Judy Myers Life Coaching

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  • Judy Myers Life Coaching

Life coaching is an action-oriented process for healthy adults th Judy Myers is a Master Certified Life Coach.

With a Bachelors degree in Personal Communications from The Ohio State University and her Master’s Degree in Education and Counseling from the University of Massachusetts, her education was one stepping stone towards a career in bettering the lives of others. She worked six years as a certified Guidance Counselor, and then wrote a book entitled "Managing the Mommy Years" that depicted strategies f

or stress management. Yoga has also played a pivotal role in her life. With twenty years of yoga experience under her belt, she also holds two teacher certifications. Since 2007, Judy has served as a Faculty Assistant for the Conscious Relationships couples workshops at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Judy also offers tele-courses ranging in topic. You can find out more by visiting JudyMyersLifeCoaching.com

Join me this Sunday on The Women’s Circle Talk Show where I will be sharing a simple tool that will teach you how to fee...

Join me this Sunday on The Women’s Circle Talk Show where I will be sharing a simple tool that will teach you how to feel better and manage your emotions around the Virus.

Sunday, May 3rd
1:00-2:15 PM
FREE of charge

Register right here by Saturday:

Join me this Sunday, May 3, from 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM where I will be a panelist on the Women's Circle Talk Show. This is ...

Join me this Sunday, May 3, from 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM where I will be a panelist on the Women's Circle Talk Show. This is a Virtual Gathering, FREE of charge for every woman seeking mind-body heath, practical how-to tools, and inspiration. Register by this Saturday at https://www.lisamillerbeautifulday.com/may-3.html

It’s Sunday. Again.It’s the 5th Sunday since the quarantine began.How’s it going for you?Do you feel like you are losing...

It’s Sunday. Again.
It’s the 5th Sunday since the quarantine began.
How’s it going for you?

Do you feel like you are losing your motivation?
Did you have lots of energy at the beginning, but not so much now?
Were you maybe even thinking that this sudden time at home was a gift?
Were you even a little excited about staying at home for awhile?
Were you thinking that you were going to make the most out of your “free” time?

So there you are…
going along…
doing okay…
getting stuff done…
and then…


Week 5 hits and you have suddenly lost all of your motivation.
You can’t create.
You can’t focus
You can’t get anything done.
You feel like you lost your direction.

If this is you, please don’t worry.
This is totally normal.
Many people are feeling this exact same way.

So let’s start with awareness.
With self-observation.
You are procrastinating.
It makes you feel lazy.
Your thoughts sound something like this:
I should be using this time more productively.
I should be getting more stuff done
I should be (fill in the blank)

Notice this.

Notice that you are “shoulding” on yourself.

ALL feelings are created by your thoughts.
You are feeling unmotivated because your thoughts all begin with “I should”.
“I should” thoughts feel heavy.
They feel burdensome.
They feel like an unwanted responsibility or obligation.

“I should” thoughts do the opposite of motivating you.

Do you want to feel motivated again?

Here is the good news…
Feeling motivated is something that you actually do have control over.

Yup, it’s actually up to you whether you want to feel motivated again.

Feelings are not a big mystery.
They are not out of your control.
Feelings are caused by your thoughts.

The thought “I should be using this time productively”
(and you are not) leads to feeling unmotivated.

Don’t say “I should…”

Either get to work or don’t get to work.
Either one is fine.
Just decide.

If you want to rest, heal yourself, recover, enjoy this take the time off - that’s totally fine.
Go for it!


DECIDE that you want to get something done, and then do that.
Change your thought to one that motivates you.
Motivation is not just going to come to you.
YOU have to create it by purposefully changing your thinking.

So, here are your choices: either get to work OR decide not to get to work.
But don't “should” on yourself.
Because then you don’t get the benefit of either one.

If you really do want to get something done, figure out WHY you want to get it done.
Then use that reason to create your new thought.

Let’s say you want to lose weight.
First ask yourself WHY you want to lose weight.

