Fully qualified and insured Arborists committed to providing a high quality service. Finding jobs for arborist's in Australia Matthew Bagnall is the founder and the Managing Director/owner of Specialist Arboricultural Works (SAW). Matthew studied Arboriculture at Myerscough College as a mature student after already gaining an Honours Degree in Geography and English. Myerscough was awarded the cent
re of excellence for Arboriculture in the UK. He left Myerscough with an Fdsc in Arboriculture (equivalent to Cert 5 in Australia). Matthew has since worked in the UK as an arborist for over 3 years before moving to Australia. Matt worked firstly for a company that completed a wide variety of arb work across the Lake District. This included Private works, work for the National Parks Authority, Railways work and Power lines work. Matt has also worked directly for Electricity North West carrying out Power lines works and started his own small business, sub-contracting to other companies and carrying out private works of his own. Matthew then moved to Australia, working for Arborist Agency Australia (AAA). This company specialised in supplying Australian companies with qualified arborists from the UK and was ran by a close friend of Matt’s. This resulted in Matt becoming closely involved with the Agency and the processes behind it. Matthew continued working in Australia on both Council Contracts and Power lines contracts for Citywide a large Melbourne Based company. Matt then worked as an Operations Manager for AAA as they were sub-contractors to Asplundh, completing Power lines work in rural Victoria. This company had 40+ employees working over 3 separate contracts. Matthew’s qualifications and experience have given him a unique set of skills ideal for creating and running an agency designed for recruiting skilled arborists and to deal with companies in the arboricultural sector. He is knowledgeable in the immigration processes for Australia and specifically for Arborists coming to Australia. With Arborist Agency Australia ceasing to trade, a large space in the industry has been created for someone to provide skilled and qualified Arborists to companies in Australia. Matt’s skills and knowledge also allow Matt to provide jobs for arborists that are suitable to their individual skills and to further their careers in the desired direction. Jordan Dunne is also a Director of SAW. Being Matt’s partner Jordan is experienced in the background processes involved in Arboriculture. She is also experienced and knowledgeable in the immigration processes in Australia. Jordan also worked as the Administration Manager for AAA when they were sub-contracting to Asplundh, carrying out power lines work. This gave her further insight in the arboriculture industry and allowed her to complete all levels of administration for such a company. This partnership provides the ideal skill set to provide companies with suitably trained and skilled arborists. The experience behind the SAW management team also gives the employees the best chance of being able to work in a safe environment that is suitable to their needs. SAW is a family run business that is committed to ensuring all employees are happy in the positions provided to them. SAW’s priority is to provide skilled and qualified arborists to companies that provide a safe and suitable working environment for each individual. From the experience of the owners of SAW it is clear that this is currently lacking in this industry.