We are a sustainable travel company we believe that travelling is not just about the places we go to but also having a positive impact on the people and communities who live in some of the remotest areas of our world. Experiencing the Philippines as it is is one of the most difficult trips one can do, the lack of adequate travel infrastructure and often confusing public transportation makes explor
ing the the 7,107 islands of the Philippines a daunting task. Yet this is also what makes travel to the Philippines one of the most rewarding, as unlike travelling to other destinations in Asia you are almost free of the maddening crowds of tourists and the relative inaccesibility of many parts of the country make exploring the wilds of the pearl of the orient a worthy endevour. As you are rewarded with some of the most exquisite remote wild places – you can find yourself in the rain in heart of the mountains of the Igorot surrounded for 360 degrees by green terraces that reach to the sky, walk down secluded valleys, camp by remote coves populated only by the indigenous community and dive into some of the most colorful reefs and wrecks in the coral triangle of the pacific. For more information please visit us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cordillera-Expeditions/141650119216949 or cordiexpeditions.multiply.com email: [email protected]
Cordillera Expeditions offers you the chance to explore the villages and their surrounding environs in their raw characters, giving you a sampling of the people and the environment that fill the Cordillera Mountains with life.Our Trips are travel opportunities that will help you understand and capture the spirit and life of the place.