Missy Mwac

Missy Mwac My specialty is thinking things and then saying them out loud.

Thank you for sharing the message, Atlantic Photo Supply!Give them a click and check them out!

Thank you for sharing the message, Atlantic Photo Supply!
Give them a click and check them out!


I was asked a question today. It’s a very good question which deserves an answer.

“Missy Mwac, I have a question! What’s your thoughts on new-ish photographers snagging photos online and using them in their advertisements. I have my opinion, but I see a ton of new people do this. I just saw another tog this morning post an advertisement with a clearly stolen image.”

Oh yeah… I’ve got some thoughts on this. And I really don’t have to go into depth about these thoughts because they are born of common sense.

When faced with the decision of whether to use an image or not, ask yourself one simple question:


If the answer is “yes, “use it. Put it everywhere: Facebook, Instagram, direct mailers, sponsored ads, billboards, even. Wallpaper your bathroom with it…
go crazy.

But if the answer is “no,” then absolutely positively don’t use it. You didn’t take it, which means it isn’t yours.

‘Cause there’s a word for when you take something that isn’t yours.
And that word is STEALING.

I love discussion and healthy debate. The respectful exchange of ideas and perspectives is essential if we are to grow, ...

I love discussion and healthy debate. The respectful exchange of ideas and perspectives is essential if we are to grow, both individually and as a society.

But sometimes, that’s not possible.

When the individual with whom you are engaged in discussion can not stay on topic; when they go on and on and on in a way that even the Energizer Bunny couldn’t match; when they insult you for what you believe and a spirit of unhingedness shows up to the extent you actually worry for their mental health…well, at that point the opportunity for the open exchange of ideas is gone.
As dead as a T-Rex.

And when this happens, the desire for many is to continue to engage. I get that. Completely. But for me, when it gets to that point, it’s pointless. Some people are highly addicted to outrage. I suspect they feel it gives them purpose, and so they jump in to argue at every turn, at every article, at every post, at every topic. And they can, of course. It’s their right to do so.

But I refuse.

Instead, I prefer to live by the wise words of George Bernard Shaw who said: “Never wrestle with pigs.”

Why is that? Please tell us, George.

“You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

So, with Mr. Shaw’s wise words stamped on my brain, I decided a long time ago never to wrestle with “pigs.” If someone wants to roll around in the dirt, go for it. Get good and dirty. Live it up.
Yeah, there is no way I'M gonna participate, but I’m happy to stand here and watch them do it.

Sometimes it’s so entertaining, I make corn dogs and pretend I’m at the fair.


Today is my beautiful mother-in-law’s birthday.
She has dementia and although wished “happy birthday” repeatedly today, she will forget immediately upon being told.

She’s in her mid-80’s and living in a memory care residential facility. The employees there are kind and helpful, but they never knew my mother-in-law before she had a need for them.
They never knew her baking cookies, going on vacation, playing with her grandchildren, trick or treating, wearing her Christmas sweaters, getting her hair done. They never saw her laughing at the dinner table or riding on the back of her favorite nephew’s motorcycle.

But, on the walls of her room, those memories live on…in photographs.

She might not recall the people in the frames, but she CAN see the laughter, the experiences, the love. And at a glance, those kind and helpful employees can see a glimpse into the life this wonderful woman has lived.

Friends, never ever ever underestimate the power of photographs. They are magic.
And the only Time Machine we have.

Glitterbomb of Truth: The best policy is the one that includes compassion.

Glitterbomb of Truth: The best policy is the one that includes compassion.


What photographing a large family looks like:

the big group together
just grandma and grandpa
grandma and grandpa with their children
grandma and grandpa with their grandchildren
just the grandchildren
just the siblings
each of the siblings with their family
just the grandkids together
and individually
all the boys
all the girls
repeat all the above, but this time, add the dogs

the big group again with girlfriends/boyfriends
the big group with girlfriends/boyfriends and THEIR dogs

“Oh, wait. We forgot. We also have a clothing change.”

And you must work just as hard on the first pose as you do the last, all with a cheerful spirit, recognizing they had a choice and they picked YOU.

This is not for the faint of heart, people.

I was on an Alaskan cruise during the most recent solar flare activity earlier this month. The ship was far enough north...

I was on an Alaskan cruise during the most recent solar flare activity earlier this month. The ship was far enough north that there was a very good chance I would see the northern lights for the first time. We were IN THE ZONE. I was terribly excited.
So, I stood on the deck late into the night...nothing.

But I am nothing if not a problem solver, so, I took matters into my own hands.

“Wow, you’re expensive.”“Really? Compared to what?”See…some people drive a Cadillac; some drive a Chevysome people eat l...

“Wow, you’re expensive.”
“Really? Compared to what?”


some people drive a Cadillac; some drive a Chevy
some people eat lasagna at an Italian bistro; some eat Chef Boyardee
some people want exceptional photography; some are okay with an iPhone photo

Any car will get you where you need to go
Any food will fill you up
Any camera will take a picture
The end result is the same

The QUALITY of the results differ.
The EXPERIENCE differs.
The VALUE differs.

