Truly satisfying experiences of connection and relationship are possible for everyone. Sometimes, that takes some support. Sometimes that involves taking a little risk, or looking at ourselves in a new way. And that's the basis of what we do at Nothing In The Way. Nothing In The Way holds regular workshops that are equally meditative and socially edgy, where you'll have the chance to meet others,
and be met, on a very deep level. These events, called Authentic Relating Experiences, are guided group sessions that invite participants to experience themselves through new perspectives, while experiencing amazing connections with one another. Benefits of fully participating in AR Experiences are potentially infinite and delightfully unpredictable! Many people who practice and play AR activities have reported:
- An Increased ability to express emotions and desires.
- Greatly improved relationships with family and friends.
- Unlocked creativity in art, music, and other areas.
- New confidence and social awareness in public.
- A much easier time listening and being empathetic.
- Deeper awareness about their own drives and motivations.
- An unmistakable sense of community.
- And much more. And for those who are looking to make dramatic transformations in their lives, whether that be in their relationships, their careers, their communities, or in their personal power and consciousness, Nothing In the Way also offers advanced workshops and one-on-one coaching.