I love Japanese trains! Now the names are written in Japanese (hiragana and kanji), English (romaji), Mandarin, Cantonese and Hangul/Korean. When I moved to Japan in 1989 the platform sign at my local station and the map of the lines was only in kanji and hiragana. It was tough but a good motivation to learn hiragana as quickly as possible so I know which station to get out at 😂
Video of seals and pasta like kelp!
Macaronis scrambling on rocks and jumping into the water.
Hello. Can we have a ride? We would like to visit the mainland for a little outing!
I’m hungry. Give Me the food!
Mamma or Papa cleaning babies!
Hurry, hurry. We are late.
What I loved most was hearing the glacier move and suddenly a little part would crash into the water. Really hard to capture as you hear the noise and quickly look for the falling part but happens too quickly to capture on film. These are waves after a little part has fallen. If it is a bigger piece, the waves are larger too and our guide told us of a lady who was filming and didn’t notice and got absolutely drenched. I suppose like filming a tsunami but on a smaller scale.
Spectacular. It was windy but not cold for me. However I was the only person wearing a T-shirt. Everyone else was in layers and woolly hats. I forgot to put on sunscreen and today have a very rosy face. Should have learnt from my days on the slopes 🤣
Approaching Buenos Aires.
Arcadis. Took a gondola and then walked up to a large metal sundial on the peak. Beautiful views of various tarns and the valleys below.