other four are on ground level – ‘close to nature’. The tents are exquisitely furnished and have en-suite shower, toilet and basin with hot and cold running water. The deck in front of the tent provides a superb spot to sip coffee or tea in the early morning.
The main lodge overlooks Bomani pan and comprises of the dining area, lounge, bar area and viewing platform in front of the bar. Two fireplaces provide warmth during the cool winter evenings and guests may also choose to sit around a fire pit in front of the main lodge and enjoy cocktails under the stars while listening to the sounds of the African bush.
Hwange Park
Hwange Park is the largest National Park in Zimbabwe and one of the great parks of Africa. It supports over 40,000 elephant and the largest number of mammal and bird species found in any of Zimbabwe's parks. Scattered within the prevalent woodlands are ancient fossil lake beds, that today are large savannah grasslands. These areas provide the best game viewing area of the park and arguably the best in Zimbabwe. Abundant game on the plains also support good numbers of large predators. A resident pride of lion can be heard roaring from the camp on most nights. Several different leopard territories surround the plain and a pack of wild dog den within an easy drive of camp. Cheetah and hyaena are also regularly seen in the area.

Your experienced, armed, licensed professional guides are an encyclopedia of information about the wildlife in the area and can conduct walking safaris in the wilderness area. Their experience with big game will make an approach on foot to a herd of bull elephant not only extraordinarily exciting, but also safe.
Apart from daylight game viewing trips our guests can enjoy a short drive at night before or after supper with a spotlight to see some of the interesting nocturnal animals in the area. Village visits into the neighbouring tribal area provide a fascinating insight into the real lives of the Ndebele people in the villages of Vozheka, Ngamo and Ngunyana. So come with us on a safari of a lifetime.


Interesting facts about Zimbabwe

The currencies used are the UK pound, South African rand, Euro, Botswana P**a and US when you come here you don't need to worry about finding a good exchange rate because we can trade in all currencies, that s what i call convenience.

Zimbabwe has an excellent tropical climate. The country is situated on a raised plateau and therefore relatively cooler than its neighbors. That is what i call a cool life.

Zimbabwe has an impressive adult literacy rate of 90% – one of the highest ratings in Africa. We will be able to understand you and you will understand us.

Zimbabwe is believed to be the location of Ophir, the ancient wealthy country from which King Solomon got ivory, gold, and such other precious items. That means we are 'RICH'!

So what are you waiting for,visit Zimbabwe today!


Come To Zimbabwe and see the diverse species of birds on the African continent.


Zimbabwe boasts of some of the worlds best craftsmen , because what ever they touch turns into a masterpiece


And God said ,Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding after his kind,whose seed is in itself,upon the earth and it was so
This word is fulfilled in the Eastern highlands,a place found only in Zimbabwe
So visit Zimbabwe and experience heaven on earth.....


Come to Zimbabwe and experience the natural breeze as you discover new species of fauna and flora


Visit Zimbabwe's cover photo


Pictures from the inaugral Zimbabwe Carnival


A Celebration of Painted Wolves

Rosemary Groom has created a pack of African wild dogs! With the help of Judy Du Plessis and children, Anderson and Lin, we have a pack that can travel the country and entertain/educate schoolchildren who otherwise would never see the real thing!


