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Are you in   this weekend? Take advantage of our  ,  , and    !

Are you in this weekend? Take advantage of our , , and !

Flamenco, yoga and interstellar travel, all the weekend events in Rome read all the latest news on Agenzia Nova

Why take a   while you are traveling? If you find me, also only on FB, you know probably better than most people why.But...

Why take a while you are traveling?
If you find me, also only on FB, you know probably better than most people why.
But the words of Rick Steves are of a certain authority.
So I decide to link here this article:

P.s. I always wonder about the power of . When I was young, I worked in a place where his assistant came, and the next year, in his , it was written that we were a group of passionate. The place developed quickly in a business trying to take advantage of passionates to gain as much as possible.
After more than 10 years, it has a lot of qualities with a big dark side. From a small dark cellar, it became a fancy environment with more than ten toilets. After 10 years, the words in the are still the same. 😅🤫

Travel expert Rick Steves claims this is the best thing to spend a little extra money on while on your vacation to really appreciate the place you’re in.

(...) It quickly recognizes that “bread and circuses” is only a Band-Aid for an unhappy populace, but has a nihilistic “...

(...) It quickly recognizes that “bread and circuses” is only a Band-Aid for an unhappy populace, but has a nihilistic “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” attitude.

It’s interesting that both current would lean on that premise right now, during a time of great dissatisfaction in . Sure, we don’t have anymore, but we do have streaming services pumping us with more prestige programming than we know what to do with. And are you not ?

“Gladiator II” follows an ancient Hollywood formula for depicting Rome.

If you don't know what to give for   and the person you would like to buy something is a lover of the   and of Italy, I ...

If you don't know what to give for and the person you would like to buy something is a lover of the and of Italy, I might have a suggestion for you: A Happy Man, In Conversation with . It's a I'm reading since I had the luck to meet and guide its Author since some parts of the story took place in .

So I also contributed with my professional skills to it.
He was a famous and as Rome was the on the River and the was financing our industry and making it convenient for American producers, managers, movie makers, actresses, and actors to live in .

It's the time of with and , , and to quote just the most famous.

For more information, you can check the website:

(...) Continued from the previous post:As for  , there is no need to argue the proximity of the issues to current polici...

(...) Continued from the previous post:
As for , there is no need to argue the proximity of the issues to current policies: indeed, it might happen, before long, to see the entire governmental formation in togas, intent on celebrating novi ludi. Airbnb would certainly be happy to fund the initiative, to promote Europe's historical .

Maddalena Giovannelli teaches at the University of Italian Switzerland and works on ancient theater in the contemporary. She writes in Sole 24 Ore's "Domenica," "Stratagemmi," and "Doppiozero."

If you're training your Italian here you will find the original text:

L’uscita del nuovo film di Ridley Scott, sequel del classico contemporaneo con Russell Crowe, è primo al box office anche perché ha affascinato gli spettatori per le molte curiosità legate all’epoca romana e ai valori del mondo antico. Con qualche confusione.


(...) Continued from the previous post:
What values then does celebrate through his protagonist and his film? Should we consider the "first Annon's" critical gaze against the violence inherent in an empire, or rather the "second Annon's" rhetorical emphasis on the restoration of cherished old values? Is the realization of his dream a new world of free and equal, or the restoration of a more balanced society, but one still founded on conquest and war? In such obvious value ambiguity, the screenplay's obsessive hammering on the theme of an elusive "Roman Dream"-very familiar to U.S. audiences-cannot go unnoticed.

The film's shooting, after all, began in the midst of the election race, only to deliver the finished product to an America that has chosen as its new president. Curiously, Kamala insisted in her campaign on themes very similar to those present in the first part of the film (America as a place of welcoming the different, of meritocratic opportunities open to all), while her challenger called for a return to a lost golden age, founded on the the values that triumph in the film's close. Gladiator II could thus easily have appeased both presidents, pulling the broad blanket of the American Dream a little to one side or the other. (...) To be continued in the next post.


(...) Continued from the previous post:
But beyond the intentional - an entitlement of every fiction screenwriter- a certain value and ideological confusion emerges. In one of the film's early scenes, the protagonist Annon (Paul Mescal) participates in the defense of an African city in Numidia (which was actually long since a Roman province): the warrior, ready to die for freedom alongside his fellow citizens, swears his eternal hatred to Rome's imperialism. Until about halfway through the play, The Gladiator II seems to move in an almost post-colonial ethical horizon: we look through the eyes of Annon- who presents himself as a stranger, a foreigner, a different- at the horrors of slavery, the thirst for war and expansion of the kingdom, the constitutive infection of a society founded on the exercise of violence. Then, suddenly, the protagonist changes disposition, without the script bothering too much to accompany such a radical transformation: now Annone wishes to bring back the ancient "Roman dream," that is, the splendors of the very first empire. Our hero, driven by a new restorative force, seems, in short, to be unaware that even in the glorious days of Augustus Rome used to rout foreign cities and reduce populations to .
(...) To be continued in the next post.


