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Siam Touristo Wonderful Trip Travel Co Ltd is a Thai Based B-B tourist Company. Your partners in Travel. Unique and imaginative itineraries. We respond faster than anyone else!

Luxury tours of Thailand cost less, and you get more for your money. All of our Thailand tours are excellent values. Opulent Level tours of Thailand exceed the best our competition has to offer. They are exquisitely planned and offer the ultimate in service, lodging and dining. As always, your payments and deposits are protected with Wonderful Trip Travel Co Ltd, and are refundable as per the agre

ed upon purchase terms of your custom Thailand tour. We are at your service around the clock. At Wonderful Trip Travel Co Ltd, we are committed to your complete satisfaction. If anything dissatisfies you, we will remedy it immediately. You will have access to our management throughout your Thailand Tour; E-mails get to Thailand in less than 5 minutes, and our staff is available by phone as needed. If you have an emergency, will you risk counting on the agency that takes two or three days to get back to you, or will you choose to enjoy your Thailand tour with peace of mind, knowing that all of your requests and concerns will be addressed ASAP? When you send us an inquiry, when you have questions or concerns, when you have special needs arise while you are on a tour of Thailand, or if you send in a follow up question, we are on-call to make sure your Thailand tour is superior to any other. Wonderful Trip Travel Co Ltd,is an active enterprise. We support a few carefully chosen (local and international) charitable organizations in addition to our vast environmental projects. We are conscious of the fragility of our environment, and aggressively pursue policies of conservation and preservation throughout our operations. Wonderful Trip Travel Co Ltd offers unique tours, information, and resources for anyone planning to visit Thailand. The word 'Tours' is employed for want of a better term; we don't use inflexible schedules and rush guests from one destination to another. Explore Thailand on your own terms, and at your own pace. Your comfort is of utmost importance to us, and we treat you like royalty. We make your visit to Thailand easy by giving you the most value for your money, and by anticipating what you want. We make travel in Thailand easy - We know the problems and discomforts tourists can experience in Thailand, and we either circumvent them, or eliminate them. We make your travels in Thailand easy by not wasting your time, and by making sure all your needs are taken care off. With Wonderful Trip Travel Co Ltd, tours of Thailand, you select which historical treasures and natural wonders you explore. While you're with us, you'll have the best opportunities to experience Thailand's amazing people, architecture, geography, and cultural heritage. Nature is at its best in Thailand. Explore all kinds of landscapes, from soaring green mountains, to jungles, to the other-worldly scenery of Thailand’s beaches. Discover Thailand and its ancient culture. Explore Buddhist monasteries that have changed very little over the past few centuries. Thailand is home to thousands of animal, bird, and insect species. They all play an integral part in Thai society, history, and day to day existence. Visit Thailand and you can experience Wildlife Parks & Sanctuaries that are home to many of these species.We will never rush you. The discriminating traveler has a vast array of choices and might not want to dash from one tourist attraction to another. You determine the priorities. You are the boss! It's your vacation - you decide what to do. We use the word 'Tour' for want of a better term - we let you determine the level of service and attention you want during your tour of Thailand. Stay in exquisite resorts & unique luxury hotels. We invite comparison on any grounds, and the hotels we use are an example of that. You'll stay at the best luxury hotels in the world with Wonderful Trip Travel Co Ltd, and we invite you to compare them to what our competition has to offer. Our guides and other staff are the best that we could find, and they are trained to satisfy even the most demanding guests. When it comes to luxury tours of Thailand, no other agency has the talent that our staff has. We are local specialists, not wholesalers - We only offer the very best of Thailand. Let us know the level of attention that you require, then sit back and experience a tour of Thailand that includes services and facilities fit for royalty. We let you enjoy and experience your Thailand tour while being pampered with comforts that you'd expect at the worlds best resorts.

Get Best Deal for Grand Bella Pattaya, President Solitaire Bangkok and Novotel Vintage Phuket - Contact : thailand@siamt...

Get Best Deal for Grand Bella Pattaya, President Solitaire Bangkok and Novotel Vintage Phuket - Contact : [email protected]


Here’s a favorite post of ours from the past: कुछ रोचक तथ्य

* ऑस्ट्रेलिया ही एकमात्र महाद्वीप है जिसमें एक
भी सक्रिय ज्वालामुखी नहीं है।
* मनुष्य के पैर में छब्बीस हड्डियाँ हैं।
* हमारी धरती पर एक मिनट में छह हजार बार
बिजली गिरती है।
* जब 1878 में पहली बार फ़ोन
डायरेक्ट्री बनी थी तब उसमें केवल पचास नाम थे।
* एक शोध के मुताबिक हमारे देश में नलों से
ज्यादा मोबाईल हैँ।
* अंग्रेज़ी भाषा का सबसे पुराना शब्द है"Town"
* गिरगिट की जीभ उसके शरीर से
दो गुनी लम्बी होती है।
* व्हेल मछली उलटी दिशा में नहीं तैर सकती।
* टिड्डे का खून सफ़ेद रंग का होता है।
* न्यूटन की उम्र तेईस वर्ष की थी जब उन्होंने
पृथ्वी के गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल की खोज की थी।
* मगरमच्छ को रंगों की पहचान में कठिनाई होती है।
हैरानी की बात यह है कि मगरमच्छ अपनी जीभ
नहीं हिला सकता है।
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"We have changed the logo of our company"" We can not become what we want by remaining what we are" - Max De Pree

