Milestones Israel

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Milestones Israel Connecting people with Israel and Israelis on a personal level

Erez Strasburg, a tour guide and educator with 30 years experience, believes that the only way to have a meaningful experience in Israel is to take it personally. With a wealth of knowledge and a love of people and the state of Israel, he has developed a new approach to tourism. "Personal Tourism" links the past with the present in order to expertly tailor your visit to Israel. The itinerary is cu

stomized to fit your schedule, interests and needs, whether you're on a business trip, celebrating a bar/bat mitzvah, or just want to explore. The uniqueness of this approach to tourism is the personal connection of individuals with places, people, and content that personally touch their lives. Through research, expert planning and a personal touch, Erez will give you a trip unlike any other. You will have the chance to learn about Israel's long and fascinating history, meet Israelis from all walks of life and experience a truly personal Israel.

Yes... they are coming back home land the tourists .its time to plan YOUR  next trip to israel . wonderful day with a  g...

Yes... they are coming back home land
the tourists .
its time to plan YOUR next trip to israel .
wonderful day with a great family in mount Gilboaa and the natural springs in that area .
spring is here ..?
where are you

when we look back at our life . what is it that we find there ?!

when we look back at our life . what is it that we find there ?!

שמעו סיפור:

את התמונה המקסימה הזאת קלטתי בביתה של חני שאותה באתי לראיין לאלבום סיפור החיים שלה. חני מתגוררת גם היום בבית ילדותה, הבית שבו גידלו אותה אביה ואמה. על דלפק העבודה שלה, ממש לנגד עיניה, מוצבת תמונת ילדותה שאותה הכניסו ההורים למעמד מקושט ויפה, נוסח הימים ההם. וכך על אותו דלפק, 75 שנים אחרי, אותה תמונה מוצבת מול עיניה של אותה ילדה.

אותי זה מרגש.

גם לכם יש לכם אוצרות ומזכרות בני 75 שנים?

#ציטוטים #אלבום #אלבומיםדיגיטליים
#סיפורחיים #הורים #אבא #אמאאוהבת #אושר #נשיםעצמאיות #נשיםחזקות #העצמהנשית #תלאביביותנהנותיותר #נשים #משפחה #משפחהשלי #משפחהזההחיים #השראה #חשיבהחיובית #הוריםוילדים #סבתא #נוסטלגיה #תוכן #תוכןלאירועים #אירועמיוחד


its so empty

asking for tourists ..

asking for tourists ..

Do you remember the day you walked away ?Do you remember leaving your home knowing you will not be back , at least not t...

Do you remember the day you walked away ?
Do you remember leaving your home knowing you will not be back , at least not the same way .
was it leaving for college ? going to the Army ? making Aliya ? getting a job on the other coast ?

L**h lecha - can be translated in few ways : walk away / walk for yourself
The Torah story of Genesis 12, tells us about a 75 years old man that started anew . walking towards the unknown
passing through great changes ..
he was also the first one that gives us names of places he visited sites we can visit today
where is Harran his homebased ? where did he stop along the way?
Elon moreh , Beit El Ha'ai
I have made for you a short video following Abram and Sarai
walking away
Shabat Shalom

It's time to go on a JourneyLet me take you on a trip with the hero of this week Torah portion  Mr. Noah or… Noach - com...

It's time to go on a Journey
Let me take you on a trip with the hero of this week Torah portion
Mr. Noah or… Noach - comfortable in Hebrew :)
This trip will take you from old city Jerusalem to Mount Ararat
Thanks to the amazing tool of google earth
If you liked this tour leave me a comment please
that will encourage me to do more "Bible tours" for you

don't wait your parents are getting old and what you will not ask today might disappear tomorrow . let me talk to your f...

don't wait
your parents are getting old
and what you will not ask today might disappear tomorrow .
let me talk to your folks and record their story
as a storyteller i know how to make it accessible for the younger generations
lets do it

Roots .
Erez Strasburg

Is your father and mother boring (provocative caption to catch your attention) It’s a good question, Erez"You know what?...

