🎃Are you ready for this year’s Halloween? Ready to experience some real horrors or simply want to participate in some themed trick-or-treat events? If you still have no idea about where go, Beatkayak has some recommendations for you.
☠ Universal Studio Hollywood and Universal Studio Florida both provides some scary events during Halloween season. Every evening bring out the Halloween Horror Nights, where zombie, monsters and maniac come out and take over the street with haunted house, maze, live show, scare zones and exciting rides.
☠ Fright Fest at Six Flags is featuring thrills by day and frights by night. Fright Fest only opens on weekends with haunted house, spooky entertainment, scare zones and park rides. During the day, young kids will enjoy mild haunts and costume parties, when the night comes, the creepiness takes over the park for older kids.
☠ Mickey’s “Not-So-Scary” Halloween Party takes place on selected evenings during Halloween. Including “trick-or-treat” throughout the Park, “Boo-to-You” Halloween Parade, Hocus Pocus live show and Halloween fireworks with famous villain’s songs.
Get your discounted Theme Park tickets and travel bookings now through Beatkayak!
☠ Universal Studios的萬聖節活動堪稱是各大遊樂園中最為恐怖的,每天傍晚夕陽西下時,各種鬼妝精緻、扮相逼真的鬼怪準備出沒,在園區內遊蕩到凌晨兩點。園內有多個不同主題的鬼屋、恐怖區、迷宮以及主題真人秀;覺得這些還不夠玩的朋友們沒關係,Universal還有開放多個刺激驚險且相當熱門的Ride,絕對讓你嚇得嫑嫑的。
☠ 遍佈全美,以超刺激遊樂設施著名的Six Flags也是相當熱門的萬聖節去處。除了園區內毫無預警就會出沒的各種鬼、鬼屋、恐怖區、迷宮以及主題真人秀之外,最讓人熱血沸騰的就屬它們家的雲霄飛車了。萬聖節活動期間,New Jersey園區特別推出三個超熱門的Ride,分別是讓你天旋地轉的Nitro、超古老Wooden Coaster El Toro以及可以瞬間變身超人的Superman:Ultimate Flight。保證讓你一整晚驚聲尖叫,High到把煩惱都忘掉。
☠ 覺得以上兩個樂園太刺激,小心臟無法負荷的朋友也沒關係,闔家歡樂的Disney即便在萬聖節也依舊適合全家大小一起同遊。整個園區內到處都有Trick-or-Treat的活動,讓大小朋友都可以嘴裡含糖、不怕鬼嚇;經典的樂園遊行也會改成“Not-So-Scary“的萬聖節版本;每晚必看的煙火秀也將背景音樂換成特地為萬聖節打造的”壞蛋之歌“。迪士尼絕對是”想體驗萬聖節微恐怖氣氛,卻又不是大膽王“的最好選擇。