"We have changed the logo of our company"

" We can not become what we want by remaining what we are" - Max De Pree


Here’s a favorite post of ours from the past: पेड पौधो के बारे में रोचक तथ्य :--

1.एक पूरी तरह से उगा हुआ वृक्ष एक नए लगाएँ गए पौधे से 70 गुना ज्यादा पर्यावरण (वातावरण) को साफ
रखता है.

2.दुनिया के 80 प्रतीशत जंगल काट दिए गए है. अंग्रेजों के आने से पहले उत्तर भारत भी ज्यादातर जंगलो से घिरा हुआ

3.एक पूरी तरह से ऊगे गुए पेड़ की कीमत लगभग 5000 तक होती है.

4.एक साधारण पेड़ प्रतिदिन पाँच पेड़ों के
जितनी ऑक्सीजन की पूरती करता है.

5.एक पेड़ एक साल में जितनी कार्बन सोखता है उतनी कार्बन एक कार 41,600 किलोमीटर चलने के बाद पैदा करती है.

6.एक पेड़ अपने पूरे जीवन काल के दौरान लगभग 1000 किलो कार्बनडाईआक्साइड सोखता है.

7.एक औसत अमरीकी नागरिक हर साल 250 किलो पेपर का उपयोग करता है और अमरीका के 95 प्रतीशत घर लकड़ी के बने है. मतलब कि अमरीका के 32 करोड़ नागरिक औसतन सालाना एक 100 फुट लंम्बे और 40 सैंटीमीटर के पेड़ का उपयोग अपनी कागज और घर की जरूरतों को करने के लिए करते है.

8.क्या आप जानते है कि पेड़ कभी भी बड़ी उम्र की वजह से नही मरते हैं. वह हमेशा बिमारी, कीड़ो या फिर मनुष्य की वजह से ही मरते है.अन्यथा यह कभी भी नही मरते. (कोलकता में एक वृक्ष है जिसकी आयु 2000 साल से ज्यादा है. अमृतसर के हरिमंदिर साहिब में भी एक पवित्र
वृक्ष है जिसकी आयु भी 500 सौ वर्ष है.)

9.एक पेड़ सालाना 2000 लीटर पानी धरती में से चूस लेते है.

10.एक बड़े समाचार पत्र के रोजाना संस्करण 500 पेड़ों से बने होते है. हर एक किताब जो आप ने कभी पढ़ी थी किसी समय वह एक पेड़ थी.

11.पेड़ अपनी 10 प्रतीशत खुराक मिट्टी से जबकि 90 प्रतीशत हवा से लेते है.

12.विक्ष्व भर में पेड़ो की 20,000 प्रजातीया पाई जाती है. भारतमें सबसे ज्यादा प्रजातीयां पाई जाती है. अमरीका दूसरे स्थान पर है.

13.अमेजन बेसिन सबसे बड़ा क्षेत्र है जो कि वनों के अधीन है. यह लगभग 3,30,075 वर्ग किलोमीटर है जो कि महाराष्ट्र (3,07,713) से थोड़ा ज्यादा है. के वैज्ञानिक श्री जगदीस चंदर वोस जी ने सबसे पहले एक ऐसा यंत्र बनाया था जो कि पेड़ों का बढ़ना माप सकता है. यह उपकरण उन्होंने मात्र 300 रूपए के साज-समान से बनाया था जिसे कि क्रैसकोग्राफ नाम दिया गया. इसके लिए उन्हें नोबेल पुरूषकार भी मिला था. वह एशिया के सर्वप्रथम वैज्ञानिक थे जिन्हें कि नोबेल पुरूषकार मिला था.

15.एक मरीज जो कि अस्पताल के कमरे से हरे-भरे पेड़ों को देखता है उसकी तबीयत में जन्दी-जल्दी सुधार होता है...
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Here’s a favorite post of ours from the past: *.नील आर्मस्ट्राँग ने सबसे पहले अपना बाँया पैर चँद्रमा पर रखा था और उस समय उनके दिल की धड़कन 156 बार प्रति मिनट थी.

*.धरती के गुरूत्वाकर्षण के कारण पर्वतों का 15,000 मीटर से ऊँचा होना संभव नही है.