Continued from the previous post:
Scott arrives almost ninety years into the Gladiator sequel, giving fans a spectacular legacy continuation of the events of Maximus Meridius (Russell Crowe): that is, the path of enfranchisement and self-affirmation of his son Lucius Verus, sent to slavery in Numidia and now ready to rediscover his true roots.

As in previous colossals (e.g., Exodus and Napoleon), the director makes no secret of being far more faithful to visual impact than to historical credibility. To make this clear begin the captions projected at the film's opening, which are at once a statement of intent and an attempt on the hearts of the scholars in the audience: the story we are about to watch is set sixteen years after the death of Marcus Aurelius, during the reign of the twin emperors Geta and Caracalla (blond, ephebic, and villainous just like Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones). The dynastic dates do not add up, and the two brothers (not twins) reigned together for only one year, and a full fifteen years later. But this is just one of the film's nonchalant inconsistencies: the Capitoline she-wolf stands out, with twins added by Antonio del Pollaiolo in the 15th century, on the second-century entrance arch to Rome; above the tomb of the Roman gladiator Maximus stands out an inscription carved on the wall in English; or a pack of Spielbergian sharks swims in the water-filled Colosseum (while already around 90 AD the structure could no longer be flooded for naval battles). (...) To be continued. See next post.


(...) Continued from the previous post:
Indeed, the historical data in our possession show a significant increase in deaths in the early imperial age:: if in the first century CE three or four of ten defeated combatants were killed, a century later almost every duel ended in death. The percentages might tell of the erosion of piety by emperors who were less and less righteous, and more and more power-hungry; but hardly a ruler seeking popular consent could have overlooked altogether - and always - the diverse will of the crowd. Long before they were gyms of redemption or moral growth, combat arenas were thus theaters destined for the welcome spectacle of violence and bloodshed, of which Roman citizens gradually became more and more greedy. For those who wish to delve deeper-and prefer reading essays to historical reenactments-it is worth retrieving two recent monographs: Gladiators, Chariots and Ships by Patrizia Arena (Carocci, 2020) and Morituri. The True History of Gladiators by Luca Fezzi and Marco Rocco (Garzanti, 2024).
(...) To be continued in the next post


(...) Continued from previous post: The , if he managed to achieve a sufficient number of victories, could certainly get rich and sometimes even become very famous. However, the infamous stigma attached to the profession - considered by the Romans on the same level as prostitution or the art of acting, that is, compared to acts of less than honorable exploitation of one's body for the enjoyment of others - was never entirely removed; in fact, no statues could be erected in the city to celebrate gladiators, and the only honorific monument granted to them was the tomb (a cemetery reserved for deceased gladiators has been found in Ephesus, Turkey).

The second aspect worth returning to, among those magnified by the (and also visible in ), is the role of the as a benevolent observer of the fighter's growth path. How often-and on what criteria-did ancient spectators of the games spare a fighter's life? And how easily did one die in the ?

Scott's script repeatedly shows the people clamoring demanding that the valiant gladiator be spared his life, while the cruel emperor twiddles his thumb and decrees his death. But that Roman citizens used to reward a gladiator's path to emancipation is all to be proven. (...) To be continued. See next post.


What I think about the new movie about ?

I had no time such hollywood movies, so exaggerated that it becomes impossible the necessary suspense of disbelief to really enjoy a movie.
But as guide of I cannot ignore it.

I'm a wired person. I don't love malls and supermarkets and everything I do, see, hear, read or buy I ask myself questions and I look for challenging ones.

So instead of obligate myself to watch to give you my embarrassed opinion I propose you this article translated in English with :

In the Scott's gladiators are seductive. But how did the games at the Colosseum really work?

Maddalena Giovannelli
Nov. 19th, 2024

The release of Ridley Scott's new film, a sequel to the contemporary classic starring Russell Crowe, is first at the box office in part because it has captivated moviegoers with its many curiosities related to the Roman era and the values of the ancient world. With some confusion.

In the galaxy of articles and presentations that have accompanied the theatrical arrival of The Gladiator II - from the sweet potato diet followed by protagonist Paul Mescal to increase muscle mass to the square footage of the new purpose-built Colosseum in Malta - one news item in particular has attracted public attention: the initiative promoted by inviting sixteen braves to don their armor and challenge each other at the Colosseum like ancient gladiators.