There is no right or wrong
It’s simply what’s important to you.

The bottom line:
If it’s really important to you, if it’s a priority, if you see the value, you’ll pay for it.
If not, you won’t.

(Note: If someone doesn't truly value what you do, they will often ask you to charge less. We see it all the time.
If you accommodate their request, you are agreeing with them.)



I used this again today. It worked just as well as the first time and, once again, allowed me to exercise my gag reflex....

I used this again today. It worked just as well as the first time and, once again, allowed me to exercise my gag reflex.

Read. Share. Subscribe.

This is a little plastic doohickey.


My name is 30x40.
I realize it’s an odd name, but it’s what I go by.

I’m 21 years old.
I live in a home on a wall over a fireplace.
I’ve lived in a living room all my life. And well, it’s been nice.

I live with a family–if you look at me, you’ll see them smiling back at you.
They’re pretty great.
Actually, they look a bit different now.
That little boy is a man and that little girl is a woman.
But I remember when they weren’t.
And I help them remember, too.

When I think back to 21 years ago, a lot has happened.
I remember the day I was put in this frame and hung on the wall.
I became a part of the living room.

Through the years, the children would glance up at me
And see themselves surrounded by the people who love them most in the world
(That has got to be a great feeling)
I’m not sure their little minds could grasp it fully
But each time they looked at me, the idea that they were loved and part of a family and very important was embedded deeper into their subconscious.
Day after day, year after year, I reminded them of that fact

I slowly came to realize that was my purpose…to remind them of their importance.

As they played with their trucks and their dolls, and then, in later years, with their video games and their iPhones, I stood over them. A constant steady reminder that they are part of this thing called “Family.”
That they matter in the world.

Over the years, others have come to join me
Even our little buddy, 11x14

We all work together to remind these children, this family, of what they mean to each other.

The children are fully grown now and out, into the world.

But each time they come home, they see me again

And they marvel at how little they once were
And how loved they’ve always been.

If you love it, print it, so future generations can love it, too.

If you love it, print it, so future generations can love it, too.


In a world of uncertainties, there are three things I can always count on:
death, taxes, and that the bra I bought online won't fit.

There are certain things you expect to see when ordering a coffee and certain things you don't. My "don't" experience is...

There are certain things you expect to see when ordering a coffee and certain things you don't.

My "don't" experience is now up on Substack.

Read. Share. Subscribe.

I used to be a Starbucks person but not anymore.

“Actually,” I said to the cruise ship photographer, “we’ll pose ourselves.”

“Actually,” I said to the cruise ship photographer, “we’ll pose ourselves.”

Bringing my brand of Fine Art Portraiture to Alaska.

Bringing my brand of Fine Art Portraiture to Alaska.


It would be so much easier to wear a tshirt that says "I look like this because I photographed a wedding last night," then to explain to everyone why you're limping, groggy, and look hungover.


Inside a family photographer's camera, there is no politics.
Inside a newborn photographer's camera, there is no argument.
Inside a wedding photographer's camera, there is no heated debate.
Inside a senior photographer's camera, there is no protest.

For inside the camera of a portrait or wedding photographer, there is only the quiet knowledge that People Matter; the unwavering belief that love between mankind is worth photographing, and the gentle reminder that as long as there is family and children and people who love one another, all will be well.

So when the world seems crazy, look inside your camera.

The people smiling back will remind you it is still a beautiful place.


I'm driving home. The radio is on. My favorite Christian song begins to play. If I had an anthem to my life, this one's it. I get teary-eyed. My heart is full. I lift my hand in a small gesture of worship.
The driver in the car next to me sees this, thinks I am gesturing to him and raises his middle finger.
I am now considering putting a bumper sticker on my Jeep that says, "Driver sometimes prays while driving. She is NOT flipping you off."

Link to ALL THE THOUGHTS IN MY BRAIN in the comments.

Link to ALL THE THOUGHTS IN MY BRAIN in the comments.


I don't expect, require, or ask for a tip from my photography clients. EVER.

You will never see it as an option on any paperwork. If one is given out of the blue, of course it is met with gratitude, but it is never ever necessary nor inferred.

I own my studio. I set my pricing. I charge accordingly. And the notion that I should receive a tip for doing my job by asking for it on a credit card transaction blows my mind.

The best tip anyone can give me is a referral.


Outsourcing Glitterbomb of Truth:

I would rather outsource my housecleaning than outsource my editing.
I would rather outsource my laundry than outsource my personal communication with clients.
I would rather outsource my yard work than outsource my sales appointments.

In short, I will take my hands off the proverbial wheel in many areas of my life to free up time, and I will do it gladly, but my BUSINESS?

Dear Baby Jesus in a manger...

That, my friends, is a hard "no."

To be clear...no one is giving anyone away.

To be clear...no one is giving anyone away.

Also...my daughter is getting married


Sneak Peek Tip:

If you sell prints in person (and I sure hope you do) and want to surprise your client with a sneak peek on social media, go for it! It’s a great idea!

