Bisbee's Sportfishing & Bisbee's Sportfishing for Causes and Cures

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Bisbee's Sportfishing & Bisbee's Sportfishing for Causes and Cures Bisbee's Sportfishing offering exclusive Bisbee Charters, New/Used Brokerage, Management, Concierge and YachtShare. Also, sportfishing for Causes and Cures. Bob

BisbeeCoin and Legend entertainment Capt Bisbee is giving back by helping others. Fishing marlin tournaments and chartering for charity. USA/Cabo San Lucas, Mexico


Captain Bob Bisbee here. Bisbee's Sportfishing offers exclusive Bisbee charters, New/Used Brokerage, Management, Concierge Service and more. Watch for updates. Bisbee's Sportfishing for Causes and Cures:
The Bisbee family/B

isbee's Black and Blue Marlin Jackpot Tournament has given to charities throughout the U.S. and Mexico for many years. Personally, I have always enjoyed helping others and doing things for worthy causes. I have been blessed in life with good health and wonderful accomplishments. I would like to give back and help those that are in need. There are many worthy charities and my focus is not just on one. We can help and support a wide range of organizations in the U.S. and in Mexico. I say "WE" because I can't do this alone and need your help. This crusade is extremely important to me and I truly believe WE can help people and non profits in a big way. There are millions of people who follow the different sportfishing tournaments in person, on the internet and on TV. The boating industry is an 84 BILLION dollar per year industry and fishing is one of Americas favorite past times. This is a perfect venue to raise awareness and money! You can't get a bigger name in the world of sportfishing to promote and do this. Bisbee's has world wide exposure, an excellent reputation and the knowledge and ability to get people excited and involved. Thank you and God Bless! Sincerely,


Thank you Pices


šŸšØ Whoā€™s ready for the Bisbee's Fish & Wildlife Conservation Fund fundraiser?! šŸšØ

We will be hosting an ONLINE AUCTION, LIVE AUCTION, and RAFFLE again this year! All the fun will take place during the Bisbeeā€™s Offshore Fishing Tournaments Black and Blue to help raise funds for some of the amazing projects we are working on! šŸ¤©

These include the Green Scholarship Program which provides underprivileged Los Cabos students with college scholarship opportunities šŸŽ“, the Bisbeeā€™s new RFID Tagging Program šŸŽ£ and our ā€˜Save The Rhinoā€™ anti-poaching program with Daggaboy Safaris & Global Outfitters! šŸ¦

Keep a look out during the B&B registration (Oct. 25) for our awesome raffle ticket šŸŽŸļø girls and for more information on how to check out the online auction! šŸ’›

A HUGE shoutout to all of our donors and sponsors this year!! None of this would be possible without your generosity and support! šŸ„°

Good morning yā€™all! If you want to follow the Bisbee, here is the instagram links. Also Bisbees.Com and catchstat.Com. I...

Good morning yā€™all! If you want to follow the Bisbee, here is the instagram links. Also Bisbees.Com and catchstat.Com. Iā€™ll share good Videos and of course be posting when I get there. Tight lines to all the teams and thank you to all our friends around the globe who follow us!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!No matter how you say it, how you celebrate it or what language you speak or country your from, we all s...

No matter how you say it, how you celebrate it or what language you speak or country your from, we all share this special day and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. One world, one voice, and a world that people come together as one. Wishing my Facebook family of friends from around the world a very Merry Christmas and a blessed and joyous New Year! Peace and blessings to you all.
Capt. Bob


Hello Everyone,

Spring is in the air and it's time for a new beginning for all living creatures. For many throughout our country and the world it was a long winter and full of problems for many. Either to much snow or to much melt off bringing floods. Huge highway accidents and even drought problems for the western part of the nation. Many lost loved ones and many are fighting for their life with serious medical conditions. Our world continues to be a very unstable place and people can't just simply get along and live and let live. Things for some reason always have to be a political or a religious crusade or campaign. However we dice it, life shouldn't be so hard to figure out and if our efforts were aimed at being positive, peaceful and if we all just simply try for one minute to get along, maybe everyone could enjoy being alive and be thankful simply for that one wonderful Every season has something beautiful about it, but spring is where life begins, the flowers bloom, the sky is a bit more blue and the air just seems fresh. Just look around and enjoy seeing the beauty around you. Reflect.

