At Live In Fitness Getaways Retreats you will experience immediate fitness results, luxurious accommodations, trans-formative workouts and classes that go far beyond those of the average live in fitness camp. Live In Fitness Retreat Vacation Getaways is an intense, motivating, extremely focused, luxury live-in fitness camp that will certainly surpass your standard of excellence for fast weight l
oss and goal achievement. Our live-in fitness camp provides a revolutionary approach designed for total lifestyle transformation. We also offer a structured with well-thought-out daily beach boot camp and various fitness classes (5-7 hours each day) that are second to none. The Key to the Trans-formative Program is our outstanding nutritional and behavioral guidance counseling available to our retreat members . Day by day inspirational and motivational individual attention from our top rated personal trainers. As well as knowledge filled daily lectures and educational classes related to weight loss, emotional eating, body image. sports fitness, and much more
Our Program is geared towards working closely with each individual and accommodating all adults with most physical and health limitations. All of this created and available at our exclusive live-in fitness program tailored to help each individual experience the finest results and body transformation possible.