Say it’s because you want to have better health.
Then ask yourself WHY again.

“Why do I want better health?”
I want to be healthier so I can start running again.
I want to be healthier so I have more energy to play with my kids or grandkids.
I want to be healthier so I don’t end up like my parents.

THAT becomes your new thought, not “I should lose weight”.
“I should lose weight” will NOT motivate you.

Next, get into ACTION.
Come up with 3 small specific steps that you can take to move towards your new thought.

I am going to eat one healthy meal today.
I am going to go for a walk.
I am going to read an inspirational article/book (or listen to a podcast) about the benefits of being healthy.

Then put it into your calendar!

THAT is how you get back to the feeling of motivated.

If that’s what you want.

Hope you have a good week!


We get stronger by doing hard things.And I KNOW for a fact that you can do hard things.I’ll prove it to you.Name 5 thing...

We get stronger by doing hard things.

And I KNOW for a fact that you can do hard things.

I’ll prove it to you.

Name 5 things right now that you have done that have been really hard.
Seriously, stop reading this, search your brain, and find five really hard things that you have gotten through: an illness, a breakup, a death, a difficult relationship, school, a project, a job, a move, childhood…

I told you.

Right now, living through this pandemic is really hard.
But you can get through it because YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS.
Even something as hard as this.

Let me tell you how.

You can get through this virus by learning how to manage your mind.

Every single feeling that you feel right now is caused by a thought that you are having.
And every single thought that you are having is based on a circumstance that is happening in the world.

Let’s say your are feeling panicked.
Where does the feeling of panic come from?
It comes from a thought.

And where does the thought come from?
The thought comes from a circumstance. (A circumstance is a factual thing that is happening in the world.)

Something happens. (Circumstance)
You have a thought about it. (Thought)
The thought causes a feeling/emotion. (Feeling)

It’s that simple.

Here is an example:
Circumstance: X number of people have died from Covid-19. (Fact)
Thought: I am going to get Covid-19 and die. (A thought is what you make the fact mean, your interpretation of it)
Feeling: Panic

Your thought may be true.
Your thought may also NOT be true.
You don’t have to believe every single thought that pops into your head.

If you choose to keep the thought, “I am going to get this and die,” then you will feel panicked.

Do you want to feel panicked?
If not, then how do you want to feel?
What would you need to think, in order to feel the way that you want to feel?

Let’s say you wanted to feel hopeful instead.
What would you need to think in order to feel hopeful?

In order to feel hopeful, one thought could be: My chances of surviving this are pretty good because only 1% of the people who get this actually die.

When you think that thought, "My chances of surviving this are pretty good because only 1% of the people who get this actually die," how do you feel?
Probably a lot better than "I am going to get Covid-19 and die."

NEW feeling based on NEW thought:
Circumstance: X number of people have died.
(The circumstance never changes, only the thoughts about them do)
New Thought: My chances of surviving this are pretty good because only 1% of the people who get this actually die.
New Feeling: Hopeful

Listen, no one holds a gun to your head and says you have to think a certain thought.
A thought pops into your brain.
That part is out of your control.
But what is in your control is whether you choose to keep the thought, or let it go.
You can believe the thought that causes the negative feeling, or you can find a better thought that will make you feel better.

Here is how to do that:
1. Become aware of what you are thinking.
Imagine shining a flashlight into your mind so that you can see what is going on in there.

2. For 5 to 10 minutes, write down every single thought that is swirling around inside your mind.
No filtering.
No judging.
Just write down whatever pops into your mind.

3. Next to each thought, write down how that thought makes you feel.

4. Decide if you want to keep that thought and feeling.
You may want to feel angry or sad right now.
That is totally fine.

5. If you decide that you want to feel differently, then choose a replacement thought.

There are two rules for the replacement thought:
1. It has to be true
2. It has to make you feel a little bit better.

