Twin Flames

Twin Flames Spiritual & Relationship Coaching. We each have a twin flame. There is nothing like the energy of this connection.

If you're lucky, you'll find the bright light who will burn brightly next to you, enhancing who you are and illuminating your journey through life. It connects you to the deepest part of self and to the source of all that is. Unconditional love, playfulness, teamwork, passion & purpose - these are the experiences of sharing life with your twin flame.

As everyone clambers to find the 'missing' key to happiness and success, the true golden nugget is overlooked. We walk p...

As everyone clambers to find the 'missing' key to happiness and success, the true golden nugget is overlooked. We walk past it over and over asking, "where is it?" Well, I did anyhow.

Since April I've made it my quest to listen to positive information every day. Abraham Hicks is my favourite. I love the humour as it's an energy that I vibrate with.

It took around three months but, gradually, my subconscious got the message.

It's this.....

Appreciate everything, I mean everything. When we cease being selective in our gratitude, a great shift occurs.

Your car breaks down? Great. You lose your job? Wonderful 😀

I'm not being trite. Too often we see bad as bad and have a negative knee jerk reaction.

The thing is, the universe cannot always present a nice, tidy, happy path. Often there are potholes and brambles to navigate. Most people will turn back, it's too hard or uncomfortable.

Even mushrooms grow in horse manure.

I've discovered that when you stop resisting and lean into the issues, with the understanding that beyond the crap, something wonderful awaits. Something that you will miss out on if you turn away, mumbling and moaning about how hard life is.

Try it out. If you get a challenge today, lean into it. Say to yourself, 'something great awaits me on the other side of this'

Notice how you feel, how your mindset changes and how you stand in your power. It's wonderful and you will love it!


Awaken the Warrior - unlock everything that might be holding you back from unleashing the real you into your life

It's taken me a long time to fully understand the law of attraction. As human beings, it's a real challenge for us to be...

It's taken me a long time to fully understand the law of attraction. As human beings, it's a real challenge for us to believe that we can create our lives just by thinking about what we want.

Of course, it's not quite as straightforward as that. If it was, I'd already have my farm and be walking my own fields every day in a state of total bliss.

About six weeks or so ago, I started listening to Abraham Hicks every day, not always fully focused on it but confident that my subconscious mind would absorb what it needed. I've been a fan for some years, but lost heart when I just didn't seem to be able to make it work for me.

In the past, I realise that I had tried too hard. I asked for what I wanted and then focused on it none stop. Then, of course, when what I asked for didn't arrive, I felt disappointed. For years, that has been my pattern.

But, after about a month of my new daily commitment, the penny started to drop. Suddenly I understood that EVERYTHING is about how you FEEL. If you feel good, then you are IN the vibration and everything is on its way. If you feel bad, you put up a dam in the vibration and repel what you have asked for. You then feel worse and the negative pattern repeats.

I struggled at first, so, when I found myself experiencing doubt, I used a simple visualisation technique of imagining a stream flowing next to me and I simply jump in and allow myself to be carried by the flow.

So it was time now to get started on my creating. I felt ready, certain that I wasn't going to fall back into the old pattern.

All of my life, I have loved writing but I never believed that I could make a living from it. So I asked the universe to provide me with writing work that fulfills me and generates a good income. I had no attachment to how it manifested.

Literally days later, I saw an unexpected opportunity and I followed it. In a week, I had 2 clients and 8500 words to write. A week later I was guided to post in a FB group and, within minutes, was contacted by the director asking if I would be interested in writing for them. I also had 10 enquiries to follow up.

I sent in samples of my work to the company and, about ten minutes ago, said to my friend that I wondered if the company would take me on. Seconds later 'ping' a PM from the director to say they loved my work and wanted me to get started writing content of approximately 8000 words at a time. It will be a lot of work. Literally, in weeks, I have quadrupled my income, possibly more, and from doing something I love!!

At the weekend, I found myself in a highly stressful situation. I knew what I didn't want, so I expressed what I actually wanted to happen. Well, it unfolded to perfection within 48 hours. That's another thing I have learned, that occasionally the route to manifestation can be rather uncomfortable!

