Lyrics Translation
Micko si c’est vrai Obonga Esala rien
[Micko if it is true, you do not want me, its nothing]
Micko eza Mawa Obonga Esala rien
[micko it is sad, you no longer want me, its okay]
Nakokufa Nanga une fois pour toute
[i will die once and for all]
Pe Natika Ba souffrance pe Bala joie
[To leave behind suffering, and the joy]
Natikela Bayé Balinga Bango feu vert
[Give the green light to the chosen ones]
Micko si c’est vrai Obonga Esala rien
[Micko if it is true, you do not want me, its nothing]
Micko eza Mawa Obonga Esala rien
[micko it is sad, you no longer want me, its okay]
Nakokufa nanga martyre d’amour
[I will die a love martyr]
Pe natika ba souffrance pe bala joie
[To leave behind the suffering and the joy]
Natikela bayé balinga bango tango
[Give the green light to the chosen ones]
Miso elulaka motema eponaka eh
[The eyes admire, and the heart selects]
Nazalaki obanza basi nyoso ya pembe
[I thought, that all the brown women]
Bakokana nzoka eza nango bongo te
[Were the same, yet it is not the case]
Micko aza fleur oyo ba jardin basengaka ba jardinier
[Micko is the flower of the garden that ask for the gardener]
Micko aza fruit elobaka lianga
[Micko is a fruit that says eat me]
Micko aza sucre ekomisaka sukali sucre
[Micko is sugar, that sweetens]
Micko aza diamant elata elongi ya moto
[Micko is the diamond, with a human face]
Micko aza immeuble oyo etambolaka
Micko is the furniture that walks]
Ata molili micko ako ngengaka micko
Even in the dark, Micko shines]
Inter zua Micko te memling cadeau kasi Micko tika tika tika he na Micko te
[You can take the Hotel Intercon but not Micko, Memling I give you gift, but Micko just forget]
Micko linganga okomisanga riche
[Micko love me, make me a rich man]
Micko linganga nakoma moto ya mbongo
[Micko love me, so that I become wealthy]
Nakoma mvuama koleka tous les mvuama
[To become richer than the rich]
Prince de Brunei, Onassis, Bill Gates, Berlusconi, Crésus.
[Prince of Brunei, Onassis, Bill Gates, Berlusconi, Cresus]
Papa na maman vous qui savez tout uh
[Dad and mum you that know everything]
Ekenge fait l’homme pour quoi Boyebisaki ngai te
[Prudence makes the man, why you did not tell me]
Nasala keba na miso ya Micko foudre
[That I beware the striking gaze of Micko]
Sourire ya Micko ezui nga na mutambu na noyé
[Micko's smile has struck my heart, am drowning]
Na couler Nasili eh,
[Am grappling, am finished]
Micko na mayi na miso Micko butu mwana aza kolela yo
[With tears in my eyes, Micko, I cry for you at night]
Micko na mayi na miso Micko butu mwana aza kolela yo
[With tears in my eyes, Micko, I cry for you at night]
Wapi yo wapi yo a Micko mukaji
[Where are you, where are you, Micko]
Wapi yo wapi yo a Micko munkara me eh
[Where are you, where are you, Micko]
Micko leki ya dida faute nayo beaute nayo eza ebele
[Micko the little sister of Dida, its your fault, your beauty is immense]
Micko leki ya dida faute nayo beaute nayo eza ebalé
[Micko the little sister of Dida, its your fault, your beauty is immense]
Nga sende y’a l’amour ekangi nga nakingo
[Love's stopper has reached my throat]
Nga pema eh kala te, ekokatana ah
[Not long, my breath will cease]
Miko ya baruti Micko butu mwana na za kolela yo
[Micko, at night I cry for you]
Miko ya mikali Micko butu mwana na za kolela yo
[Micko, at night I cry for you]
Au secours au secours a Micko mukaji
[Help, help Micko]
Sauver nga sauver nga a Micko mukara me.
[Save me, save me Micko]