This year’s breeding season continues to bring hope, of the wild nests, 26 became active, with 24 in artificial cavities and 2 in natural tree cavities. Proyecto Conservación Cotorra Puertorriqueña at Rio Abajo State Forest is working tirelessly to save one of the world’s most Critically Endangered parrots.🦜
Puerto Rican Amazon Breeding Season 2024 🦜In the Rio Abajo Forest of Puerto Rico, our partners at Proyecto Conservación Cotorra Puertorriqueña de Rio Abajo are working tirelessly to save one of the world’s most Critically Endangered parrots.
This year’s breeding season continues to bring hope, with 46 wild nests and 59 captive nests identified at the Río Abajo site. Of the wild nests, 26 became active, with 24 in artificial cavities and 2 in natural tree cavities.
In the captive population, 34 nests became active, demonstrating the effectiveness of ongoing breeding efforts. The balance between wild and captive populations is essential for ensuring the survival of the Puerto Rican Amazon, a species that once teetered on the brink of extinction.
Pictured here, a proud mother parrot sits watch over her three newly hatched chicks, small, pink, and fluffy bundles of life representing the future of this species. Every chick is a step toward safeguarding the wild population.
You can learn how your support of the World Parrot Trust helps aid in country partners to protect threatened species such as the Puerto Rican Amazon > https://www.parrots.org/projects/puerto-rican-amazon