This post is just a pause in your timeline; filled with thanksgiving and gratitude.
A pause in the promoting and explosion of information and emotion that can sometimes come with and from scrolling.
As we take a moment to pause and reflect, just over a month from the new year, we want to say "Thank you" to all of you.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your follows.
Thank you for being a part of our journey and story.
And oh what a journey it's been! Our story hits every genre and it's just the beginning. 😅
But we also are grateful we kept going. It's never easy starting something. But one thing we believe is that trying matters and God waste nothing.
Our prayer is that you also take time, even with and in spite of your busy schedules and lives, to reflect on your own journey. We're sure there have been struggles at times. Maybe like us, even tears, mistakes, and fears. But we are also sure there have been good things. Like smiles and hope and good people and accomplishments! I mean, you reading this is proof of it.
We're pretty sure there have been lessons learned and victories along the way, things you've overcome and answered prayers. And you know what, if like us, getting up is all you did some days, we believe that is also pretty great. Because trying matters. Effort matters. You matter. It all matters.
We hope you find time to be encouraged today. May a soothing scent, or a simple design, a special space, a relaxing sound, maybe the voice a friend, or a good bite bring you feelings of joy, appreciation and love.
May you feel inspired and motivated to start that one thing, or maybe just to keep going!
In a world that can be filled with division, confusion and chaos, we hope you find grace, joy, and peace.
We are so thankful for the privilege of being here!
Inhale. Exhale. Smile.
Happy Scrolling!