Flight delays / cancellations, it sucks I know. That is one of the gambles flying charter flights in the winter time. A major weather system that affects one or more entire Province... the ripple effect is enormous, it interrupts numerous flight plans. What we don't think of is how they got affected, its not just planes not being able to depart or land. There are issues with having flight crews at departure airports, getting gate times reassigned, ground flight crews available at airports. It is not just as simple as loading people on a plane.
But I get it!! None of that matters when it is YOUR hard earned vacation that is being affected. You planned, paid and look forward to your anticipated vacation totally get it!! That is when an interruption insurance policy comes in handy! If you have not purchased one good idea to call your credit card company as ask about trip interruption, you might just be covered and not know it!
In times like this please try and be patient with the airline reps on the ground, they are getting the brunt of the frustrations and it is all out of their control. There is usually some form of compensation ie: food vouchers, taxi voucher, sometimes accommodations, but you have to ask. However I always ask that you keep all receipts for any additional expenses and I will try my best at going to bat for you!