Here are a few more examples:

Circumstance: Not all people are following the guidelines to stay home.
Current Thought: What the hell is wrong with these people?
Current Feeling: Mad

Same Circumstance: Not all people are following the guidelines to stay home
New Thought: I cannot control what other people do
New Feeling: (more) Accepting

Circumstance: I am home with my whole family
Current Thought: I am overwhelmed with all of the cooking and cleaning I have to do
Current Feeling: Burdened (or overwhelmed)

Same Circumstance: I am home with my whole family
New Thought: I know I can find a way to make this more manageable
New Feeling: Confident

Pay close attention to what your brain is saying to you.
Notice your thoughts.
Notice how they make your feel.
Decide if that is how you want to feel.
If you don’t, change your thought to something that will make you feel better.

This pandemic is hard.
You can get through this by learning the skill of managing your thoughts.

You got this.


My husband and I have this joke about gaining weight during our quarantine.We call it “The Covid Nineteen”.It’s similar ...

My husband and I have this joke about gaining weight during our quarantine.

We call it “The Covid Nineteen”.
It’s similar to the “Freshman Fifteen”. 😂

But seriously, let’s talk about weight gain.

Yes, you may gain weight during this quarantine.

And if you do, SO WHAT?

DO NOT let it mean anything more than what it is.

DO NOT turn it into some dramatic thing.

STOP beating yourself up.

DO NOT use it as evidence that you aren’t worthy.
DO NOT use it as evidence that you aren’t good enough.
Do NOT use it as evidence that you are a failure. Or that something is wrong with you.

None of that is true.

You know what it means if you are gaining weight?

It means you are using eating to deal with stress and/or boredom.
That’s it.
That’s all it means.

Beating yourself up and saying mean, horrible, untrue things to yourself about yourself will get you absolutely nowhere.
It doesn’t serve you.
It harms you.

If you really want to do something about gaining weight, be curious.
Be compassionate.
Use it as an opportunity to get to know yourself better.

Hmmm, when I am stressed, I eat.
And then I feel horrible.
Which causes me to eat more.
Which results in weight gain.


The question that you need to be asking yourself is, “What is the THOUGHT that I am having that is causing me to feel stressed?
That is what you need to work on.
That is what you need to challenge.

The thought that is causing the stress.

Gaining weight means that you need to do some more work on yourself.
It means there is more to learn about who you are and how you deal with emotion.
That’s it.

You are still worthy.
You are still enough.
You are fine.
Even if you gain weight.


It’s Sunday.We made it through another week. How did it go for you?For me, this week marked a big transition.The past fe...

It’s Sunday.
We made it through another week.

How did it go for you?

For me, this week marked a big transition.
The past few weeks, all of my calls, both personal and professional, dealt with the anxiety and the fear of the virus.
This week, my calls were about people that my friends and clients personally knew who got sick. Two of those calls were about people who died.
Very different.
Very sobering.

When my husband and I were raising our children, one thing we did every night was to go around the dinner table and each person would tell us about the best part of their day, and the worst part of their day.

I think this would be a good exercise for all of us to do.
What was the worst part of your week?
What was the best part of your week?

The worst part of my week was one of the yoga classes I virtually attended.
Even though I had done everything possible to get 75 minutes of uninterrupted alone time, it just didn’t happen.
My husband and I now live with my Dad, his aid, our adult daughter and her boyfriend.
I just kept getting interrupted over and over and over again.
My daughter needed my yoga space because she was on an overseas business call and where I was practicing had the best internet connection in the house.
Even though I turned off my phone, ringing somehow came through my computer.
My Home Google stopped playing the white noise I was using to drown out the other voices in the house.
My Spotify playlist became more of a distraction than a helpful way to relax.
But I refused to get off my mat.
I was going to finish this class no matter what was thrown at me.
I decided to use the class as a metaphor for this time in life.
No matter what we had planned, there are going to be obstacles along the way and we just need to keep going anyway.

(Silver Lining: Because of the virus, there are an abundance of virtual classes online. I did 4 yoga classes and 2 meditation classes this week!)