I'm sitting here slightly stunned. It seems like a surreal kind of magic. Can it really be that easy once you know how? Yes! And it happened so fast. I truly believe that if you 100% focus on becoming aware of how you are feeling and recalibrate when you aren't feeling so great, shifting your feelings to calm or gratitude, trust or hope, you absolutely CAN and WILL manifest the life of your dreams.

You will, in time, experience that shift. It's a sensation of something way beyond hope. I felt happy, almost blissful, for no apparent reason. And, as you now know, those feelings confirmed that I WAS in the right vibration for positive manifestation. It's awesome!

I am inspired to write more on this subject - the law of allowing - because I know that so many people struggle with it, as I did. I have passed that centre point now, with no going back, and am very excited to see what comes next!!


If you allow fear to enter your heart
You are living your life by rules other than your own
Fear will dominate, ridicule and dissipate
It will rob you of your dreams; tear apart your hope for a better life
Fear shrivels your heart to the size of a pea

When we take risks, our heart beats to a bigger drum,
Pulsing us into life, with all of her dangers and rewards
Stepping into the fear, our bodies tingle with adrenaline
We feel alive

Fear, over time, shrinks our life-force
When you say, ‘I can’t’, small fragments of your soul fall away
Slipping, losing, forgetting who you really are, who you are truly meant to be
There is no power in fear
There is power in ‘Yes’
Say ‘Yes’ Be brave, be fearless, be bold.

I enjoy listening to Esther Hicks who channels the wisdom of Abraham. If I'm feeling a bit out of sorts, this can often ...

I enjoy listening to Esther Hicks who channels the wisdom of Abraham. If I'm feeling a bit out of sorts, this can often help to shift my mood or mindset.

One thing that resonated with me today was a discussion on holding a positive vibration, regardless of what is happening around you. It is relatively easy to hold a balanced emotional set point when all is well, when you are around positive people in a calm, supportive environment.

But, how easy is it to stay centred in a stressful or negative environment? Can we hold a good vibration amidst chaos? Is it possible to view the negative feedback of life and still feel good?

I work with a long-term client once a week. The office, where I look after the back end of running the business (website, social media, marketing etc. ) is chaotic, with a cluttered, unstructured environment. My client is always manic, stretched for time and always saying how stressed she is.

This morning, I suddenly became aware of how I had let this environment effect me. I felt stressed and overwhelmed. Ah ha! So, after my client left, I switched on to YouTube to listen to Abraham which got me to this point of awareness.

Usually, I meditate in the morning, but I overslept today due to the storm waking me in the early hours. Meditation is a fabulous way to start the day. Deep breathing is another great way to allieviate stress. So, I came home and have worked on rebuilding and rebalancing my energies, and made the conscious decision that I will be preparing myself better for next week, and for the future.

Although it was a challenging morning, I am glad that I was able to tune into the 'why' because now positive changes can be made.

Become aware of how this might affect you. Have you noticed yourself swaying off kilter at times like this? Of course, it's always work in progress, but start to take notice of when you are starting to feel a little frayed round the edges. Then, track back, see where you lost your balance and take steps to strengthen your emotional resilience to help you in future situations.

My friend shared this with me this morning and I have to share it with you. It is a beautiful, beautiful guided meditati...

My friend shared this with me this morning and I have to share it with you. It is a beautiful, beautiful guided meditation (I'm generally not a fan of guided journeys)

Starting your day with a meditation like this sets the layout for the rest of the day 😊

A guided meditation that will help you attract abundance, and achieve balance and freedom in all aspects of your life. Created with love and light all our me...


Student: How do I know what everything is, who I am and what my purpose is?

Master: There is no everything, there is no ‘I’ and there is no purpose

Student: So what is the point?

Master: There is, of course, no point

Student: I don’t understand. I have been here a year and I feel like I am no further on than I was when I first came here!

Master: All you need to know is that you are nothing and yet you are everything

Student: But that is so cryptic, how am I supposed to make sense of that?

Master: You don’t have to make sense of anything. You ask so many questions. You expect answers and there are none

Student: You are supposed to be my master, you are supposed to help me

Master: How do you know that I am not?

Student: Because I don’t know anything!

Master: You know nothing and you know everything. You don’t need me for that.

Student: But how do I know if I am good enough? I don’t feel that I am good enough

Master: Good enough for what, for whom? Are your feelings the best judge on this?

