It’s Sunday.
We made it though the week. Thank you God.
Not an easy task given the current state of our world.
So, how did you do?
For me, I spent everyday this week talking with/working with/or taking a class with either a meditation teacher, a yoga teacher, a therapist or a coach. (Thank you Nina Carmel, Debra DeAngelo, Tobey Mintz and Brooke Castillo)
Here are the BEST things I learned.
So many people are feeling angry right now.
Anger at the world.
Anger at the virus.
Anger at China.
Anger at Trump.
Anger at the people who are not acting socially responsible. (More about that in a minute).
Some people are feeling other peoples’ anger directed at them.
Feeling angry is totally NORMAL in a time of crisis.
The world is such an uncertain place right now.
Something has gone terribly wrong, and other than social distancing and washing our hands, we feel powerless to do anything about it.
Our minds are freaking out with all kinds of terrible thoughts.
We feel powerless.
We feel like victims.
And as a victim, we need to have a villain.
We need someone or something to direct our anger at.
And if we feel angry, then at least we don’t have to feel afraid.
Let me repeat that, if we feel angry, then we don’t have to feel afraid.
And so we lash out.
Or someone lashes out at us.
So here’s the deal:
It’s totally okay to be angry.
And it’s totally okay to be afraid too.
You don’t have to push these feelings away.
You can allow yourself to experience whatever it is you are really feeling.
I promise you that you won’t die if you allow yourself to feel afraid.
Here is how to allow a feeling.
Notice what you are feeling.
Label it.
Describe how it feels physically in your body.
Don’t be afraid of this.
It’s just a physical vibration and it will pass.
It will pass way faster if you stop trying to resist it.
Then, direct your breath to the part of your body where you are feeling it.
Notice what thoughts come up, and then redirect your attention back to the place in your body where you feel the emotion.
If you do this, typically the feeling will pass in about 1- 5 minutes.
If you are feeling fear, you are most likely worrying about what is going to happen in the future.
Ground into the present.
Focus on what is happening right NOW.
What do you see?
What do you hear?
What do you smell?
What are you touching?
Come back to this moment, the one that you are actually living in.
You are safe right here.
You are safe right now.
Think of your brain like a radio.
At the moment, your brain is broadcasting things like: I am going to get this virus and die.
That is true. You might.
It is also true that you might not.
Your job is to give Equal Air Time to what else also might be true.
Mind: I am going to get this virus and die.
Equal Air Time:
I might not get this virus.
I might get it and not die.
I might get it and only have a mild case.
I might get it and not have symptoms at all.
ALL of these things are also true.
When you find yourself fixated on a negative, scary thought, find what else might be true and give it EQUAL AIR TIME.
YOU are following all the government rules and self-quarantining, but you see other people who are not. They are going out to the grocery store, to the pharmacy, to the gas station, and they are not staying 6 feet away from other people.
Your mind: What the hell is wrong with these people!
And sometimes “these people” are the people you love the most, like your Mom, Grandmother, Aunt...
In the Coaching world, there is a concept called “The Manual” (developed by Brooke Castillo).
The Manual is your socially correct and acceptable rules about how other people should behave. And when people don’t follow our Manuals, we judge them and get mad at them.
Right now our Manual might be something like this:
You should stay at home and do not leave no matter what.
If you absolutely have to go out, then make sure you wash and disinfect everything when you get back.
And by the way, our Manual is fully supported by the government which only reinforces in our minds how right our manual is.
HOWEVER, it is also true that we simply CANNOT control what other people do.
As much as we wish we could.
We just can’t.
So now what do we do?
First of all recognize your own feelings.
Let’s say your Mom (Grandma, Aunt or whoever) is going out.
You are in disbelief. You are really mad at them.
Is it possible that you are really just scared for them?
You are afraid that if they don’t follow the rules, they might die.
Remember how we talked about that it is easier to be mad than scared?
And since we can’t control what they do (and God knows we have tried) let’s give Equal Air Time to all the possibilities:
Yes, it is true that Mom might get the virus and die.
It is ALSO true that:
She might not get the virus, even if she does go out.
She might get the virus, and just have a mild case of it and be okay.
She might get the virus, and have no symptoms at all.
And it is ALSO true that she is actually following what the government is saying. The government is saying you CAN go out to grocery store and pharmacy.
Look, if you hold on to the thought the Mom is being reckless and stupid, then YOU are the one who is going to feel angry, helpless, and terrible.
You are going to do things like lecture her over and over again (to no avail). You are going to disconnect from her emotionally, perhaps be angry at her. You might say or think unkind thoughts about her. You may even act a bit passive aggressive towards her.
So here’s the deal - if you have informed your loved one of your opinion about what they should do, and they chose to do something else instead, YOU have two options:
#1 You can hold onto the thought that Mom is being reckless, and that she is stupid for not listening to you
(in which case you will feel angry, helpless and disconnected from her).
You can think, I am going to love her no matter what she does.
She gets to make her own choices because she is an adult.
And I am going to stay connected to her anyway.
How do you want to be with your Mom?
Do you want to be there for her no matter what?
We all think that we know what is best for people.
So we tell them what to do.
But if it gets to the point where giving our opinion over and over again is disconnecting us from people we love, then we are doing it wrong.
Then we are the ones who are suffering.
And as a result, we are ruining the relationships that are important to us.
Listen, you can still keep all your beliefs.
And you can still feel helpless
BUT, choose to love them no matter what, and keep the connection with them.
Even if they are not listening to you, you can still call them and say:
How are you doing?
How are feeling?
How can I help you?
And even if they say they are going out, you can say I wish you wouldn’t, but I still love you.
You don’t have to keep repeating what you think they should do.
They know what you think.
They have decided not to do it.
You deciding to change the conversation is about stopping your suffering.
Choose to love them and feel helpless, rather than love them and be mad at them.
And finally, here is mantra to try if you enjoy meditating.
Take 5 long, slow, deep breaths.
On each inhale, say to yourself LOVE.
On each exhale, say to yourself fear.
Breathe in LOVE.
Breathe out fear.
Hope this helps!
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy this week.
With Love,
Judy Myers