Creating a joyful future requires a few things often missed by the masses-
0- Acknowledge the kind of future you desire has never been created for. NEVER BEFORE, don't beat yourself up.
3- Choose something, take a step towards it, and relax:)
4- Make sure you have more things to choose than you can choose:)
2- Willing-ness to live as question to receive awareness, not seek answers.
7-This isnt like choosing one mate and getting married for eternity. If that worked, everyone would be married. Keep choosing more, instead of 'one' so you have many 'ones' in your life that can contribute ease to your future.
5-Willing-ness to do everything you don't want to do that you know is required to create your future. (this is the invitation for others to work with and for you.)
1-Approach life like a a passionately crazed inventor, and keep plugging along if your inventions don't work out as you planned.
6- Celebrate! and go back to the last step a couple times till you can embrace failure as a joyful step in creating.
8- Be the inspirational leader of your future. No one else can fill this position. Breathe, soften, expand out, and turn up your energy x 100. Play!
10- perfect and order is a fantasy. Give it up to Jesus.
9- And almost last but Not least - KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW-
11-----please add what you know here-----