Student: Perhaps not

Master: Go and look in the mirror and ask all of your questions. You may not get all of the answers but you will know that you are enough. Whether that is ‘good enough’ depends on who is the judge of that. But, if they are the judge, will you determine that they are the true representation of YOUR measurement of being good enough? Or will you still keep questioning, keeping yourself locked in a lack of knowledge and understanding of self, when self is everything and is inside of you – if you only acknowledged her when she spoke, when she tried to get above the noise in your head.

Student: I do have the voices in my head but they don’t say much to help me. They make me feel worse than I probably am

Master: Of course they don’t help, because they are the judgers and you have allowed them to have noisy parties. Self has a quiet voice; she needs quiet in order to be heard. Can you find silence, can you tell the negative judgers to hold their tongues and allow self to speak to you? They won’t like it
Student: I can do that, I am sure that I can do that. How will I know that it is ‘self’ speaking to me?

Master: Self is bliss. Self is everything. Self is awakening. Self is the core of your soul, she knows your purpose, she recognises your strengths and she is proud of you. You will absolutely know when it is her that is talking to you.

Student: Awesome! I can’t wait. I will go and practice right now

Written by Jan Barley 1st June 2017......

I  believe that death is not the end. I've lost a large number of animals since I was a child, from pet rats to horses. ...

I believe that death is not the end.

I've lost a large number of animals since I was a child, from pet rats to horses. It never gets any easier to let them go. I've only 'seen' one of my dogs, a few years after she passed. Penny was my perfect, funny, loyal doberman. Her essence always bought joy to my life.

I also believe that everything in life, and beyond life, is a vibration. If two souls are vibrating at the same level, they will be drawn together.

I've had two spectacular relationships with my animals - Charlie was a young Welsh pony who died of sudden death syndrome when he was only 5 and Cassie was a rescue whippet/labrador who died at 16.5 years old!

The holes that were left from these two souls were akin to Grand Canyon proportions. They were both a part of who I was and, when they left, essential parts of who I am left with them. My grief was so deep that my vibration was way out of whack and I had no chance of connecting with their spirits.

Thankfully, we have the gift of self reflection and, aided by a human soul, I have reset my vibration to a better state than before. Now, I'm aware of the spirits gathering around me, waiting to talk.

To be honest, I wasn't completely aware that it was that straightforward. My vibration - being cluttered up by grief, sadness and the limiting state of my own reality - just wasn't able to move.

When you decide to change, to break down the dams to allow the river to flow, the rush is like the most intense, but exciting, roller coaster you will have ever been on.

If it's the letting go that you are fearful of, please don't be afraid. It will be all you ever wanted, it will open you up and introduce you to your own soul who is the best, wisest version of you, unrestricted by self limitations. You have to go for it, it will be the making of you.

Best of all, you will make the connection with animals past, present and yet to come. They will see who and what you are and want to be with you.

Let go and enjoy this awesome journey 💚💛💜


By the nature of my role as coach and healer, I am fascinated by human behaviour. In particular, I'm beginning to understand how many people struggle to find their inner power and light. Self-doubt, lack of confidence and self-worth can have a massive negative impact on a person's life. It seems, at times, that a person just cannot access the way forward.

I've been thinking about this a lot today. I asked myself some questions about our world:-

💚 Does the sun ever fail to rise and set?
💚 Does a river ever wonder which way it's going?
💚 Does an animal, bird, insect or fish ever wonder if it is good enough?

I could go on, but I'm hoping you are seeing where I'm going with this. Most of the issues I see are created by an inability to see the 'self'. The self is who you really are, unfettered from restriction and self limitation. The self just IS and it is rarely anything other than a better version (as in more serving to the quality of your life) of the self you are presenting externally.

It's not the easy road to travel but, just a few steps each day will take you closer to the true you, the you that knows who you are and what you want and aren't afraid to let it into your life 💜


Yesterday we had a three hour visit from a psychic medium and her beautifully enlightened husband. It was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, chatting with like minded souls, 100% positivity and understanding of, and respect for, each others journeys.