The BEST part of my week: I am enrolled in a course called Self-Coaching Scholars. It is through Brooke Castillo’s The Life Coaching School. Each month we focus on a different topic and this month the topic is “Complete Mind Mastery During a Crisis.”

Today, I want to share one of the concepts that Brooke teaches.

Most people have this misconception that life is supposed to be easy and perfect and good, and that we are supposed to be happy all of the time.

But that is just not true.
Human life isn’t supposed to be one big vacation.
We are not here just to enjoy the ride.

When we are faced with big obstacles, it doesn’t mean that things have gone terribly wrong and that we need to fix them.

One of Brooke’s foundational concepts is this: Life is meant to be 50/50.
Our world, our lives, our emotions - they are supposed to be 50% positive and 50% negative.
50% great, and 50% awful.
That is what the human experience is all about.

Many years ago, Brooke wrote the following piece. I immediately printed it, and put it on my bulletin board so I could see it and remind myself every time things went wrong that this is the way life is supposed to be. Here is the piece:

I embrace the idea that I will feel negative emotions half the time.
This makes my life better.
It helps me from resisting, avoiding, and reacting to all of those pesky emotions.
I recognize the truth that humans are supposed to experience contrast.
Unhappiness makes happiness better.
Excitement doesn’t really have much meaning without boredom.
So when the emotions come, I don’t panic.
In fact, I have learned to invite them in.
When I lock the door and try to keep them out, they just bang and break the windows.
So I smile and open the door. I give them space.
Restlessness has a space. Agitation is welcome. Frustration visits often.
It’s all fine.
I don’t treat them like strangers or predators. I don’t try to control them.
They are part of the human experience.
They come and go.
I know this.
I am not afraid.

~ Brooke Castillo

So much of our struggle is because we always think that we should be happier than we are.
That things should be different than they are.
That we should only feel positive emotions and have positive experiences all the time.
But even if we did have a choice in the matter, which we don’t, but if we did, we would actually choose to be able to have negative feelings too.

When a loved one dies, we want to be able to feel sad.
When millions of people are sick, we want to feel grief.
When social injustice happens, we want to feel anger.

The point is to understand that there isn’t anything wrong with negative emotions. They are part of our human experience.

When things are good and we are productive and employed, and we have good health, we have this idea that this is exactly how life is supposed to be.
But the truth is, there is no “supposed to be.”
There is only what actually IS.

And that reality is full of both highs and lows, most of which we cannot control.

The last few weeks have shown us how much we cannot control the world, but we can control how we take in the world through our thoughts.

We can choose to have better mental health by approaching life as it really is. About half good and half bad.

And we can choose to share both halves with those around us, so go ahead and let me know about your highs and lows this week!


It’s Sunday.
We made it though the week. Thank you God.
Not an easy task given the current state of our world.

So, how did you do?

For me, I spent everyday this week talking with/working with/or taking a class with either a meditation teacher, a yoga teacher, a therapist or a coach. (Thank you Nina Carmel, Debra DeAngelo, Tobey Mintz and Brooke Castillo)

Here are the BEST things I learned.


So many people are feeling angry right now.
Anger at the world.
Anger at the virus.
Anger at China.
Anger at Trump.
Anger at the people who are not acting socially responsible. (More about that in a minute).

Some people are feeling other peoples’ anger directed at them.

Feeling angry is totally NORMAL in a time of crisis.
The world is such an uncertain place right now.
Something has gone terribly wrong, and other than social distancing and washing our hands, we feel powerless to do anything about it.

Our minds are freaking out with all kinds of terrible thoughts.

We feel powerless.
We feel like victims.
And as a victim, we need to have a villain.
We need someone or something to direct our anger at.

And if we feel angry, then at least we don’t have to feel afraid.
Let me repeat that, if we feel angry, then we don’t have to feel afraid.

And so we lash out.
Or someone lashes out at us.

So here’s the deal:
It’s totally okay to be angry.
And it’s totally okay to be afraid too.

