This is Blanche.
Blanche arrived on my doorstep. She is a gift from Angela, a lovely lady I have not yet had the fortune to meet. Angela shared with me that Blanche was a friends’ great-great aunt’s best friend in the 30’s. Apparently, Blanche’s voice box ceased working in the 50’s, but according to Angela, she occasionally whispers “MAMA” out of the blue.
Now, I have a A LOT of dolls that I display the two weeks prior to Halloween. I mean, a lot. None are new; some are really really old. Some have been rescued from garage sales and thrift stores, and some have been given to me to add to my collection. But not until Blanche did I ever notice a doll with a changing expression.
Yeah, it’s about to get creepy all up in here.
See, when I removed Blanche from her box, the expression on her face seemed a little, well, put out. Her eyes were slow to open and she didn't have much of a smile. I worried for a nano second that perhaps I had received a doll who did not want to be here. I introduced myself and explained that she would be loved and cared for and I was so excited for her to join us. (Yes, I realize this is kind of crazy talk, but this is how I roll with The Babies. I am like that crazy cat lady that lives in your neighborhood, but without the cats. )
My hand to heaven, the next time I walked into the room, she looked happier. I told this to the DH who shivered and said, “If that’s true, are you REALLY keeping her???” Please.
Is the Pope Catholic?
Does rain fall down?
Do I want another margarita?
So, a huge thank you to Angela for thinking of me and going out of her way to package and mail this wonderful doll. And another warm welcome to Blanche. She is old and lovely and her eyes squeak when they open and close and I am so thrilled to add her to my collection and to my office.
The dog, however, wants her gone.
Thor's Hammer
I have no idea why Toy Stores sell Thor's hammer. Yeah, it would make an excellent Christmas gift, but you can't pick it up. They really shouldn't leave something like that laying in the middle of the aisle, but then, I guess nobody there can move it.
If you are a popular country music singer giving a concert in Vegas, and you stop your concert mid-song to scold excited attendees who are taking selfies; if you say "it pisses you off" they aren't listening to your song...
if you do that to your fans, the people who love you and paid to be there
if you do ALL OF THAT...there's a pretty good chance I'm gonna parody that in a song a few hours later.
Give me ten minutes and I'll tell you why I'm controversial.
(Note: this is audio only so you can listen while you work.)
I wrote this song and posted it last summer. I was…inspired.
It’s based on the musical “Hamilton.” 
It’s King George, if King George was a photographer who cancelled his workshops and didn’t give refunds.
And then deleted all his social media accounts.
What To Do When You Teach Photography Business Success Without Having a Successful Photography Business
If you sell classes on how to run a financially successful photography business but don't have one, I am here to help.
It's a super quick tip!
And I added some glitter to make it more fun.
A short tutorial for wedding photographers without forks
A Very Short Tutorial for Wedding Photographers Without Forks.
I am here to help.
Waiting for the Lower Level Lounge Doors to Open
I know you're tired of waiting. I'm tired of waiting, too. So much so that this is the first video I've EVER made where I am not smiling. Well, except the time we had to put down the dog.
But, we're almost there, kids.
If you want to learn more about the Lower Level Lounge, visit
If you haven't signed up yet to be notified when the Lounge doors open, drop your email below. Or email me directly: [email protected].
As always, I never share your email and I shan't spam you with offers. Please. As if.
You've got questions. I've got answers.
And cocktails. I also have cocktails.
It's photography edutainment done my way coming SOON to a computer near you.
To get in on the mailing list, leave your email in the comments, in a PM, or email me directly at [email protected].
(Note: The Broken Cup of Questions is the cup which holds viewers/readers Q&A's. I broke it while turning off a lamp in my office but I love it so much I don't care.)
Not every moment in life requires a professional photographer and a printed photograph...
It's pretty simple, really.
Your Money Now Belongs to Me
Story Hour: a cautionary tale told by King George. Well, if King George sold workshops, cancelled them, and then refused to give refunds.
Be careful out there, kids.
That's Not How Any of This Works
(Sharing again because...)
I write. I write a lot.
But now and then, I happen upon advice for photographers so out of whack with what success in photography SHOULD be about, that even my fingers get flabbergasted. And when that happens, I make a video.
Hang on tight, kids. It's gonna get bumpy. xoxo
(Link in comment section)
Will You Work For Free?
If YOU don't value what you do, no one else will, either. xoxo
My darling daughter has taken a break from social media. It's been a week. She sent this out via text message to her friends. She's in withdrawal now. It's not pretty. xoxo
The Girl Who Wanted to Live in Ikea
The darling daughter and I went to IKEA for the first time last week. It was the Burbank Ikea, the largest in North America. We spent hours there. "OMG. I LOVE THAT!" was said well over a hundred times. It was overwhelming in the best way. Purchases were made. Joy ran rampant. By the end of the day, we were on Ikea overload. All we knew for certain is that we pretty much wanted to live there for the rest of our lives and eat Swedish meatballs. xoxo