Happy full moon in Capricorn! being the hardest working of all the signs, be sure to give yourself some rest & remember, 'All work & no play makes Jack a dull boy...not to mention cranky, emotionally unavailable, prone to addictions & an insomniac!'
Those with a compulsive need to work are often driven by an unconscious belief they are unacceptable so need to compensate & earn acceptance, love and approval by being productive & having something to 'show for themselves'.
At the other end of the scale are those who are idle for fear nothing they do would be good enough. Both are unconscious reactions to the same low intrinsic self-worth.
This occurs when our formative masculine role model (can be a woman whose masculine side is dominant) isn't able to see and affirm our intrinsic worth because they are struggling with the same issue which causes them to unwittingly pass on the same critical judgment afforded them.
We change this legacy when we:
1. Take the time to notice and affirm our personal qualities & appreciate them. Who we are rather than what we do, achieve, give or produce.
2. Identify as being part of infinite existence so we move beyond feeling inadequate as the small self who feels disconnected from the whole.
3. Be honest with yourself about whether your choices reflect someone who truly values themselves & make changes accordingly.
For a sneak peek survival guide on today's full moon conjunct Pluto click here: http://mailchi.mp/starofishtar/your-survival-guide-for-this-weekends-full-moon-2738153
Blessings on your day,
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