You don’t have to push these feelings away.

You can allow yourself to experience whatever it is you are really feeling.
I promise you that you won’t die if you allow yourself to feel afraid.

Here is how to allow a feeling.
Notice what you are feeling.
Label it.
Describe how it feels physically in your body.
Don’t be afraid of this.
It’s just a physical vibration and it will pass.
It will pass way faster if you stop trying to resist it.
Then, direct your breath to the part of your body where you are feeling it.
Notice what thoughts come up, and then redirect your attention back to the place in your body where you feel the emotion.
If you do this, typically the feeling will pass in about 1- 5 minutes.

If you are feeling fear, you are most likely worrying about what is going to happen in the future.
Ground into the present.
Focus on what is happening right NOW.
What do you see?
What do you hear?
What do you smell?
What are you touching?
Come back to this moment, the one that you are actually living in.
You are safe right here.
You are safe right now.

Think of your brain like a radio.
At the moment, your brain is broadcasting things like: I am going to get this virus and die.

That is true. You might.
It is also true that you might not.
Your job is to give Equal Air Time to what else also might be true.

Mind: I am going to get this virus and die.
Equal Air Time:
I might not get this virus.
I might get it and not die.
I might get it and only have a mild case.
I might get it and not have symptoms at all.

ALL of these things are also true.
When you find yourself fixated on a negative, scary thought, find what else might be true and give it EQUAL AIR TIME.


YOU are following all the government rules and self-quarantining, but you see other people who are not. They are going out to the grocery store, to the pharmacy, to the gas station, and they are not staying 6 feet away from other people.

Your mind: What the hell is wrong with these people!

And sometimes “these people” are the people you love the most, like your Mom, Grandmother, Aunt...

In the Coaching world, there is a concept called “The Manual” (developed by Brooke Castillo).

The Manual is your socially correct and acceptable rules about how other people should behave. And when people don’t follow our Manuals, we judge them and get mad at them.

Right now our Manual might be something like this:

You should stay at home and do not leave no matter what.
If you absolutely have to go out, then make sure you wash and disinfect everything when you get back.

And by the way, our Manual is fully supported by the government which only reinforces in our minds how right our manual is.

HOWEVER, it is also true that we simply CANNOT control what other people do.
As much as we wish we could.
We just can’t.

So now what do we do?

First of all recognize your own feelings.

Let’s say your Mom (Grandma, Aunt or whoever) is going out.
You are in disbelief. You are really mad at them.
Is it possible that you are really just scared for them?
You are afraid that if they don’t follow the rules, they might die.
Remember how we talked about that it is easier to be mad than scared?

And since we can’t control what they do (and God knows we have tried) let’s give Equal Air Time to all the possibilities:

Yes, it is true that Mom might get the virus and die.
It is ALSO true that:
She might not get the virus, even if she does go out.
She might get the virus, and just have a mild case of it and be okay.
She might get the virus, and have no symptoms at all.

And it is ALSO true that she is actually following what the government is saying. The government is saying you CAN go out to grocery store and pharmacy.

Look, if you hold on to the thought the Mom is being reckless and stupid, then YOU are the one who is going to feel angry, helpless, and terrible.

You are going to do things like lecture her over and over again (to no avail). You are going to disconnect from her emotionally, perhaps be angry at her. You might say or think unkind thoughts about her. You may even act a bit passive aggressive towards her.

So here’s the deal - if you have informed your loved one of your opinion about what they should do, and they chose to do something else instead, YOU have two options:
#1 You can hold onto the thought that Mom is being reckless, and that she is stupid for not listening to you
(in which case you will feel angry, helpless and disconnected from her).


You can think, I am going to love her no matter what she does.
She gets to make her own choices because she is an adult.
And I am going to stay connected to her anyway.

How do you want to be with your Mom?
Do you want to be there for her no matter what?

