advance guard (n.): “…organization sent ahead of the main force to ensure its uninterrupted advance; to protect the main body against surprise; to facilitate the advance by removing obstacles, and to ensure the success of the main force if it is committed to action.”
Sales Representation:
Working with a large network of hundreds of international distributors in 103 countries, AGI will seek to establish and maintain relationships with the right distributors by country, region, or globally with a goal of increasing overall sales for all parties involved. Customer Service:
Integrated with your organic international sales staff and customer service department, AGI will liaise amongst end users, distributors, and your staff to fulfill demand, coordinate key actions, increase your responsiveness, resolve frictions and reduce barriers to success. Marketing:
AGI will work with your marketing team to expand your brand’s awareness to end users through worldwide partners to capture, grow, and maintain market share. Experience in diverse cultures, languages, marketing methods unique to various countries, participation in trade shows and channel events, and perspective on other key marketing concepts and activities allows AGI to provide your staff with unique perspective as you tackle the many complex challenges of international marketing. Logistics:
Understanding supply chain issues, AGI will work with all nodes of your business model to assist in smooth logistics operations to increase efficiencies in manufacturing and fulfillment. With an understanding of international and domestic import/export control issues to include ITAR, AGI can assist your logistics staff to better serve your partners and customers.