Šok med divjim kampiranjem & odhod domov
Na Danskem sva še zadnjič divje kampirala med travniki, pašniki in gozdovi ob morju južno od Kopenhagna.
Ko pa je Miha naslednje jutro stopil iz šotora, je v njega strmelo 30 dijakov in učiteljev na kolesih! :D
Očitno so imeli naravoslovni dan in nameravali raziskovati okolico okrog prostora za divje kampiranje, niso pa pričakovali, da bodo naleteli na dva zaspana Slovenca, ki sta jih prehitela! :D
Samo stali so in čakali, kaj bova – zato sva spet navsezgodaj pakirala, a tokrat s 30 pari oči, uprtimi v naju. :)
Ko sva se vozila skozi Kopenhagen do avtobusne postaje, sva podzavestno upočasnila in še zadnjič užila utrip mesta ter urejene kolesarske steze, potem pa spet sedla na Flixbus in se odpeljala nazaj domov.
Najinega potepa po Skandinaviji je bilo konec. :(
Shock While Wild Camping & Going Home
We wild camped for the last time in Denmark among meadows, pastures, and forests south of Copenhagen.
But when Miha stepped out of the tent the next morning, 30 students and teachers on bikes were staring at him! :D
Apparently, they had a field day and wanted to explore the surroundings of the wild-camping site, but certainly did not expect to stumble upon two sleepy Slovenians who beat them to it! :D
They were just standing in their spots, waiting – so we were packing up early in the morning once again, only this time with 30 pairs of eyes fixed on us! :D
When we were cycling through Copenhagen to the bus station, we subconsciously slowed down so we could enjoy the vibe of the city and the great bicycle paths one last time.
Then we boarded the Flixbus and returned home.
Our Scandinavian adventure came to an end. :(