Call them to let them know they are being featured on your social media accounts to create more excitement and to make sure they don’t miss it.

But, for the sake of sales, only post ONE image.

People buy when they are most excited and they will never be more excited and then when they first see their beautiful images. You want to be there in person at a screening/sales appointment when that happens. Post a bunch and you shoot yourself in the foot.

And last, but not least, it’s a “sneak peek;” not a “sneak peak.”

Well, unless you just photographed a really deceitful mountaintop.


Okay, let me tell you a story (the full version of which is linked in the comments)

A bride tells her mom that her uncle “Dave” is not welcome at her wedding and does not want him invited.

This surprises mom, because to her knowledge, the bride and her uncle have always had a good relationship. The bride is very politically progressive, as are her friends, and her Uncle Dave, well, not so much. Dave is a conservative voter and has supported candidates the family hates. But Dave has always been very nice so the bride’s request surprised her mom.

The bride’s mom writes Uncle Dave a very nice note telling him that the family would not be comfortable with him at the wedding and he would not be invited.

Radio silence from Dave. Uncle Dave did not respond and did not attend.

After the wedding, the bride’s mom sent Uncle Dave a card and pictures from the wedding he was not invited to. Mom said she did so to make Dave feel he wasn’t totally left out.

Again, no word back from Dave. In fact, mom has not heard anything from Dave.

So what’s the problem, right?

Well, the problem mom is having is that Uncle Dave has not sent her daughter and son-in-law a a gift. See, in the past, Uncle Dave was known for giving family members wedding checks for around $1,000. The bride was still counting on Uncle Dave sending her money despite not being invited.

Mom’s husband says cut it out-drop it already. But mom can’t, because according to her, “Dave’s behavior is upsetting and embarrassing...”

With nowhere else to turn, mom reaches out to an advice columnist and shares the story. She wants to know how she can get her brother to recognize and change his petty behavior. She ends her letter with: “Please don’t tell me that I’m the one who started this by not inviting my brother to the wedding. After all, he’s a grown man, while my daughter is young and just starting out,” and signs it, “Angry in Philadelphia.”

Well, “Ask Amy” isn’t having any of this foolishness.

"Brides who are too afraid of family members to invite them to a family wedding don’t then get the pleasure of receiving their money. You seem almost as afraid of your daughter as she is of your brother, but I hope you’ll find a way to courageously tell her that the Bank of Uncle Dave is closed, at least to your branch of the family. So far, your silent brother is the only family member who is behaving appropriately. He’s steering clear, which is exactly what you have asked him to do."

And NOW...I totally want to be an advice columnist. If Amy retires, I would like to throw my hat in for the job.


Dear America,

It’s July 4th, which means today is your birthday. You are 248 years old. It sounds old, but compared to other countries, you’re still pretty young.

And you’re different, aren’t you? You were born of an idea…that man could govern himself; that the power of government comes from the people, by the people and for the people. Your birth angered an entire country and made traitors of all those who ushered you into the world.

You’ve made mistakes as you’ve grown. You still do. You’re not perfect, but then, no country is. It might take a little while, but you eventually recognize your mistakes and work to fix them.

Your people are loud. Let’s face it-Americans are not a quiet bunch. They have opinions and voice them. They argue; they disagree. But when tragedy hits, most lock arms in solidarity. They stand side by side.

They are fierce in their passion, but then, you wouldn’t be here if they weren’t.

You are a blend of beautiful languages and colors, traditions and cultures. You've been since the start.

You provide for your people that which they need:
The pursuit of happiness.

And then…you leave the outcome up to each individual. You’re good like that.

You’ve been knocked around, though, as of late. Seems there are a lot of people who don’t get how great you are or who work tirelessly to turn you into something else. Allowing crime and filth to permeate your streets; marching in protest with signs of hate. I don’t get that. I’m sure you don’t, either.

And while I realize your citizens aren’t everyone’s cup of tea (Revolutionary War pun intended)when it comes to true Patriots, I think Lucille Bluth explains it best “We may pick on each other, get into little scrapes, call each other names and occasionally steal from each other, but that's because we are FAMILY.” Nobody else gets to do that.

So, Happy Birthday, America!
I’m proud to say I’m one of yours.

Dear Baby Jesus in a manger…(Or, as my friend Pam put it, “Dear Baby Cheezoos in a manger.”)

Dear Baby Jesus in a manger…

(Or, as my friend Pam put it, “Dear Baby Cheezoos in a manger.”)

This is Jasper. Don’t be like Jasper.

This is Jasper.
Don’t be like Jasper.

Just a word of advice: don't do this.

I am appalled and stunned by whatever Jasper Blue Photography thought they were pulling here. I don't care what anyone says, this is uncalled for, even if (as she's alleging) this was a joke.

ETA she’s rebranded as Babe Cave Studio.



A new "It's Okay to Laugh" Substack story is up. Link in comments.

Oh, and the answer is "YES."


The ONLY Worthwhile A.I. Art

Well, in my opinion, at least.

Link in the comments.





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