Tough to leave, but it’s time to go home. Thanks Rob : )
#redeyebass #thisisalabama
🔐 Lock Up, Lock Down,,, Locked Out🔐
it was once said that together we can do great things if no one cares who gets the credit... trouble is finding those kind of people nowadays... shout out to our permit administrators with the Rocky Mountain National Park U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management - Colorado ...hang in there 💙
🌀 “rise and fall, turn the wheel,,, All life is, is really just a circle” 🌀
with freestones’ window slamming shut, we put to bed the trips on the intimate water. One last outing with @harposgrill , Mr Steve and me produced a couple risers, but then that wasn’t the goal of this trip. Barring a major warm up, we will shift our focus to the tailwaters and #lowlow on the Grand.
Shoutout to the guides, without them another banner year would not be possible,,, to @orvis for providing awesome peeps who become way more than just clients, and finally to all the companies that make our life a little easier out on the water,,, thank you
btw,,, @b.h.t.m is going down at @bouldertheater the 23rd of December... :)
🍁 Buffalo Homecoming 🍁
always a treat to fish with @sshrop ... this Forever Buffs: University of Colorado Boulder Alumni was there when basically everything began... #regensburg🇩🇪#1991homecomingking 🙂 #tasteofwintertomorrow #toughlettinggo #whataseason #wherethebuffaloroam
🇲🇽 the light at the end of the tunnel,,, that’s a south bound train 🇲🇽
reminiscing with a partner in crime Andrew Unkefer @aretearms of banner days in Baja brought this gem out of the vault...
🌞 for people who think a rooster only counts from the beach,,, they have not fished with me...🌞
#wavetrain #crushing #dryFLYtillyouDIE #sightfish #surfsUP #nosleeptilBAJA #yolt #callAplumber 😉
Costa Sunglasses
Orvis Fly Fishing
🌶 love my peeps 🌶
so grateful for clients and friends that teach you more than you think you teach them... thank you Melinda's Original Habanero Pepper Sauce for making our week... #specialtimes #memorymakers
RO Drift Boats
Orvis Fly Fishing
Cataract Oars
🌗 flashing back to this summer with monsoonal moisture, tiny serratellas, and missed takes... 🌓 🌲
high altitude, small streams, and cutthroats... no one I know can resist...💙
After a decade long hiatus from flyfishing, Mr M. seen here, came back to the sport this past summer. I have to think that it was this type of water that brought him home,,, 🌞Colorado Trout Unlimited's Annual River Stewardship Gala is fast approaching. New this year is their online auction. #reallysweet 🌞::: so many great trips...
Follow the link in our bio to the CTU website. I believe our fifth year running, this high country trip for 4 promises fish, streamside barbecue, hatch /fly selections, and how to avoid the dreaded #oneanddone ... 🌞
#soundslikeanelk #strikewhenyouhearTHEwhisper #thecure #isee5trucha #headwatersmatter #wildfish
U.S. Forest Service-Arapaho & Roosevelt Natl Forests Pawnee Natl Grassland
Colorado Trout Unlimited
🌞🌞Sometimes there is no point leaving here🌞🌞 "Take me to the river, drop me in the water
Push me in the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me... " #somuchtroubleintheworld #riversounds #peacelikeariver #thegrandriver #myfavoriteplace #headwatersmatter
"Shut up and fish"
A favorite corner on the outside edge, cause 50 yards closer and we're on the beach... #steady25 #trollingbigpapi #closerporfavor #solo @orvis #miragereelsrock
🌞"don't tell Jack" 🌞you've heard this expression too many times to count fishing on this boat,,, exiting three rock hole on the Pacific has the same effect as running the eye of the needle on the Colorado river... #nervouslaughter #puckerup #lowtide @getolympus #solo #baja #putomayomusic #salsa cafecubano #insidejoke
Cheryl picks up the casting instruction fast!
We love working with clients on building their fundamentals, especially someone like Cheryl who was a quick study and had fun doing it!