The best thing about the window seat? The chance to gaze out in wonder … a feeling that never gets old. Where are you off to this #FreedomDay? If you’re flying today, take a pic out of the window and share it below! #LoveOfFlying #freedomday2022
From all of us, we wish all our pilots and co-pilots a wonderful #WorldPilotsDay! Here are just a few snaps of some of these incredible people in action. Thank you for your dedication and professionalism!
Our 'Sweet Seat' winner is going to fly with a 'plain' doughnut.... geddit? Pack those bags, Tawanda, you have just won a hole lot more with two kulula flights. Our team wil be in contact with you shortly.
Our New Years' Resolution? Helping South Africans see more of our beautiful country #SouthAfricaisTravelReady #ProudlySA #NewYearsResolution #NowEveryoneCanFly
Dot all your 'i's and cross your 't's so you can have a seamless summer holiday no matter where you're headed with this travel tip inspired by Beauty #HowNotToRuinChristmas
It's VIP all the way when like Vusi you choose to Q-Jump with #HowNotToRuinChristmas
Travel in style and leave plenty of room for some retail therapy by choosing to fly fully loaded. Just a little tip from glam gal Valencia to kickstart your festive season #HowNotToRuinChristmas
When all you need is a little peace and quiet this festive season, try this Tumi tip to travel bliss #HowNotToRuinChristmas
Don't pull a Themba and get caught faffing with your flat white. Here's a handy flight tip on #HowNotToRuinChristmas
Living the high life this Festive Season? Don't pull an 'Uncle Shadrack' and plan your DD early #HowNotToRuinChristmas
How NOT to ruin Christmas
From weddings to funerals, family holidays to girls gone wild vacays over the festive season… there’s a trip and tip for every kind of traveller with Just ask Dineo... #HowNotToRuinChristmas
Because no two passengers are equal... 1 Airline, 3 ways to fly... Our new branded fares give you the flexibility you need to travel your way