We all think that we know what is best for people.
So we tell them what to do.
But if it gets to the point where giving our opinion over and over again is disconnecting us from people we love, then we are doing it wrong.
Then we are the ones who are suffering.
And as a result, we are ruining the relationships that are important to us.

Listen, you can still keep all your beliefs.
And you can still feel helpless
BUT, choose to love them no matter what, and keep the connection with them.

Even if they are not listening to you, you can still call them and say:
How are you doing?
How are feeling?
How can I help you?
And even if they say they are going out, you can say I wish you wouldn’t, but I still love you.
You don’t have to keep repeating what you think they should do.
They know what you think.
They have decided not to do it.

You deciding to change the conversation is about stopping your suffering.

Choose to love them and feel helpless, rather than love them and be mad at them.


And finally, here is mantra to try if you enjoy meditating.

Take 5 long, slow, deep breaths.
On each inhale, say to yourself LOVE.
On each exhale, say to yourself fear.

Breathe in LOVE.
Breathe out fear.

Hope this helps!

Hope everyone stays safe and healthy this week.

With Love,
Judy Myers

ATTENTION BERKSHIRE COUNTY: Megan Cooper, Transition to Adulthood Counselor, put together this AMAZING resource guide to...

ATTENTION BERKSHIRE COUNTY: Megan Cooper, Transition to Adulthood Counselor, put together this AMAZING resource guide to help you get through this difficult time.

Berkshire County COVID-19 Family-Friendly Resource Guide
*Brought to you by AdLib Independent Living Center*
With the cancellation of exciting events, social distancing, quarantine and overall anxiety that the COVID-19 is causing, having coping skills and community support is now more important than ever! AdLib is here to help. We have composed for you a categorized list of activities and resources that may be helpful to you at this difficult time. Enjoy and be well.
(If students don’t have access to internet they can call 1.844.488.8398 during the school shutdown for free internet from Spectrum)

Anxiety/Mental Health Support:
-Browse an AMAZING “Coping Skills Tool-Kit” on Virusanxiety.com
-Text 741741 to talk with a crisis counselor at Crisis Text Line
-Call the North Berkshire EOC hotline (413) 662-3614 or email them at [email protected]
-For Information and referrals to see a mental health professional call the Brien Center at 413-499-0412 (crisis hotline 800-252-0227) or Community and Support Options at (413) 236-5656
-Free guided hikes at Burnett Farm/Full Well Farm (East road, Adams) at 10am, 1pm, and 3pm daily. Call Carrie Burnett at 413-464-2930 for more info.
-Berkshire Body virtual classes via Facebook ($5 per class)
-Miner Combat virtual classes via Facebook ($10 per class) (All online classes are available for 24 hours afterwards)
-Beachbody is offering free online videos for the next two weeks!
-The YMCA is now offering 60 free classes online at https://ymca360.org/

Yoga and Meditation:
These pages will be providing guided yoga and meditation videos free to the public on their pages. Tune in live or watch at a later time! Follow them on Facebook and/or subscribe to their newsletters via email.
· North Adams Yoga
· Radiance Yoga
· Berkshire Yoga Dance and Fitness (also on youtube)
· Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
Coming Soon: Frog Lotus Yoga
-Or search for more classes on Youtube!! (Yoga with Adriene is a personal favorite)
These apps will help guide your yoga/meditation practice:
· Downward Dog App (free subscriptions for students and teachers until July and for EVERYONE until April!)
· Headspace
· Relax
· Pacifica
-Also, check out this free resource page that ‘Calm’ has created!
-Want to do yoga with your littles? We’ve got you! This Preschool Inspirations site lists great kids yoga videos that you can do with the whole family! https://preschoolinspirations.com/kid-yoga-videos/…

Feel Good Podcasts:
· Happy Place
· Super Soul Conversations
· Living Fully
· Mind Valley
· The Bobby Bones Show
· This Might Get Weird
· Happier