Something she said, really stood out for me. She said 'Jan, you must light your candle, so that people can find their way to you. They need your help'

I meet many healers and therapists who are fearful of failure, rejection and being judged and who fail to take the action they need to take to attract clients. Tell me who hasn't felt like this at some point? I know I have!

Let's light our candles today, to call out to the people who need our help, those who are yearning to be understood or who are desperate for spiritual guidance.

I'm so looking forward to it 💚💛💜


I love how the universe works. I had a client booked at 11am today. At 8.30 my best buddy asks me out for lunch. I really want to go, so I hand it over to the universe and take the dogs for an hours walk.

Upon return, the phone was ringing. Of course it's my client who says he's delayed and only just leaving London. This gives me the perfect reason to cancel, so I do 😊

How many times does this happen to you? The great thing is that the more it happens the more you trust it, and the more you trust it, the more it happens.

Give it a try today, focus on something relatively small that you would like to happen. Ask and then forget about it, don't wait and wonder if it will happen.

Ask and let go - this is how it works.

Have a wonderful, sunny day 💚


There is power in trusting the voice of the self, that voice that says 'look out' or 'hey, this looks like a good fit for you!'

The difficulty lies in recognising our nurturing voice, rather than the opinion of the sabateur. This voice is your higher self. It must often feel frustrated because it's generally softly spoken and finds it hard to compete with the mental chatter that fills up our heads.

Mindfulness and meditation will enable the mind to quieten enough for the gentle tones of our higher self to get through, slipping into the empty space with insight and snippets to guide our journey with compassion and empathy for our wordly, human struggle. 'Hello dear friend, here I am. I'm still here watching out for you'

Take comfort, in your dark moments, that the hand of spirit is always waiting to hold you. Surround yourself with silence, hold the space and allow yourself to be loved 💚💛💜


Today, focus on the vibration you are putting out into the world. What is it that you want? How would you like to feel?

Everything you want is already there. It's waiting for you to collect it but there are a series of tasks to do before you can pick them up.

The first task is to feel as if you have what you want. If you know it will make you happy, then feel happy now and draw your dreams a little closer.

I believe that we have our own personal vibration that quivers out into the universe. This vibration is drawing your experiences towards you and then, when we get what we don't want, we wonder 'how the heck did I draw that in??'

We all have dreams and hopes, things we think we need to 'be happy' but spirit doesn't work in the same mindset as we do. Spirit tells us to be the thing we want to be, have the thoughts we want to have and let go of our constant 'where is it?' mindset when it looks like our dreams might be getting further away.

I'd forgotten that a little! But I was asked a question on Monday about how I was feeling. I realised that I wasn't feeling as good as I could, I wasn't feeling the gratitude for the great things in my life. Instead I was thinking about all the work I have to do to write the planned books and courses I have committed too and I had forgotten to be happy now.

Be happy now, today, this moment. Is that easy? No, of course it isn't, if it was then everyone would be walking about beaming and happy. But, don't let the fact that it is challenging become a factor in stopping you.

Feel happy for a minute and then another minute. Over time, you will build a habit of being happy and grateful. You will be astonished at how your life will manifest when you can regularly hold this vibration for most of the time.

Have a fabulous day 💚💛💜


Some of my most memorable experiences have been in helping an animal to transition to death .

Yesterday, my fiance and I were doing a 100 mile bike ride. It was a beautiful day. Ten miles into the ride, we saw something small wriggling in the road. It was a baby rabbit. We weren't sure if he had been hit by a car as he had no marks on him. But he had fallen into a puddle and was soaking wet and cold.

David held him and gave him healing as I put the bikes to the side of the road. Then, I gave him healing too. He was such a tiny little scrap.

David could feel him warming up and said that he thought he would be okay. But I knew. There's a feeling, a feeling that cannot be described, as the life force leaves an animal.

After about ten minutes, I asked David to give me the rabbit and I would put him deep into the hedgerow. As I laid him down, I felt his life force leave him
His tiny little hold on life had gone.

We felt gifted to have shared his last moments, knowing that he felt love and caring that had nothing to do with him being a rabbit and us being human.

Other riders cycled past us, unaware of the amazing moment the three of us shared. The experience touched us both and we were quiet for many miles.


My observation for the week...

