#bucketlist - it’s a thing!
Couldn’t be more grateful that I got to experience #MilfordSound - the 8th Wonder of the World!
#travel #traveldeeper
#travelinstyle #afar #ttot
#instatravel #tflers
What safari dreams are made of! #leopard #elephants #bucketlist #doingwhatilove #womenwhoexplore #totravelistolive #beautifuldestinations #VisitZambia #LowerZambeziRiver #travelboeckeradventures #travelwild #travelsustainably #wildlife #conservation #travelinspiration #explorers #FamilyTravel #travel #traveldeeper #travelinstyle #afar #ttot #instatravel #tflers
Traditional fishing in a dug-out canoe is risky. The many predatory crocodiles and moody hippos pose a real danger to anyone on the Zambezi.
Some lodges we visited are working with local communities to find a safer way to provide for their families.
#explorers #womenwhoexplore
#travel #traveldeeper #travelinstyle #afar #ttot #instatravel #tflers
Hyenas prefer leftovers. #Scavengers
#explorers #womenwhoexplore
#travel #traveldeeper #travelinstyle #afar #ttot #instatravel #tflers
Nature’s cleaning crew making short work of an Impala carcass.
#explorers #womenwhoexplore
#travel #traveldeeper #travelinstyle #afar #ttot #instatravel #tflers
This spectacular male leopard put on quite the show for us.
Guide Elijah rocks!
#explorers #womenwhoexplore
#travel #traveldeeper #travelinstyle #afar #ttot #instatravel #tflers
Lion’ around 💤
#explorers #womenwhoexplore
#travel #traveldeeper #travelinstyle #afar #ttot #instatravel #tflers