-Take a tour of Yellowstone National Park at https://www.nps.gov/…/lea…/photosmultimedia/virtualtours.htm
-Check out the U.S. Space and Rocket Center https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Qe5RqyMNhc
-Travel to The Louvre Art Museum in Paris, France https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne
-Talk a walk on the Great Wall of China https://www.thechinaguide.com/destinati…/great-wall-of-china
-Explore Boston Children’s Museum https://www.bostonchildrensmuseum.org/museum-virtual-tour
-Even take a trip to Mars! https://accessmars.withgoogle.com/
-For more virtual museum tours visit https://www.travelandleisure.com/…/museums-with-virtual-tou…
-For more virtual national park tours go to Google Earth! https://earth.google.com/…/data=Ci0SKxIgMzVhNjc1YmQ0NjVjMTF…

-Take a ride on some of Disney’s most popular attractions VIRTUALLY! https://www.popsugar.com/…/videos-virtual-disney-rides-4731…

Zoos and Farms:
-Visit the San Diego Zoo virtually at kids.sandiegozoo.org
-See the animals on the farm on FarmFood 360’s website https://www.farmfood360.ca/…
-Check out the Cincinnati Zoo page every day at 3pm for a live-stream of their animals!
-See all types of sea creatures through the virtual tour on New England Aquariums website!
-Hang out with the Penguins at the Kansas City Zoo’s website!

-Check out LearnInColor.com for free educational websites and apps including:
· Language: Duolingo
· Math: Funbrain
· Science: NASA Kids Club
· Social Studies: Smithsonian for Kids
· And more!!
-Go to the Scholastic “Learn at Home” website for, “day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing!” https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/…/learnathome.html
-Check out the Miluakee with Kids website for two weeks of fun and easy science experiments! https://www.mkewithkids.com/…/here-are-two-weeks-worth-of-f…
-Ranger Rick is offering free access to their website and magazine for the next few months! https://rangerrick.org/stuck-indoors/…
-Stream live cooking classes via the “Made By Me Cooking School” page! https://www.facebook.com/madebymecookingschool/
-Worried about too much screen time? Go to this website for some help and guidance https://mashable.com/…/coronavirus-kids-screen-time-school/…

-Quarantine Journal (document your every day experiences and feelings)
-Gratitude Journal (Write at least 3 things you are grateful for every day)
-Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal by Lori Deschene
-Olaf will read you a story every night! Follow Gad on Twitter!
-Work on speech and language at SpeechBuddy.Com
-Listen to stories read from Space! https://storytimefromspace.com/

Theater and Music:
-Watch plays, musicals and more at SocialDistancingFestival.com
-Nightly Live-streams at Metopera.org
-Get a 7-day free trial of BroadwayHD in order to watch hit musicals and shows! https://www.broadwayhd.com/
-Love John Legend? He recorded a whole concert from his living room that you can watch by clicking this link! > https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=230549208073236
-Live “lunch time doodling” with Author/Illustrator Mo Williams on thekennedycenter.net - 1pm daily
-Go to The Best Ideas for Kids page to see 100+ craft and art ideas plus other fun activities to do with your family! https://www.facebook.com/thebestideasforkids/posts/841611439581927
-Join Art therapist, Marney Shorr for “Coping with Art From Home” via Facebook on Tuesday and Friday mornings, 10-11:15am. Email her at [email protected] for more info
-Access free, online (and kid friendly) calligraphy lessons at: https://loveleighloops.com/kidcalligraphy/…

Substance Use Support:
-AA meetings at aaphonemeetings.org
-Online peer support through the Western Mass Recovery Learning Community https://www.youtube.com/watch…

-Call your local parish, church, synagogue, mosque, etc. to see if they are live-streaming worship!
-Worship with New Life Community Fellowship
-View live sermons from the Church of the Good Shepherd
-Live-stream with First Baptist church of North Adams
-Have a virtual coffee date with Hevreh of Southern Berkshire
-Participate in mass with St. Mary’s of the Assumption at http://www.catholictv.org/masses…
-Visit Blessed Hope Church’s website to listen to weekly sermons https://www.blessedhopechurchac.org/…
Podcasts: The Devoted Dreamers