When you believe that you ARE better than you are, almost like magic, you BECOME the better you 💚💛💜


Certainty is one of the most life changing traits that you can nurture and build. When 1 in 4 people (it is said) suffer from low self - esteem, it isnt easy to feel certain when you feel genuine doubt that you are good enough.

You can, however, find certainty in at least one area of your life, something you absolutely know that you ARE good at. Find that one thing within you and build upon it. When you become certain, you move roadblocks from your life like a knife slicing through butter.

It's a clear message to the universe that you're coming through and you will be delighted to find that syncronicity swoops into your path with a magical, mystical quality.

Become certain of who you are, the positive things that YOU bring into the world and then sit back and enjoy the incredible fireworks display 💚💛💜

If you have ever struggled to get things done, learn how to beat procrastination with my new kindke book which has been ...

If you have ever struggled to get things done, learn how to beat procrastination with my new kindke book which has been launched today.

A hard copy will be available by June.

10 Steps to Beat Procrastination: Simple Strategies for Long-term Success

Maybe, like many others, you are confused as to what is stopping you from getting started on the things that you know you want to do. Perhaps you dream of writing a book or starting a new business. Have you ever wondered what it is that keeps you from committing to your dreams or goals?In 10 Step...

When you get closer to your true self, you may start to feel that you don't fit in a lot of the 'places' you have previo...

When you get closer to your true self, you may start to feel that you don't fit in a lot of the 'places' you have previously fitted in well. Be okay with a little disorientation as you discover your passion and purpose. It is so worth it, you will feel liberated within yourself ....


I am just completing a written reading for a client. Spirit works through me as I do these readings and I was just given something special and, I think, important.

I am often asked 'Am I on the right path?' Today, my answer, through spirit, was this....

"The right path is wherever you are at this moment in time.'

It's true isn't it. We do not know what we need to do and where we need to be, to get to the 'right place'. It is always a wonky old dogs leg or a snakes and ladder experience.

I stopped for a moment, to discuss this with my guide and, true to form, he said 'well, it is about time you got this, you are always moaning about things going wrong. But, we know where you need to be and all you need to do is to accept it!'

He's right :-)


I've almost finished my book on procrastination, should be live by the end of April.

I'm writing notes on a book I'm also writing, on being assertive, something that many women struggle with. If this is an issue for you, know that you have the right:-

1. To speak up for yourself
2. To be heard
3. To make mistakes, everyone gets things wrong sometimes
4. To be irritated, angry or annoyed
5. To walk away from emotionally damaging situations or people.

Being assertive is simply about recognising that you are your own person and having the courage to stand up for who you are.

Each morning, read out those 5 things on the list as this will become etched in your subconscious, enabling new, more assertive behaviour the next time you need it.

Have a great day


When someone tells you that you can't do something, how much of an effect does that on you?

It depends on 1. How old you are and 2. How many times you hear it.

As children, we believe that adults have all the power, they can't be wrong.....can they? So, we become conditioned to become less than what we are and, as an adult, you may find that you are afraid to try new things.

But, even when we are dismissed as an adult, it can still do damage. The reason for this is that the brain cannot differentiate between truth and lies, it only knows what we feed it.

If you have a lifetime of being told you can't do something, don't worry, it can be undone. With much self - reflection and reprogramming, you CAN change the neural pathways in your brain. You can change your responses to new challenges and create the life you truly desire.

Seek the help of a supportive friend, someone who will cheerlead your dreams, or invest in a life coach who understands the impact of negative and positive conditioning.

Have a great day!


You read a lot about the authentic self. We are told to pursue a personal quest to become our authentic self. But how easy is it to make contact with who we really are?

Recently, I had a major epiphany. It shocked me to be honest because, for most of my adult life, I had no idea what was blocking me from pursuing and achieving my dreams. It was also sad to realise how many years I had wasted because of the shadow that followed me around, insidiously telling me I wasn't good enough and would never realise my dreams.

It's far too long a story to talk about here and the psychology behind it is complex and, in some ways, disturbing. I will be writing about this more at some point on a new Web site.

What I want to tell you now is that it is possible to overcome whatever has held you back. For now, simply believe it, say out loud 'I am able to overcome the obstacles that hold me back. I can be loved for who I truly am and I can achieve whatever I set out to do or be' or words to that effect.

