She has seven
brothers and three sisters. Her parents and most of her siblings still
reside in Charleston. Her family is a very traditional southern family that enjoys cooking and baking and celebrates family events with wonderful, hearty meals. Her Grandmother, Rosalee Furby who passed away in 2012 at the age of 90 was a most excellent baker of cakes and pies. I guess you can say it is in her b
lood. She is a married mother of two boys ages 14 and 7 one girl age 11. She has been married fifteen years to the wonderful Kevin Dewely. They presently reside in New York City. She started her Zenobia’s Sweet Tooth business back in February of 2009 because of her husband’s love of Keebler chocolate chip cookies. To save money, she decided to try baking her own special cookies. She never thought in her life that she would be baking because her God given gift is singing. Her husband and children absolutely loved the cookies, particularly all of the creative combinations. She bakes all sorts of cookies and banana nut breads. She also makes sugar free and gluten-free products. Some of her creative cookie flavors include: red velvet white chocolate chip, banana pudding cookies, s‘mores, hot chocolate chip, candy bar cookies(snickers, kit-Kat), traditional flavors like oatmeal raisin coconut, oatmeal raisin, chocolate chip, white chocolate chip macadamia, lemon cookies, strawberry cookies, pistachio cookies, all nut, and the list goes on and on. She is currently working on vegan. In April of 2011, she took a leap of faith and went fulltime with her business. She currently bakes out of her home. She has a very unique way of promoting her business. She takes a grass roots approach. She attends various shows in the New York area and passes her cookies and breads to various hosts, staff, and audience members. She also gives back with her business. She is currently teamed up with the Great American Bake Sale where she gives a percentage of her profits to help end child hunger America. She also does fundraising with her business at her church to help the younger parishioners to attend various church and educational retreats. She also recently opened up a fundraiser for the holidays to help those in need to purchase gifts for their loved ones. She has also sent her cookies to various celebrities and hosts. She received thank you letters from Martha Stewart, Scripps Network (Owner of Food Network), tweets from Sheri Shepherd who tried her Gluten-free sugar free banana bread. She has been on various shows as a guest to try and promote her business as well. She has been featured on the Dr. Oz show where she made dark chocolate for him. She did a segment with Clinton Kelly from The Chew. She also attended live with Kelly and Mike. Her best experience was when she was featured on the Anderson Live show. He pulled her from the audience, mentioned her business and allowed her to give treats to the entire audience. Additionally, she was featured on Ebony on line in their segment on Momprenuers. It is a dream of hers to have a baking show one day. Certainly, the thought of baking with Rachel Ray would be an amazing jump start. Rachel Ray has inspired her in so many ways. Rachel’s very endearing personality and non-fussy, easy approach to cooking is how she prepares meals for my family every day. She did make a trip to the Rachel Ray show as well and took treats which were even given to the guests on the show that day. Zenobia is determined to make it with her business, she refuses to give up. She is a hardworking mother who loves to encourage others. She is a great juggler and is often tasked with baking, cooking and helping with homework all at the same time. Currently, her family lives in a two bedroom apartment and it is a dream for her to own a home. She ships her cookies all over the US. Because of her determination, she was given a brand new double oven from one of her friends/customers on last year to continue her baking. She calls herself a mompreneur, extraordinaire.