The Commonwealth of Virginia has embarked on the Super NOVA Transit and Transportation Demand Management Vision Plan study. The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT, super region for this planning effort encompasses all of the localities comprising Northern Virginia and the localities extending from Northern Virginia to Caroline County
on the south, Culpeper County on the west and Frederick County to the northwest. It also includes an effort in coordination with Maryland, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The Vision Plan will evaluate current transit service and transportation demand management (TDM) programs; existing and future land use, population, and employment conditions; travel patterns and trends; and projected travel demand as a basis for the development of a multi-horizon vision for transit and TDM in the super region. The multi-horizon vision plan will focus on the near-, mid- and long-term periods between today and 2040. It will identify a wide range of transit mode and transportation program enhancements for:
- Local, express, rapid, and priority bus
- Fixed guideway transit-Streetcar, light rail transit, heavy rail transit, commuter
rail, and intercity passenger rail
- Transportation demand management
The Super NOVA Transit and TDM Vision Plan will recognize the purposeful connection between land use and transportation, today and into the future. The Vision Plan will identify realistic, but visionary, strategies for enhancing people's mobility through non-single occupant auto means under existing and future conditions. Planning efforts of the study will culminate in the development of recommendations for a wide range of transit modes as well as transportation demand management programs and infrastructure. To Find out more information please visit our website: