We feel confident that the strength of our brand and the exclusivity of the business model, combined with the collective resources of the founders and the proposed offering will result in major sucess for our Artists. From its humble beginnings as advent music aficionados, Legendary Media group stays true to its motto “small enough to care yet large enough to make it happen”. Over the years, Legen
dary Media Group has had the pleasure of meeting prominent industry resources in the areas of entertainment. Paul Ring, CEO of Bungalo/Universal Records, has forged a Partnership with LMG to release commercially viable talent to the world. Paul has over 20 years of experience in the industry and has signed and released prominent artists like Latoya Jackson, Mack 10 and Patti Labelle. LMG also has Bungalo / Universal Music and Video as its distribution company. Universal Music and Video also gives LMG a credible name with years of experience working with the hottest names in entertainment for decades
In mid-2010 David and Adam met Ceasar Melgar who soon became an essential piece to the LMG team. With that final piece to the puzzle LMG moved forward developing and marketing itself. With some major projects in the works LMG expects to be around for a long time and plans to grow into a major production of Film, Music, Gaming and Video in the upcoming years.