Is your father and mother boring
(provocative caption to catch your attention)

It’s a good question, Erez"
You know what?!
I have never asked my father? "
Our parents are getting old!!
We are busy
Our kids don’t care much … for now
The stories wisdom and insights of our parent's life
Are a valuable commodity
With no buyers!!!
Why is that?
Because story telling is an ART
And most of us don’t have the patience to listen just out of respect.
For the last 10 year I have been offering personalized tours for better
Understanding our parent's life choices ...
Now I have a new project
I call it- Personal Time capsules
I Collect arrange and help your parents tell their life stories
(via phone calls, Zoon meeting or personal home visit with a recorder)
Those stories are kept as a short (up to 5 minutes) episodes on
A personal internet page to wait as a time capsule
For the moments your kids will ask you …. (for example)
Where did grandpa and grandma met for the first time?
What's app me
Erez Strasburg

That is how  I feel ... Most days now There is light and beautyBut darkness is there as well I miss my pre corona life

That is how I feel ...
Most days now
There is light and beauty
But darkness is there as well
I miss my pre corona life




Come and meet interesting people in Israel

hide and seek in nature Einat Levy

hide and seek in nature
Einat Levy

Lovely day in old city

Lovely day in old city

Best time for Israeli Desert Come hike with us

Best time for Israeli Desert
Come hike with us

Einat Levy thank you גם זה שלנו  This is ours too

Einat Levy thank you
גם זה שלנו

This is ours too

Israel is also the land of Oppositesניגודים thank you Einat Levy

Israel is also the land of
thank you Einat Levy

Its time to feel nature in Israel again Thank you Einat Levy for shearing  your daily insights with us : revivalהתחדשות

Its time to feel nature in Israel again
Thank you Einat Levy for shearing your daily insights with us :


"אמור לי מי אתה ואקח אותך לשם"  זהו המוטו המוביל בטיולים האישים שלנו ב טיולים אישיים - אבני דרךהפעם ביקשנו לחבר קבוצת בנ...

"אמור לי מי אתה ואקח אותך לשם" זהו המוטו המוביל בטיולים האישים שלנו ב טיולים אישיים - אבני דרך

הפעם ביקשנו לחבר קבוצת בני נוער אמריקאים - יהודיים לארבעה מוטיבים מרכזיים שיסיעו להם בסלילת שביל חייהם:

🔷 יצירת חזון,
🔷 מחוייבות לאותו רעיון,
🔷 נחישות ברגעי משבר
🔷 מנהיגות אישית וחברתית .

הדרך שלנו לגרום לחיבור הזה שיעבוד: "לחבר בין סיפורו של אדם וסיפורו של מקום".

חיפשנו ליצור מסלול טיול שיחשוף את הנוער לאנשים ולמקומות המביעים את הנרטיב הזה.
הנה חלק מהמקומת שבהם היינו:

✔️ ביקרנו בקיבוץ עין גב שחבריו גילו נחישות יוצאת דופן כאשר עמדו לבדם מול האוייב הסורי.

✔️ עבדנו בחווה האקולוגית חוות קיימא חוקוק Kaima hukuk organic בחוקוק המעודדת נוער נושר מבתי הספר לגלות מחוייבות לעתידם.

✔️ הכרנו את מרגלית זינאתי, שומרת הגחלת היהודית ב כפר פקיעין, המגלמת באורח חייה מחוייבות, נחישות ומנהגות של אדם אחד.

✔️ ב נמל יפו עסקנו בתקוותם של העולים בעליות הראשונות לחיים טובים יותר לצאצאיהם, עובדה שחייבה אותם לחזון ולמחוייבות לדרך.

✔️ חווינו את סיפוריהם של צעירי ההפלמ"ח ודור 48 שערב ערב קברו את חבריהם וקמו עם שחר לקרב חדש. מוזיאון הפלמ״ח.

✔️ דמענו את סיפורם של אילן רונה ואסף רמון שהשאירו אחריהם מורשת של עשיה ואמונה בדרך. מרכז מבקרים מכתש רמון, חי רמון - רשות הטבע והגנים

✔️ שוחחנו על בן גוריון ב שדה בוקר-קבר בן גוריון שנותן דוגמא אישית to walk his talk.

✔️ חקרנו את סיפרם של ראשוני התושבים ב Mitzpe Ramon - מצפה רמון החוצבים באבן צרובי השמש והרוח .