As for Bisbee's Sportfishing for Causes and Cures, my personal crusade carry's on. I haven't been able to acquire my sportfisher yet though I continue to pursue boat owners and manufacturers. With 1.2 million non profits in existence just in the U.S., it is not a simple task. However, I am simply amazed that with the portfolio of friends that I have which are multi millionaires and billionaires that I can't seem to get things off the ground. These good people do donate and support different causes but it would sure be nice if we could combine our efforts and bring my crusade to fruition. If any of my friends and followers know of a boat owner, boat builder or philanthropist who might be interested in helping others through sportfishing, please make a simple introduction between us.

I know everyone is busy and constantly in a hurry. I would like to ask that you all take a simple moment to ask yourself.....who do I know that owns a boat or who is a boat manufacturer that might be interested in doing good things while fishing and promoting their product in Cabo with the biggest name in the sportfishing world....Bisbee's? If you would simply give me that minute and ask yourself, I will be grateful.
Thank you and happy spring!
Captain Bob Bisbee Jr.

This video not only touched me but sent me into obit! How many people walked by that kid and left him on the cold concre...

This video not only touched me but sent me into obit! How many people walked by that kid and left him on the cold concrete? Humanity is so very selfish, uncaring, self absorbed and care only about me, me, me. GET OFF YOUR ASSES PEOPLE AND HELP PEOPLE IN NEED! How many shopping bags were people carrying, how many people were wrapped in layers that could have shed one? Why did it take a homeless man to reach out? God bless that homeless man, he is a hero in my book for giving what he didn't have to give. Every single person should think about that!.

Keep watching though....


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I guess you can call this my Thanksgiving novelā€¦ā€¦

People ask me why I am intrested in philanthropy and wanting to give the second half of my life to others.

Itā€™s not too complicated. Iā€™ve lived a very fulfilling and exciting and gratifying life. Though I never made any millions to speak of, I did get to live like a millionaire as a yacht and sportfishing captain. I lived the dream in an industry that to me is the greatest industry in the worldā€¦marine. There isnā€™t anything I donā€™t love about the water and boats. Iā€™ve worked all areas of the industry from an advisor, helping start what is now the worldā€™s richest tournament, marine fuel dock, to marina and boat design, scuba, fishing, owning boats, being a captain and even boat transport, there isnā€™t much that I havenā€™t done. Itā€™s been a memorable life and the second half now is the time for me to take a stand to help others.

During my life I have also helped with charities and just done things simply because people needed help. Some of you might remember my big truck and trailer that I drove up and down the Baja where I with the help of my family distributed goods to remote villages, orphanages and old folks home. I also drove for relief efforts when disaster hit the Baja Peninsula. Everything I have done has been personally rewarding and only enhanced my life.

I have experienced the good and bad in life. Iā€™ve always worked hard and made a good living yet I have also experienced poverty and homelessness. You can say that I have been on both sides of the fence in life. There must have been a lesson for me to learn and maybe God wanted me to open my eyes so that I could find a new path in life. After all, if I died today, I could say that Iā€™ve fulfilled my every dreamā€¦.almost. This brings me to my crusade ā€œBisbeeā€™s Sportfishing for Causes and Curesā€.

I had the privilege of being a professional truck driver for a couple years. I ran all over the USA and Canada more than a few times. During my travels, I saw so much beauty and met so many wonderful people. Itā€™s a lot of fun to travel through small towns and meet new people. I hauled a lot of nice boats and trailers and you know what, I never had a single problem or met anyone I didnā€™t like. I spent nights in my truck parked on a road side, in Wal-Mart parking lots, truck stops and rest areas and people were always friendly. During my travels I also experienced our fellow Americans struggling and trying to survive. Towns whose factories shut down have left people struggling to make ends meet. Iā€™ve never seen so many yard sales in my life. People selling anything they have daily so that they could keep a roof over their head and provide for their families. There were those during my travels who were living in their cars and looking for work. When you get outside of the big cities, life is different and people are different. When was the last time you saw kids playing in the street or a family sitting down to dinner at homeā€¦or people saying grace? When was the last time a young person spoke to an elder with respect? I was so impressed to see that good old fashioned values still exist. I was impressed to see people helping others. Itā€™s something to think aboutā€¦.