Don't ever allow others to hold you back. You ARE good enough exactly as you are. When you do discover your authentic self, you unfold the path to a wealth of freedom on so many levels. I want that for you, so trust that this IS possible......


I said to someone today that I couldn't believe how lucky we were. We tend to think of luck as a random experience but I don't believe it is. I believe that we create our own luck in life and the following is the recipe I follow:-

1. Express gratitude for everything and I mean everything. Some of my worst experiences have ultimately led to greater things. You don't know how the dots in life join up - simply trust that they do.

2. Stop negative talk - be that self depreciation or gossip about others.

3. Build collaborative relationships - be a person who makes others feel better about themselves.

4. Believe in yourself - you ARE capable of much, much more than you may currently believe.

5. Think big - pioneers have big, seemingly impossible dreams. If you think small, you will not be motivated to drive yourself to try.

6. When a 'piece of luck' occurs, acknowledge it and express recognition that you attracted that luck.

There are many other things that help to create your luck but the above are, in my experience, the fundamentals

Note that your life does not have to be perfect in order to feel lucky. If you have a roof over your head and food on your table, then you have considerably more than many of millions of people in the world.

Have a lucky day :-)


Never stop trying.... always see possibilities....

I attended a two hour meeting with two business partners this week to help them brainstorm their next move in the growth of their business. The business has massive potential and I was able to contribute a lot of ideas and feedback based on my experience as a coach, Web designer and SEO specialist.

What soon became apparent was that one of the partner's had entrenched beliefs about what was or wasn't possible. Every idea or strategy was met with his fairly negative belief as to why it wouldn't work. For whatever reason, it appeared that he was reluctant to attempt changes to assist in the business growth.

Sadly, this is more common that you might think. Some people cannot face change, others fear greatness or exposure to challenges. But what they do not know is that challenges can make you feel alive, especially when you overcome them. If you are holding yourself back then you can't trust your belief system and you must attempt to push through even when you don't believe that something is possible.

I believe pretty much anything is possible. If one person has done it, then you can do it. If it hasn't been done before, then take up the reins to become a pioneer. Don't allow yourself to get caught up in small thoughts by being a 'yes, but...' person. I see the people that succeed are the ones that grab hold of their dreams and run with them. So, you hit a few brick walls. Pah! It doesn't matter, just keep going and knock the walls down with your determination.

Positive Mentoring by Jan....


Every day you have the opportunity to make a fresh start. Today could be the day that you begin a new exercise regime or plan a more healthy diet. Today could be the day you wave goodbye to the inner critic. That niggling internal voice is, without doubt, the one abiding thing I see in almost every consultation with clients. It rules with a power that it has not earned and yet we allow it to run riot, influencing our thoughts and behaviour in a way that, in most cases, we wouldn't allow another person to do.

Start to become aware of this inner critic. Give it a name and physical form. Then, decide that this 'person' is someone you do not like and have no intention of interacting with. For fun, some of my clients like to tell it to go away - with whatever powerful or blasphemous words they choose.

The inner critic has no power other than what you allow it to have. Make today the day that you massively improve your life by telling it to do one!

Positive Mentoring by Jan........


What makes a person feel happy, contented and at peace with their life? Is it material wealth? Is it friends, family, work, hobbies, pets? What is it? What is that one thing that separates the unhappy from the happy?

It is different for each of us of course. But, unfailingly, there HAS to be a sense of connection, a feeling of alignment and a recognition of 'something' fusing together. It is more than materialism and isn't completely possible with the status of achievement. Both of these are short term feel good moments. In the long term, there has to be more.

A hugely important impact on ones sense of well-being is to feel understood. No one likes to feel as if no one gets them. Look out for that sweet moment when another person reflects your true self with comprehension. When someone 'sees' you, it ticks all the important psychological boxes that our fragile ego needs acknowledged in order to feel whole.

Not everyone will understand you. Everyone will see you differently which can cause confusion because of other peoples reflective responses to you as a person. My best advice is always to endeavour to be yourself, warts and all. That way, the likelihood of being understood by others radically increases, primarily because we, as humans, have a subconscious, in-built awareness of authenticity.

This weekend, be yourself, have fun and enjoy being the unique person that you are....




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