✔️ למדנו ערך נחישותם של בני דור החורבן ומגיני מצדה ותנועות הנוער החלוצי שהופכים את Masada (מצדה) לסמל של "שנית מצדה לא תיפול".
ניסינו לבדוק מה יכולה להיות מצדה עבורינו היום במאה ה21, מהו אותו ערך שחשוב לנו לנו לא לאבד.
כפי שהבטחתי לעצמי בשנה האחרונה שבכל הדרכה במצדה אזכיר את שמה של לורי קיי גיברט In Memorium. Our Virtual Shiva for Lori Gilbert Kaye.
מסאן דיאגו שידעה מהי "מצדה" עבורה והגנה בגופה על רב הקהילה בפיגוע האנטישמי בעיר השנה.

כולי תקווה שחווית ההכרות עם המקומות והאנשים יצופו ויעלו בכל עת שיחשבו על מהי ישראל עבורם.

Erez Strasburg


There is a hidden place in the old city of Jeusalem name the small western wall
If you wish i can take you there .😎


Desert time
Neot hakikar South of Dead Sea


Good Druze food

Milestones Israel

Milestones Israel

When the holiday of Succot arrives ,and families gathered in the Succa
I think of the Aronson Family from Zichron Yaakov
102 year ago during succot the spying network they have created was caught by the Ottomans

Sara was walking Barefoot covered with blood on the main street
I honor of Sara
here is the first chapter of
People - Places - Passion
Milestones Israel short Israeli Stories

A spy in love

When the holiday of Succot arrives ,and families gathered in the Succa
I think of the Aronson Family from Zichron Yaakov
102 year ago during succot the spying network they have created was caught by the Ottomans

Sara was walking Barefoot covered with blood on the main street
I honor of Sara
here is the first chapter of
People - Places - Passion
Milestones Israel short Israeli Stories

People - places - passion milestones Israel present the story of Sara Aharonson


Whenever I bring visitors to Masada I ask them:
‘What is Your Masada?’

What is most important to you in your life? What will you
never, under any circumstances, overlook or wave aside?
The most common answer I get is: “my family, my children…”

This week I once again had the opportunity to experience Masada with an amazing family, one that strived to come back together again. Many years ago, they parted ways, leaving their family bonds to slip away and loosen. The son, Joel, immigrated to another land where he raised his family, yet the anger, even though belonging to other times and other places, did not dissolve.

Recently, Joel’s brother passed away and suddenly he realized it’s only him and his old father left from their seed family. Fortunately, timing was right for Joel’s father as well, today 92 and in an enviable mental and physical condition. Slowly but surely they came closer, bridging between their worlds towards a joint family trip to Israel. For Joel this was his first visit to Israel and for his father it was the first time to meet his 18 year old granddaughter.

Twilight is graceful in Masada, bringing a light caressing breeze to disarm the day’s heat. The site is almost empty, as at this time of day most tourists have already left.

I am overwhelmed, I feel this is the time for will and desire, this is Sha’at Ratzon. I tell Joel, Grandpa Benjamin and their family how here at Masada many people tell me, that most important in their lives are their families.

“For you, I say to them, the last few years were like creating something new – a new family and getting to know each other. For you, I go on, the phrase – again Masada will not fall, has an even stronger emphasis – never again will your family fall apart.”

I fill my lungs with air and roar towards the mountains, fading out in the evening light:
Again Masada will not fall!
I then noticed how for the first time in decades, the old father took his son’s hand in his.

The grandfather then turned to me and quietly whispered into my ear: “I do not have many years left in this world, he said, I will though never forget this day which I will cherish till my last.”

These words are, needless to say, the most thrilling words a host and a tour guide can possibly hear.

May you be signed and sealed in the book of life.

Erez Strasburg



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Our Story

Erez Strasburg, a tour guide and educator with 30 years experience, believes that the only way to have a meaningful experience in Israel is to take it personally. With a wealth of knowledge and a love of people and the state of Israel, he has developed a new approach to tourism. "Personal Tourism" links the past with the present in order to expertly tailor your visit to Israel. The itinerary is customized to fit your schedule, interests and needs, whether you're on a business trip, celebrating a bar/bat mitzvah, or just want to explore. The uniqueness of this approach to tourism is the personal connection of individuals with places, people, and content that personally touch their lives. Through research, expert planning and a personal touch, Erez will give you a trip unlike any other. You will have the chance to learn about Israel's long and fascinating history, meet Israelis from all walks of life and experience a truly personal Israel.