The U.S.-based platform specializing in short-term rentals has signed a 1.5 million agreement with the Colosseum Archaeological Park to offer its users a "gladiatorial experience," created in partnership with Paramount Pictures. The initiative, we read on the site, is part of Airbnb's "broader commitment to protecting and promoting European heritage tourism." (...) See next post to read the rest.


Why I need it I don't know.
I guess it's made to publisize .
But would it not probably hurt me to post it here...
Do you find it of any interest?

My Working Union is pointing out some issues that are a little debated in our country: the use of     for culture to rai...

My Working Union is pointing out some issues that are a little debated in our country: the use of for culture to raise money and the contrast with the (in Italy the is also regulated and needs a special with a final exam but I think it goes behind this.)
Read below and tell me how it works in your country and what do you think about it.

"AGTA's columns
🌏 Journey into the world of tour guides
There is an unresolved issue underlying some professions in the cultural sphere, including the one of tour guides: many believe that those who work surrounded by beauty should derive their compensation from gratitude for the “privileged” context in which they work. It follows that those who “demand” payment for this activity are mercenaries and that, on the contrary, those who perform it voluntarily demonstrate the necessary passion.
The issue of volunteering in the cultural world is a long-standing one that comes up periodically at major national events organized by foundations and nonprofit organizations. We take the opportunity of this column to provide some clarity:
§§§ Voluntary foundations working with cultural heritage are neither public nor charitable entities; they are private entities in their own right that get a lot of visibility and funding from these national events, which are often highly supported by media and public sponsorship. Those who participate in these events must join with a donation that often has a minimum amount set by the foundation organizing. These are not free events for the good of the community.
§§§ Passion for one's work should be the basis of every professional choice, but it does not exclude study, dedication, training, and continuing education. How many people have a passion for singing or dancing? However, not everyone becomes a professional singer or dancer because they do not have the talent or have not the necessary preparation. The fact that a person loves his or her profession cannot be a justification for not paying for it, not least because it does not mean that that work is not also extremely tiring and demanding.
§§§ the state or local government may decide to offer citizens free opportunities, but that does not preclude the work from being paid. It is simply the public body that pays for the service that is “given” to citizens ( or rather: a portion of the taxes paid is returned to citizens in the form of events and cultural opportunities)
Coming back to guided tours: we are aware that we are doing an exciting job, and that we have the responsibility of telling the story of a Heritage - the Italian one - that is extraordinary! That is why we prepare ourselves adequately by devoting time and study, just like for any other job. And work, by the Italian Constitution, should be favored and adequately remunerated.
Systematically using volunteer work creates two unemployed people: the volunteer and the professional who stays at home. And it clearly creates unfair competition to professional figures regularly provided for in our country.
We are not against the presence of volunteers at occasional major events, where they go alongside regularly paid professionals (even in Civil Defense, volunteers flank health professionals, psychologists, law enforcement to source exceptional situations). But when the use of volunteers becomes structural, sometimes even monopolistic (the case more significant in our universe are the guided tours offered at Palazzo Quirinale, our Presidential House, that are made by volunteers and students!), here when it becomes a “system,” it only leads to a vicious cycle: less professionalism, less contributions and taxes, less public funds, and more use of unpaid or underpaid figures.
We end with an advice: the figure of the tour guide is accessible to any age and there is no “closed number” of positions. Many of our colleagues - very good ones by the way - have come to our profession after other careers in very different fields. Those who feel a great interest in history, art and cultural outreach prepare for the guiding exam and practice regularly, even alongside another profession (this is also a frequent case in our world). He will avoid providing his expertise and passion to entities that exploit this enthusiasm for their own interests and good name.

Translated with (free version)
(Great service: I do not have so much time for social medias: I rather study to offer you more and better every day in the eternal city and surroundings... ☺️)

📕 Le rubriche di AGTA
🌏 Viaggio nel mondo delle guide turistiche


C’è una questione irrisolta alla base di alcuni mestieri dell’ambito culturale, tra cui quello di guide turistiche: molti ritengono che chi lavora circondato da bellezza dovrebbe trarre il suo compenso dalla gratitudine per il contesto “privilegiato” in cui opera. Ne deriva che chi “pretende” un pagamento per questa attività è un mercenario e che al contrario chi lo svolge su base volontaria dimostra la necessaria passione.

La questione del volontariato nel mondo culturale è annosa e si ripresenta periodicamente in occasione di grandi manifestazioni nazionali organizzate da fondazioni ed enti no profit. Cogliamo l’occasione di questa rubrica per fare un po’ di chiarezza:

§§§ Le fondazioni di volontariato che operano nel campo dei beni culturali non sono enti pubblici ne’ di beneficenza, sono soggetti privati a tutti gli effetti che ottengono molta visibilità e fondi da queste manifestazioni nazionali, spesso molto supportate da media e da patrocini pubblici. Chi partecipa a questi eventi deve associarsi con una donazione che spesso ha un importo minimo stabilito dalla fondazione stessa. non si tratta di eventi gratuiti per il bene della collettività.