A Celebration of Painted Wolves

Pedals 4 Paws is a cycle adventure initiative set up by Jeremy Borg and Painted Wolf Wines
to raise funds for and promote the conservation of the highly endangered African Wild Dog –
also known as the African Painted Dog or African Painted Wolf. Wild Dogs are declining in
number throughout their range, with an estimated 4500- 6000 remaining in isolated pockets in
Sub–Saharan Africa. The species is critically endangered in South Africa where less than 400
remain in the wild. My aim is to ride 5000 – 6000 kms over a few years to raise money and
profile for the conservation of the species in Southern Africa. Each stage will involve other
cyclists. A number of annual cycle touring events are being developed in key wild dog hot
spots. Wild dogs need a lot of space, an environment free of poacher’s snares and people in
proximity to their range who have empathy for the species and care that it doesn’t slip into
extinction - a benefit to all species and to the bush at large. Pedals 4 Paws is therefore
dedicated to raising the profile of Wild dogs and to raising as much money as possible for
their conservation. To date Pedals 4 Paws have raised over R100, 000. Painted Wolf Wines
have contributed another significant sum of money.
We completed three rides in 2012. During the Easter school holidays, a small group of friends
and their children rode bicycles between Madikwe in North West Province- South Africa and
the North Tuli game reserves in Botswana. This first leg of Pedals 4 Paws was a ride of
approximately 500 kms for adults and 100 kms for children. It was generously and
enthusiastically supported by a number of individuals and the students at Courtrai Primary
School in Paarl. The first Pedals 4 Paws was a great success and raised R20 000.00 for the
Endangered Wildlife Trust's Wild Dog projects in South Africa.
Our second ride of roughly 800km kicked off in Maun Botswana at The Coaching 4
Conservation Wake Carnival www.bpctrust/coaching-for-conservation/asp on 28 June 2012
in Maun finish in Hwange on 4 July, enabling us to engage with both the Botswana Predator
Conservation Trust in Maun and Painted Dog Conservation in Hwange, thus embracing two of the most important Wild Dog
projects in Africa. I was joined on the ride by two university students and accompanied along
part the road by my children Oliver and Savannah and my niece Nicola Irving. The ride was
be filmed by Anthony Irving my brother in law. Anthony has made over 200 wild life and
environmental films over the years. Backup will be provided by our families. The fund raised
from Pedals 4 Paws 2 were routed through the Tusk trust in UK , who
distributed funds to Painted Dog and the BPCT.
The third ride in November 2012 was from iMfolozi in northern KZN to Hlane in Swaziland.
Park. This ride, in support of the Endangered Wildlife Trust took us through a number of
reserves with dogs in Northern KZN, Mkuze, and Tembe where 14 Wild dogs had recently
introduced. We were joined by wild dog researchers Brendan Whittington Jones, Kelly
Marnewick, and had 3 other riders. who raised money for the EWT
A ride from Mana pools in Zimbabwe to Gonarezhou is currently being planned for late June
and early July.
This highly social and charismatic animal is amongst the most endangered of all Africa's
mammals. The African Wild Dog or Painted Wolf is only distantly related to domestic dogs or
wolves, and is in fact the last remnant of a group of canids which pre-date domestic dogs and
wolves on the evolutionally ladder. It is estimated that a mere 100 years ago there were over
500 000 in Sub–Saharan Africa - this figure has dropped to about 4500- 6000 animals
scattered in small populations, with Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania holding the
most viable populations. In South Africa, African Wild Dogs are critically endangered and
need all of the help they can get. The wild population here has dropped to below 400 animals,
and continues to decline. If we lost as many Wild Dogs in South Africa in the last year as the
number of rhino tragically poached, the species would be extinct here.
There are a number of reasons why the species is declining, mostly related to human
activities -
1) dogs are shot or poisoned by land owners, hunters and farmers
2) snares set by commercial or recreational poachers - a scourge throughout African
conservation areas
3) Rabies and diseases of domestic dogs - from contact with village dogs
4) Collisions with motor vehicles
5) The illegal capture and trade of wild caught animals by international wildlife traffickers.
6) Fencing and sectioning off areas of wilderness
7) Conservation and wild life ownership politics
Wild Dog populations are affected by changes in the density of the bush and access to prey.
They are also attacked and killed by other predators, particularly lions.
Aside from their enormous charm and beauty, African Wild dogs have a highly developed
social structure. They are hugely supportive of one another, exhibiting a number of traits
which we humans we can easily identify with. They are enormously successful hunters, with
a success rate of at least 70%. Wild Dogs require vast areas in which to live and hunt – a
pack of just 30 dogs requires a similar amount of space equivalent to that required by 150
leopards or 300 lions! A strategy for long term conservation of the species involves the
conservation of large tracts of land. In South Africa, a project to link Madikwe and Pilansberg
Game reserves and plans to secure a corridor for Wild Dogs in Northern KZN are both
initiatives driven by the need to create space for our remaining dog population. These
strategies have a very positive spin off for conservation in general. As one of the rarest and
most charismatic carnivores, The Painted Wolves are a significant attraction to the areas in
which they exist. They are a valuable ecological and tourism resource to Southern Africa. It
would be a tragedy if their spots were to fade away.
Jeremy Borg of Painted Wolf Wines and Pedals 4 Paws plan a number of cycle rides over the
coming years to visit most of the reserves in Southern Africa where viable populations of
Painted Wolves exist and where there are research and conservation programmes in place.
Each ride will be different and will highlight each area and the work of different conservation
organisations. We will welcome a limited number of riders on each leg that is expected to
help raise funds for the various conservation organisations we are working with. We will use
the resources of Painted Wolf Wines to communicate to a broad public about the dogs, and
other related conservation issues. We plan to focus future efforts on the devastating impacts
wire snares is having on the dogs and other species in protected areas and to help by
raising funds and other resources to tackle this major conservation problem.
Painted Wolf Wines is involved with various conservation organisations in Southern Africa
and has provided resources and funds to The Endangered Wildlife trust, The Tusk Trust, the
Botswana Predator Conservation Trust, Painted Dog Conservation and the Lowveld Wild Dog Project. We will continue supporting these organisations, with the beneficiary dependent on
where a particular ride is taking place. As we travel to new areas we will strive to benefit other
conservation charities
The rides take us through and between major conservancy areas. Each one will be different,
traversing varied terrain. This is a cycle tour, not a race. The groups will be small. If you are
interested in participating please contact [email protected] Participating riders
will be required to raise money for the projects supported by our rides.
P4P 4; MANA POOLS Zimbabwe to Gonarezhou June to early July 2013.
Please support Pedals 4 Paws generously – African Wild Dogs need all the help they can get!
To donate to Wild Dog conservation projects in Zimbabwe, please donate to
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