Iā€™m curious about how many people have even read this far. People are in such a hurry and so many are focused on themselves. Well let me ask youā€¦.what are you in a hurry for? How do you really feel when youā€™re only focused on yourself? Do you even think about others that are suffering from illnesses or misfortune? Do you care? Some do care and help as for othersā€¦ā€¦well I hope in the end that your life was worth it.

Personally, I could do things that are so much easier than this crusade of mine. Butā€¦I am a hard headed Bisbee that fights for what I believe in. There are 1.5 million non profits in our country alone. That is a whole lot of confusion for anybody! There are those truly trying to do good things and there are those simply spending your heartfelt donations on a luxurious lifestyle and giving very little to the true cause.

So why help my cause? Well, all I can do is tell you a bit about what I want to do and leave the discussion up to you.

Many of you know me and those who do, know that I am a man of my word, honest and dedicated to anything I do as well as work hard. For those who only know my family name Bisbee, youā€™ve seen or maybe even participated in the Bisbee tournaments. There is lots of media exposure and people from around the world who follow the events or participate. Cabo San Lucas is one of the top tourist destinations drawing anglers from around the world. This is the perfect location for my crusade.

Bisbeeā€™s Sportfishing for Causes and Cures will raise money through chartering and fishing tournaments for charity. I have an impressive client list of high caliber people who have fished with me in the past and are ready to fish some more as well as the draw from Bisbee spectators from around the world. Not only will part of the charter be donated, but while the guests are on board I will be able to discuss and solicit donations and support as well. As for the tournaments, I want to see the big checks go to charity and fish with survivors. Veterans and people who have a wish to fulfill. Some of my clients are celebrities so yes, maybe a celebrity for charity or cause entry.
As for whom I wish to help: I want to help people that are fighting illnesses who canā€™t do it alone. Work with our veteran heroā€™s, the good folks at Make A Wish, Feed America as well as people in the towns across America that are in trouble. There are inventors out there with machines and equipment that can help improve peopleā€™s way of life. For example, I have a video with Cabo Carolina who has Cerebral Palsy. They said Carolina would never walk and yet her father Marco invented the Mobilizer. A machine that has made the doctors regret their words. She can walk now because of the Mobilizer. I have also seen this machine work for my father who has neuropathy. Just one example, but here is an inventor who only wants to see this machine manufactured to help people all over the world. There are also people working on cures. Iā€™m personally tired of losing loved ones and want to see cures become reality. I know they exist and I want to find the creator before they get paid off to not release it. There are crusades that are worth participating in and Iā€™m not talking about extremist crusades. Iā€™m talking about those that are run by sensible people who have the real facts and research. There are also charities in Baja that need help. Those are just my thoughts, but what about yours? What or who would you like to help or see accomplished?

I need a boat to do this folks and there are a couple of gentlemen interested in donating. I can only hope and pray that they will join me. I do have a campaign going on Indigogo where I am also trying to raise the funds necessary to purchase a sportfisher. I am doing everything I can and could use your help and support. Please take a look if you have a moment. If you like what youā€™ve read and can help, I would truly appreciate it. Just copy and paste the following link: I am also looking for sponsors. There is a lot of media exposure that can benefit your company if desired. If youā€™re a philanthropist who would like to help, please get in touch with me and letā€™s discuss this.

Thatā€™s it folks. I want to wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving! Be safe, give thanks, be warm to others and help a stranger that may need a hand. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Ohā€¦and if you would, please like and share this.
Where you can find me on social media:


Just spoke with Cabo Carolina and I'm told their website won't be up for a week. I'll post the link when it is. Thanks for looking, sharing and the likes! Do you know that a child is born every hour with Cerebral Palsy? There is 17 million people with Cerebral Palsy. It's people like Cabo Carolina and her father that help to improve these peoples lives. Next time you consider donating to the big foundations, take a moment to think about the people out there like Cabo Carolina and her father that DO make a difference. At Bisbee's Sportfishing for Causes and Cures, I'm out to find and help the people with inventions that do make a difference as well as the little guy that is finding cures. Together we can make a difference!


When we plead for the gift of charity, we aren't asking for lovely feelings toward someone who bugs us or someone who has injured or wounded us. We are actually pleading for our very natures to be changed, for our character and disposition to become more and more like the Savior's, so that we literally feel as He would feel and thus do what He would do.


There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it! Happy Saturday everyone!



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