North County:
-The Al Nelson Friendship Center will distribute one pre-packaged box of food per household at the front door of the food pantry at 45 Eagle St. North Adams on Wednesdays
-The Williamstown Food Pantry will pre-bag items and leave them on a table outside the pantry's outside door for people to drive by and grab on Wednesdays
-Lunch pick up at Hoosac Valley Elementary, Colgrove Park Elementary and Brayton Elementary Schools between 11-12, Monday-Friday for students up to 18 years old.
- The Berkshire Food Project on Main st. will remain open, but ONLY ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY (During its typical lunch hour, 12-1). Meals will be picked up for to go only - from the Breezeway
-Community Bible Church of Williamstown will be open Wednesday, March 18th, 12:00-2:00. If there are emergency food needs call the church office at 458-5556 or Phyllis Babcock at 413-663-6094.
-The FoodBank of Western MA Mobile Food Pantries are STILL RUNNING. Same days, time and locations in North Berkshire at this point.
Free Saturday Lunches at First Baptist Church, North Adams will resume as take out only on Saturday, March 28th, 11:00am-12:30pm.

Central County:
-Lunch “grab and go” at Morningside, Conte, Dower Square, YMCA, Gladys Brigham Center, Boys and Girls Club and the Brattlebook Apartments in Pittsfield between 11:30-12:30 Mon-Fri
-Elder Services is open and Meals On Wheels is running. They can be reached at (413) 499-0524
-Starting on Wednesday, March 19, Berkshire Peak Apartments, located at 341 West St., meals will be available between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
-If you need baby formula contact Bethany at the Family Center 413-664-4821 ext. 10

South County:
-Papa John’s in Lenox is offering large cheese pizzas for $6 and large pepperoni pizzas for $7 for school children and their caretakers between 11am and 4pm
-The People’s Pantry in GB will have prepackaged bags with 2 basic items from each category (soup, pasta sauce, tuna, beans, etc.).
Produce will be displayed on tables outside and distributed by volunteers when buyers point out their choices. Refrigerated milk will be taken outside as needed and added to buyers' bags as requested. Meat will not be distributed this week.
Listen to WSBS or WBCR-LP 97.7 FM to learn about possible closings or visit The People’s Pantry on Facebook or www.thepeoplespantrygb.org
-Apply for SNAP benefits at: https://dtaconnect.eohhs.mass.gov/…)

-Berkshire County Regional Housing is taking calls to support people around housing issues. They can be reached at (413) 443-7138
-United Way has a COVID-19 Economic Relief Fund to help with bills, rent and food. Call 1-866-211-9966
-Need to file for unemployment? This website has a step-by-step guide to help http://ufcw328.org/filing-for-unemployment-due-to-covid-1…/…

How to speak to your children about COVID-19:
- Remain calm and reassuring, make yourself available, avoid excessive blaming of people or groups, monitor T.V. and social media, maintain as much of a normal routine as possible, be honest and accurate, know the symptoms, review and model basic hygiene practices, keep explanations age appropriate

-View the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website:

-Visit PBS.org:

-Do a workbook with your kids at Mindheart.com

Mutal Aid:
-Ask for help or offer to help through the Berkshire’s Mutual Aid Network!
-Call BMC’s community line with questions and concerns 7am-7pm 7 days a week at: 1-855-262-5465
-Need Diapers? Call the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition at 663-7588 to arrange a time for pick up

“Pay attention to the present moment. Don’t get lost in worrying about things beyond your control. Remember stress is wanting this moment to be something that it’s not. Accept this time for what it is. In this moment, be well!!” -Oprah

-Megan Cooper: Transition to Adulthood Counselor

YMCA 360 offers online exercise, fitness, wellbeing, and youth sports classes from the comfort of your own home. Popular classes like yoga, barre, bootcamp, tai chi, boxing, weightlifting and soccer are free for you and your family.



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