This is powerful, experiential and transformative workshop held in Oaxaca, Mexico, is for individuals working through major life transitions or wanting to find a new direction in their lives. It will help you let go of past burdens while discovering new and different points of reference, both internal and external. Tran
sformation is facilitated by accessing deep, inner, creative resources and potentials through ritual and work with the body, movement, sounds, dream images and art. The workshop will connect you to your emotional life, revealing the inner sense of outer events, providing new meaning and fulfilling the need to let go of what no longer serves in order to move on with a more authentic life. In today’s constantly changing world, one thing that remains timeless is that moment in Oaxaca on the night of the 31st of October when the spirits of departed loved ones return to the visible world to mingle with their living relatives. On this one night each year the veil that separates the living world from the spiritual world falls away and the invisible becomes visible, both literally and metaphorically. This workshop uses the Day of the Dead celebration as a portal through which participants can discover and transform old patterns into new opportunities for direction in their daily routines. By creating this new space and honoring the cycle of death and re-birth they will be able to re-imagine their relationship with life.