Holy moly, looking back at the beginning of this year it feels like I’ve lived a thousand lives in just 365 days 😮
Here’s the highlight reel:
✨ Reigniting my love of solo travel with a trip to Thailand + Vietnam for a friends wedding + motorbike tour
✨ Almost 15 years after my big spill in Nicaragua, I finallllly conquered my fear of driving a motorbike (very proud of this moment 💪)
✨ One last care free summer of fun before 🤰
✨ Riding in my first private jet the same day I found out I was pregnant!
✨ Celebrated my 37th birthday in one of the most beautiful places on the planet (Lake Tahoe)
✨ Watched my baby (and my body) grow
✨ Took our first non-work related vacation since our honeymoon in 2019. This was our secret baby moon way before we made our announcement. ☺️
PS: these are just the highlights! Not pictured are a lot of challenges, anxiety and struggles - we’ve still got those too 😝
How was your year?