*.रोम दुनिया का वो शहर है जिसकी आबादी ने सबसे पहले 10 लाख का आकड़ा पार किया था.

* .1992 के क्रिकेट विश्वकप में इंग्लैंड को हराते हुए जिम्बाब्वे ने बड़ा उल्टफेर कर दिया था.
पहले बल्लेबाजी करते हुए जिम्बाब्वे ने सिर्फ 134 रन बनाए और इंग्लैंड का काम आसान कर दिया लेकिन हुआ ऐसा नही, इंग्लैंड की टीम 125 रन पर ही ढेर हो गई ।

* .सिगरेट लाइटर की खोज माचिस से पहले हुई थी.

* .औसतन हर दिन 12 नव-जन्में बच्चे किसी ओर मां-बाप को दें दिए जाते हैं.

* .आईसलैंड में पालतू कुत्ता रखना क़ानून के विरूद्ध है.

* .Righted-handedलोग औसतन left-handed लोगों से 9 साल ज्यादा जीते हैं.

* .एक औसतन लैड की पेंसिल से अगर एक लाइन खींची जाए तो वह 35 किलोमीटर लंम्बी होगी जिससे 50,000 अंग्रेजी शब्द लिखें जा सकते है.

* .एक समुद्री केकडे का दिल उसके सिर में होता है.

*.गोरिल्ला एक दिन मे ज्यादा से ज्यादा 14 घंटे सोते है.

* .हर साल लोग साँपों के ज्यादा मधु मक्खियों द्वारा काटे जाने से मारे जाते है.

* .तितलियाँ किसी वस्तु का स्वाद अपने पैरों से चखती है.
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Here’s a favorite post of ours from the past: Opportunity is always knocking. The problem is that most people have the self-doubt station in their head turned up way too loud to hear it. - Brian Vazzily
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Here’s a favorite post of ours from the past: If you like the post please ''Press Like'' , it will help us to know the interest and we will move further in these direction.

Interesting Facts about India Part III

1.The temples of Khajuraho are famous for their erotic sculptures and are one of the most popular tourist attractions in India. Scholars still debate the purpose of such explicit portrayals of sexual in*******se, which sometimes involve animals.

2.The earliest cotton in the world was spun and woven in India. Roman emperors would wear delicate cotton from India that they would call “woven winds.” Mogul emperors called the fabrics “morning dew” and “cloth of running water.”

3. In ancient and medieval India, suttees, in which a recently widowed woman would immolate herself on her husband’s funeral pyre, were common.

4.The Himalayas—from the Sanskrit hima, meaning “snow,” and alaya, meaning “abode”—are found in the north of India. They extend 1,500 miles and are slowly growing taller, by almost an inch (2.5 cm) a year. Several ancient Indian monasteries are found nestled in the grandeur of these mountains.

5.India is the world’s largest producer of dried beans, such as kidney beans and chickpeas. It also leads the world in banana exports; Brazil is second.

6.In India, the fold and color of clothing are viewed as important markers of social classification. Additionally, a woman will be viewed as either a pr******te or a holy person depending on the manner in which she parts her hair.

7.With 150,000 post offices, India has the largest postal network in the world. However, it is not unusual for a letter to take two weeks to travel just 30 miles.

8.In India, grasping one’s ears signifies repentance or sincerity.f
25.The Bengal tiger is India’s national animal. It was once ubiquitous throughout the country, but now there are fewer than 4,000 wild tigers left.

9.Indians hold prominent places both internationally and in the United States. For example, the co-founder of Sun Microsystems (Vinod Khosla), the creator of the Pentium chip (Vinod Dahm), the founder/creator of Hotmail (Sabeer Bhatia), and the GM of Hewlett-Packard (Rajiv Gupta) are all Indian.

10.Alexander the Great of Macedon (356-323 B.C.) was one of the first important figures to bring India into contact with the West. After his death, a link between Europe and the East would not be restored until Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama (1460-1524) landed in Calicut, India, in 1498.

11.The British Raj, or British rule, lasted from 1858 to 1947 (although they had a strong presence in India since the 1700s). British influence is still seen in Indian architecture, education system, transportation, and politics. Many of India’s worst famines are associated with British rule in India.

12.Every major world religion is represented in India. Additionally, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism all originated in India.f
30.About 80% of Indians are Hindu. Muslims are the largest minority in India and form approximately 13% of the country’s population. In fact, India has the third largest population of Muslims in the world, after Indonesia and Pakistan.

13.India has the world’s largest movie industry, based in the city of Mumbai (known as the “City of Dreams”). The B in “Bollywood” comes from Bombay, the former name for Mumbai. Almost all Bollywood movies are musicals.l

14.Mumbai (Bombay) is India’s largest city, with a population of 15 million. In 1661, British engineers built a causeway uniting all seven original islands of Bombay into a single landmass.

