BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business Marketing (QCF)
Registration No.252369
Youtube channel: BTEC-MKT
Instagram: btec_marketing
About BTECs:
BTEC was established in 1983 from the Business Educational Council (BEC) and the Technician Education Council (TEC). The legal name of Edexcel awarding organization become Pearson Education Limited in 2010. What is BTEC?
-BTECs are work-related qualificati
ons suitable for a wide range of students.
-They're built to accommodate the needs of employers and allow progression to university.
-They provide a practical, real-world approach to learning without sacrificing any of the essential subject theory.
-They can be taken alongside, or in place of, GCSEs and A levels. They can also form the knowledge component of Foundation Learning or BTEC Apprenticeships.
-Available across a wide range of industry sectors, they're continually developed and updated to meet the needs of employers and learners. About HNDs:
A Higher National Diploma (HND) is a qualification for advanced entry into universities, the attainment level is roughly equivalent to second year of university. Completion of HND takes two years of full-time study. It is quite common for those who have achieved the HND to add to their qualification by progressing to other levels such as professional qualifications, or a degree. The programme allows you to learn through experience and apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations. It is a degree-level qualification that allows students to progress directly onto the second or final year of a same-subject degree course at hundreds of universities around the world. Programme Features:
-Study in Hong Kong
-Qualification equivalent to completion of Year1 and 2 of UK and US universities
-Assessed by course and assignments only
-Flexible class schedules
BTEC於1983年在英國成立,由工商教育委員會(BEC)與技術教育委員會(TEC)合併而成。其後倫敦大學考試及評核局(ULEAC)及BTEC於1996年合併,正式成為於正式更名為Pearson Education Limited。
BTEC(Business & Technology Education Council)即是是英國商業與技術教育委員會的簡稱。在1983年由英國商業教育委員會和技術教育委員會合並而成。在英國有400多所學院和大學開設BTEC課程,在全世界共有120多個國家,7000多個中心實施BTEC成功的課程、教學、培訓模式。 BTEC在中等和高等學歷、職業和人才培訓方面具有世界領先的地位,在關鍵技能教育的拓展方面有著卓越的表現和權威性。其標準課程的要求適用於世界各個國家,學生在完成了BTEC課程後,得到的將是具有國際水準的、普遍承認的英國國家高等教育文憑(HND)和國內的大專文憑。是一種新型的職業培訓模式,可簡單概括為:國際認可學歷、國際標準資格、統一標準課程,它適用世界各國。
HND是英文Higher National Diploma的簡稱,中文解釋為英國高等教育文憑,水平相當於大學二年級。該課程憑藉高質量的課程體系、先進的教學理念、靈活而又嚴格的教學管理體系,享譽全球。學生在完成學業後,得到的將是具有國際水準的、普遍承認的學歷文憑。