E o gosto e um certo modo de habiter ESTE ALGARVE- EAST que nos define: alojamentos,restaurantes e produtores que celebram a paisagem atraves da arquitectura, das fragrancias e sabores em gastronomias do lugar, e no peculiar gosto de receber e dar a conhecer. Como viajantes, que tanbem somos, tomamos em mao a geografia do territorio, e
desenhamo-la a partir do existir e saber fazer que o clima e
paisagem propiciam. EAST ALGARVE- EAST e a escala dos qou habitem e sucessivamente habitarem o lugar, poe isso nao coincide com o que vem nos mapas. EAST ALGARVE- EAST is a union of small local businesses - guest houses, restaurants and local producers, situated in the Baixo Guadiana at the eastern most tip of the Algarve. EAsT ALGARVE - EAST is a state of mind! A lifestyle defined through guest houses, restaurants and producers who champion the landscape, encompassing the architecture, the aromas and tastes of the regional food, and in particular the exchange of knowledge. Like the travelers who come to the area, we also appreciate the beauty of the region and will share something of what it means to live here and enjoy the climate the landscape provides. EAST ALGARVE - EAST is about the people who live here, and those who increasingly choose to live here. The region is not just an area defined on a map, not just the hills, the sea and the rivers boundaries. It is also the pathways, the fields, the hunting, the buoys in the sea, the fishing tackle in the river, the friendships and the landscape.