15.Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) is known around the world as Mahatma, which is an honorific title meaning “Great Soul” in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit. He devoted his life to free India from British rule peacefully and based his campaign on civil disobedience. His birthday, October 2, is a national holiday. He was assassinated in 1948.
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Here’s a favorite post of ours from the past: एक बालक अपने माँ-बाप की खूब सेवा किया करता !

उसके दोस्त उससे कहते कि अगर इतनी सेवा तुमने भगवान की की होती तो तुम्हे भगवान मिल जाते !लेकिन इन सब चीजो से अनजान वो अपने माता पिता की सेवा करता रहा !

एक दिन उसकी माँ बाप की सेवा-भक्ति से खुश होकर भगवान धरती पर आ गये! उस वक्त वो बालक अपनी माँ के पाँव दबा रहा था!

भगवान दरवाजे के बाहर से बोले-दरवाजा खोलो बेटा मैं तुम्हारी माता-पिता की सेवा से प्रसन्न होकर तुम्हे वरदान देने आया हूँ!

बालक ने कहा -इंतजार करो प्रभु मैं माँ की सेवा मे लगा हूँ!

भगवान बोले-देखो मैं वापस चला जाऊँगा ! बालक ने कहा आप जा सकते है

भगवान मैं सेवा बीच मे नही छोड़ सकता! कुछ देर बाद उसने दरवाजा खोला तो क्या देखताहै भगवान बाहर खड़े थे!

भगवान बोले-लोगमुझे पाने के लिये कठोर तपस्या करते है पर मैं तुम्हे सहज ही मे मिल गया पर तुमने मुझसे प्रतीक्षा करवाई!

बालक ने जवाब दिया हे ईश्वर जिस माँ बाप की सेवा ने आपको मेरे पास आने को मजबूर कर दिया उन माँ बाप की सेवा बीच मे छोड़कर मैं दरवाजा खोलने कैसे आता!

यही इस जिंदगी का सार है! जिंदगी मे हमारे माँ-बाप से बढ़कर कुछ नही है .
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Here’s a favorite post of ours from the past: Anangpal Tomar, or Anangpal I, or Bilan Dev Tomar (731–36 A.D.) was a Chandravanshi Puruvanshi Kshatriya, descendant of Samrat Pariksh*t. He was the first ruler to make ancient Indraprastha (Delhi) his capital. Tomars briefly ruled at Ujjain after decline of the Raja Bhoj's dynasty. Anangpal (one who rules all, Samraat) I, a chief of Tomara/Tanwar rebuilt his capital in Indra-prastha in 8th Century AD. Tomars of Delhi, Chauhans of Ajmer, Chandelas of Jejakbhakti, Solankis of Gujarat and Gaharwars of Kannauj (Rathores) were the most prominent kings of north India between 7th and 11th century who kept fighting for or against each other in those times for supremacy.
According to Bhavisya Purana Tomar was the son of Chauhan of Agnivamsa kings and brother of Samantadeva/Samaladeva who ruled at Ajmer (Rajputana). He conquered Delhi(Indraprastha) and reigned there. After the decline of Vikramāditya, Delhi was kingless for many years and Anangpal Tomar a descendant of Tomar refounded and rebuilt Delhi.
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Here’s a favorite post of ours from the past: Istanbul is one of the most amazing cities in the world!! Whether it’s picking up a bargain at the Grand Bazaar, being awestruck by the beauty of the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sofia or stocking up on spices at the Egyptian Spice Market, the only city that spans two continents, is bound to leave an impression on even the most seasoned traveller.

Istanbul by night, is illuminated by spotlit mosques, coloured lights on the bridge, busy street traffic and the ambient glow from the cafes, bars and restaurants. There is just as much to discover by way of culinary delights or entertainment such as a Turkish folklore evening.

One of our many day or evening tours will show you the best that Istanbul has to offer and leave you with a wish that you could stay for a little longer.
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Here’s a favorite post of ours from the past: Being positive

You cannot instantly change the situation by being positive about it. What you can instantly change is your perspective, and that will give you an enormous advantage.

Even when there's no good justification for being positive, be positive. Because it is always far superior to the alternative, and gives you maximum power and effectiveness.

Being positive is a choice you can make that will connect you to the best possibilities. Being positive forces you to also be positively creative.

When things are difficult, do you really want to make them even more difficult by being negative? Choose instead to realistically see the situation for what it is, and then to be positive about moving forward from it.

Eventually, somebody is going to change things for the better, and it might as well be you. Think and see and do from a positive perspective and create good, meaningful value.

By being positive you are being powerful, useful, thankful, compassionate, sincere and highly effective. Make the choice to be positive, and truly make the world a better place.

Ralph Marston
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