Qwikon allows you to quickly and easily reach your customers by simply texting them! Friends, family and now your favorite businesses!! More than 95% of text messages are read within five minutes of receipt. Offer your guests deals and invite them back because after all, loyal customers mean good business. Sometimes life gets busy and people forget….so text them and they will come! Need help getti
ng started or thinking of a good text or deal to send? Simply email us or FB message us and we are always here to help. You have our creative team in your corner to help you achieve success! Qwikon can generate multiple signup keywords so you can keep your lists separate…one may be used internally to text staff, while the other goes to your guests for a great lunch special! And with Qwikon you get your own dedicated phone number….none of those short-codes you have to share with hundreds of other businesses! Everyone from restaurants, to non-profits, clubs, community groups, marketing firms and more. Unlike social media, Qwikon equals real, measurable results, people walking into your business for your specific deal. All the big businsses use text from Target to Starbuck and now you can, too. Qwikon brings that same power to small and medium businesses for a fraction of the cost of an ad. $49 a month includes your first 500 messages. What do you have to lose? Qwikon also gives consumers control over how many, when and what they get from the businesses they enjoy.