§§§ La passione per il proprio lavoro dovrebbe essere alla base di ogni scelta professionale, ma non esclude studio, dedizione, formazione e aggiornamento. Quante persone hanno la passione del canto o della danza? Non tutti però diventano cantanti o ballerini professionisti, perché non ne hanno il talento o semplicemente non vi hanno dedicato la necessaria preparazione. Il fatto che una persona ami la propria professione non può essere una giustificazione per non pagarla, anche perché non significa che quel lavoro non sia anche estremamente faticoso ed impegnativo.

§§§ lo Stato o le amministrazioni locali possono decidere di offrire ai cittadini delle opportunità gratuite, ma questo non esclude che il lavoro debba essere retribuito. Semplicemente è l’ente pubblico a pagare il servizio che viene “regalato” ai cittadini ( o meglio: si restituisce ai cittadini una parte delle tasse pagate sotto forma di eventi ed opportunità culturali)

Tornando alle visite guidate: siamo consapevoli di svolgere un mestiere appassionante, di avere la responsabilità di raccontare un Patrimonio - quello italiano - straordinario! Per questo ci prepariamo adeguatamente dedicando tempo e studio, esattamente come per qualsiasi altro lavoro. E il lavoro, per la Costituzione italiana, va favorito ed adeguatamente retribuito.

Utilizzare in maniere sistematica il volontariato crea due disoccupati: il volontario ed il professionista che resta a casa. E crea evidentemente una concorrenza sleale verso figure professionali regolarmente previste nel nostro Paese.

Non siamo contrari alla presenza di volontari in occasione di grandi eventi saltuari, in cui vadano ad affiancarsi a professionisti regolarmente pagati (anche nella Protezione Civile i volontari affiancano professionisti sanitari, psicologi, forze dell’ordine per far fonte a situazioni eccezionali). Ma quando l’impiego di volontari diventa strutturale, talvolta addirittura monopolistico (𝑖𝑙 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑜 𝑝𝑖𝑢̀ 𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑜 𝑛𝑒𝑙 𝑛𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜 “𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜” 𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑜 𝑙𝑒 𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑃𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑧𝑧𝑜 𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑄𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒 𝑎 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑖 𝑒 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑖 𝑑𝑒𝑙 𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐶𝑙𝑢𝑏 𝐼𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑜!)), ecco quando diventa un “sistema”, porta solo a un circolo vizioso: minor professionalità, meno contributi e tasse, meno fondi pubblici e maggior ricorso a figure non pagate o sottopagate.

𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐮𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐨: la figura della guida turistica è accessibile a qualsiasi età e non esiste un "numero chiuso" di posti. Molti nostri colleghi - bravissimi tra l’altro - sono giunti alla nostra professione dopo altre carriere in campi molto diversi. Chi sente grande interesse per la storia, l’arte e la divulgazione culturale prepari l’esame di guida e svolga regolarmente la professione, anche in affiancamento ad un altro mestiere (anche questo è un caso frequente nel nostro mondo). Eviterà di fornire la sua competenza e passione a enti che sfruttano questo entusiasmo per i propri interessi e il proprio buon nome.

First, let it be called a "biglietto" in Italian, not " ":   is in Italy, not England. Neither is it in Nevada, and that...

First, let it be called a "biglietto" in Italian, not " ": is in Italy, not England. Neither is it in Nevada, and that is also why it should avoid being reduced to Las Vegas. Then perhaps, if really necessary, impose it, the sad ticket for the overwhelmed by . But with an exemption to be granted to would-be who know and are able to utter, as word of mouth, the motto of those who commissioned the : "Dabis discernere inter malum et bonum." Pope Clement XII exhorted to distinguish evil from good, and today evil is the desecration of those who want to consume the , and therefore must pay for it, while good is the attention of those who intend to know it, approaching its reason for being, which is and classical, and therefore must be rewarded.


Si conceda un’esenzione agli aspiranti visitatori che conoscano e siano in grado di pronunciare il motto di chi ha commissionato il monumento: “Dabis discernere inter malum et bonum”

We did have a few severe thunderstorms in the last days. My guests and I were lucky. During the two   water bombs we wer...

We did have a few severe thunderstorms in the last days. My guests and I were lucky. During the two water bombs we were in the . Today it was forecasted a terrible and we enjoyed the with clouds, the with shade to end .

A lightning strike knocked a chunk of stone off Rome’s ancient Arch of Constantine, just meters from the Colosseum, amid a sudden violent storm that struck the Italian capital late Tuesday, according to archaeological authorities.


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Monday 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday 08:00 - 20:00




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